Here’s what I recommend and it’s mainly personal relationship advice. Go through the book called 1001 questions to ask before getting married. Amazon link:
It’ll take a couple multiple hour sessions to get through and there are sections hat you can probably skip because it’s your first marriage and you guys aren’t felons. Anyways, you need to be on the same page with a lot of things and this book will help you get there. It will force you to have the difficult conversations you need to have to find showstoppers or things that need to be worked out now. Not everything needs to be resolved of course but it gets many issues out of the way so that you aren’t overwhelmed with issues during your first year of marriage. It is also serves as great practice to seeing if you guys can resolve conflict.
That said I think you know you can’t marry this person and i don’t think you can expect this person to change. You have financial goals that she will probably never understand. And it sound you aren’t completely out of the honeymoon phase of the relationship so you really should listen to what people are saying here. Her lack of work will lead to friction between you guys. It’s inevitable. I feel that marrying this person would be like marrying a child.
And what if you have kids. She doesn’t sound like someone who is going to go the extra mile for your kids if she can’t even hold down a normal job.
Honestly, all the big stuff should be discussed before you get married.
I used a book I found on Amazon called 1001 questions to ask before you get married. We basically did a chapter or two at a time, typically trying to meet to go over it twice a week if possible. My fiance is agnostic, but we've already discussed all the big stuff and made sure she's on board with it - willingness to accept children/how to raise them if only one parent is religious is specifically touched on iirc (I'd look, but I gave the book to someone else getting engaged).
u/TulipsLeaves, in the off-chance you haven't discussed the big stuff like finances, children, where to live, who makes the final decision, etc., I recommend it. It's $15 or less usually, and it's a good way to broach heavy topics. Plus, it's fun to learn about random stuff from your partner.