This is where I get them on Amazon and I love them, they would work great for keeping their ears clean, but these two would never keep them on.
I just got these thermal base layer tops in the mail, and wearing them now. For $7.99 and free shipping, they're awesome - although I already ran today, so I won't have a report until tomorrow. And because I'm cheap, I also got this $8 generic version of the Buff, and it's great - for ears, neck, mouth, anything. Also, I got gloves, which help a ton.
For milder weather, like 40 F, I wear just a cotton long-sleeved shirt, because 5 minutes in, I need to roll up the sleeves.
In high winds, I wear a windbreaker. It's very light, obviously blocks out wind, and I can easily remove it if (when!) I get hot, and just tie it around my waist.