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Acrylic: Supreme Tech 12" x 24" Acrylic See-Through Mirror, 3mm I'm hosting on ACEPC T11 mini windows 10 pc but raspberry pi would be possible if you're comfortable with Linux :)
Hi there, the mirror is a sheet of reflection treated acrylic which can be found here:, the computer it's running on is the ACEPC T11 mini which I bought off of eBay, the monitor is just an old TV I had lying around any monitor would do, the camera is a Logitech c920 which I also had lying around and it acts as both the camera and the mic
The display is basically a monitor with a pc mounted to the back and the front had this acrylic taped to it so that it reflects and transmits some light Supreme Tech 12" x 24" Acrylic See-Through Mirror, 3mm, the facial recognition itself was fairly easy as the library is very well documented and had some code listed that pretty much did all I needed to get the name of the user it was the bit after programming it to log in and display my partner's schedule that was difficult haha
It's a normal monitor you can use any monitor with a sheet of acrylic on top treated so that one side is reflective and one side is transparent so that light can come through from the monitor but it also reflects light, I used this acrylic
I've made about 5 mirrors now as gifts for friends and family. I've used this mirror film everytime. Relatively cheap and you can cut it to fit exactly the size you want. I recommend getting the 3mm
Where are you located and what size mirror? I used 3mm acrylic from amazon for a 12x24. 1mm is cheaper but is prone to the funhouse effect. If money is tight you can attach the 1mm to an actual piece of glass from any hardware store to reduce the warping.
Here is what I bought on amazon:
I used this:
It's ok but you lose a lot of light, no distortions on mine.
I got the ones for this one from amazon.