Here's a cheap one from Amazon, or alternatively one with a normal handle and nonstick coating if you feel like you need those features. Just remember to season it if you get the steel one rather than the nonstick one, and you're golden. Honestly, I love woks, because (like it says in one of those links) it's one of the most adaptable pieces of cookware ever. It can literally be the only pot or pan in your entire kitchen and you're still in business, because you can use it for everything. Making soups and other liquids, frying things, boiling, I've seen one crazy motherfucker use one kind of like a dutch oven over an open fire, and if you're a bit adventurous you can even use one for a makeshift steamer (just throw a metal grill on top) or a deep fryer (I've not done it myself because it looks dangerous, but supposedly you can do it. I'm not responsible for your third degree burns). On top of that, they don't take much in the way of cleaning. Basically just hose it out and give it a quick scrub under your faucet, and you're done. No soap required.
So, yeah, it's the ultimate piece of bachelor cookware.