I need ladybugs so bad. I live in a highrise so theres little to no chance they show up on my balcony garden.
Anyone got a plug? I can pay top dollar man. I just need that fire LadyBug. I dont even need an ounce, just a few grams of the good stuff. Please baby I need em fast!
Edit: it appears, and I'm not joking, that you can buy live ladybugs on Amazon! They have great reviews. I will be trying this soon. Seriously though, how do I introduce ladybugs to my balcony garden?
No problem. If you are looking for actual natural pest control, North America native ladybugs will eat aiphids that might munch on your garden plants. Unless you have a greenhouse, most released insects will naturally disperse, however, so results may not last long.
there was another post about ordering lady bugs on amazon or so...
If you want to try organic... I would skip the bug bomb then though ;)
Commercial farmers use them, you can buy ladybugs for not a lot of money on Amazon.
I've never used them myself but I try to not use insecticides in my garden, which encourages the insectivorous birds and predatory insects to visit the garden too. I find for most aphid infestations the mantises and ladybugs will arrive within a week or two to clean them up. In the garden that's fine, but sometimes two weeks of aphid infestation is enough to severely damage a bonsai though.
Buy him something absolutely useless like 10 packs of 1500 live ladybugs from amazon or a 55 gallon drum of lube. Something that would make him say, "what the fuck?"
Something that would have him thinking about what crossed your mind when you purchased it.
These are the ones I got, guess you’ll have to search up one that’s still available. They absolutely decimated my aphid problem in 2 hours and then flew off into the sunset. There are other species if you got some other problem.
Lady bugs, for sure. I usually grab these off amazon, since I don't have a local supplier. Cut off a corner of the bag, pour some out onto the plant or onto the soil, use a binder clip to close the bag up and stick it in the fridge. Every couple days, sprinkle a few more in there.
It in the US for about 25 bucks you can order 1500 lady bugs and toss them over lady bugs
Or you can buy random other live insects. I don’t know what some are.
Or go to a bait shop and buy a bunch of night crawlers, worms, or crickets. If they don’t like noise then maybe 1000 crickets would be ideal.
You can order ladybugs online. Amazon. You can also get lace wings and living soil amendments for an all around organic pest control routine from the same company.
Ladybugs are great for aphids, thrips, and scale bugs which piggy back in and out of my house as I move From summer to winter harvests. I order 1500 and use a third every couple of weeks. They work so good, I have actually started feeding them because I don't see any bugs anymore. Lol. You can actually buy food, but I found they like grapes or blueberries mashed with a little honey.
They don't escape my grow room, happily wandering around my plants and having their ladybug orgies on the leaves. It's made growing much more interesting.
edit: In the meantime hold your plants under running water if possible. A utility sink is great or a hose if outside. Just cradle the leaves and stem as you spray so as not to cause any damage.
Looks like you're in a city keeping your plants on the fire escape?
You can actually order Ladybird Beetles off amazon: https://smile.amazon.com/1500-Live-Ladybugs-Guaranteed-Delivery/dp/B00533KOIC/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1471017236&sr=8-2&keywords=ladybird+beetles
Distribute them around some of the trees in your neighborhood in addition to your pots maybe.
Gotta love the ladybugs for the aphids. Although, they weren't very 'lady-like' right out of the package. Should see the babies in the near future.....
It started small...a few white dots on the lower leaves of 1 of my reaper plants. I wasn't sure what they were right away so I waited a few days to see. Sure enough, they're on all 8 of my plants...no! no! no! I orderd 1500 live ladybugs online and released them with my family at dusk one evening. I took this video about 12 hours later. Within about 3-4 days the aphids were all but gone. A month later, not a sign in sight and all the plants are recovered and fruiting nicely! All in all? A really fun activity for the kids and WAY less effort than the amount of neem spraying one has to do to get ahead of these bastards. Would recommend. The lady bugs eventually dispersed into my garden, but they still return several days a week. Wonderful little creatures.
Edit: I forgot to mention my overall cost was about 20-25 bucks if I recall correctly.
Edit 2: BUG WAR!!!!
Edit 3: Wow this got way more interest than I expected! Several people have asked where I got them. The link is here: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00533KOIC
but also I was wrong about my cost. It was like 10 bucks. "A banking error in your favor!"
If you want to prank someone and make their garden fabulous as the same time, unleash a box of 1,500 live ladybugs when they're not home.
It's so your hands are free for better multitasking. You can file taxes, include a TPS report, stick a finger in their anus, or order 1500 live ladybugs on amazon.
I only had to do this once and have not seen a single aphid (or sign there-of) in over a month. I ordered them, amusingly enough from amazon. Easy mode!
Holy shit you can buy a lot of ladybugs on Amazon for $5.
I’m just going to put this here in case you want give him a gift.
[](/crazyglow) Anybody want to send Twilight a present?
Useful knowledge - you can order live ladybugs from Amazon.
The more you know.
you can buy bags of Live Ladybirds on amazon
how small are these chickens?!
$12 for 1500 ladybugs on Amazon, including shipping.
She definitely overpaid. =}
I think it is better to encourage the locals to populate though, however in Germany, Netherlands and presumedly Switzerland there are already huge populations of the Asian Multicolor that I do not know if it can get any worse for the natives.
This one is a different species though:
2000 beetles for $25. And some of the related products include ladybug food to keep them from straying so quickly.
But you are correct! Crazy expensive in the UK (which is like Switzerland in being outrageous price-wise, or unwise maybe):
Germany though has German eBay and its own Amazon and prices can be super reasonable there.
Another strategy is to not release all of them at once which would cause an over-population almost guaranteed to make them disperse.
Ladybugs can be safely kept in the refrigerator produce drawers which stimulates winter for them. But they are hungry when released so hence the ladybug food to keep them from straying.
And it is a good idea to familiarize oneself with what the larvae of all of them look like because they scare most people who do not know and think they are monsters (so often sadly kill them).
Anyway, there are a lot of other organic and inexpensive strategies such as neem oil, insecticidal soap, and even nicotine (not a lot).
Look online, like amazon you can prime order these, they are dirt cheap, like 5$ for 1500. They are kept dormant for long periods in fridges and they are sold as a commodity. There's an endless sea of lady bugs in bags lots of organic farms and stuff will buy these guys to fight off aphid infestations instead of using pesticides... with mixed successes, some people swear by them others that they are a waste of money and either die in a day or fly off.
But yeah ... People buy them in these bags all the time to set them free in their yards gardens, that's exactly their use case, so... ya you're totally just inducing more demand.
see: https://www.amazon.com/1500-Live-Ladybugs-Guaranteed-Delivery/dp/B00533KOIC
I’m all for this but I really need my package of 1,500 live ladybugs
Here is what I found: ['https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coccinellidae', 'https://kids.nationalgeographic.com/animals/invertebrates/facts/ladybug', 'https://www.nationalgeographic.com/animals/invertebrates/facts/ladybugs', 'https://entomology.ca.uky.edu/ef105', 'https://www.amazon.com/1500-Live-Ladybugs-Guaranteed-Delivery/dp/B00533KOIC', '/search?q=ladybugs&num=6&hl=en&tbm=isch&source=iu&ictx=1&fir=5J4eUGEWkHgKoM%252Cjw79JOoaC_6SzM%252C%252Fm%252F0gj37&vet=1&usg=AI4_-kQwY8Cj_ZtTbKzgzwlCQLQt0tjN9w&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiG1b-J5LDvAhVPIbcAHT8lDPQQ_B16BAgzEAE#imgrc=5J4eUGEWkHgKoM']
I just ordered these guys a few weeks ago. They arrived pretty quick and have been happily feasting on my unseen nemeses!
1500 Live Ladybugs - Good Bugs - Ladybugs - Guaranteed Live Delivery! https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00533KOIC/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_fabc_THtSFbCNX3YP0
Not vouching, just searched for it.
Looks like someone went overboard with amazon ordering these: https://www.amazon.com/1500-Live-Ladybugs-Guaranteed-Delivery/dp/B00533KOIC
Bought Lady Bugs on amazon ( https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00533KOIC/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o04_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1 )
Lady bugs, you need an army of them. https://www.amazon.com/1500-Live-Ladybugs-Guaranteed-Delivery/dp/B00533KOIC Also planting things like broccoli and cabbage nearby really deter them from the cash crop.
1500 Live Ladybugs - Good Bugs - Ladybugs - Guaranteed Live Delivery! https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00533KOIC/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_uqtjFb6KYK7K0
There's another way to control them that's even more fun.......
Yea, or just online. Through amazon for example
Bing, Bang, Boom.
I've had good luck with these. Shipping these poor things in the Summer is kind of a gamble depending on your location, so ymmv.
You can get some here 1500 Live Ladybugs - Good Bugs - Ladybugs - Guaranteed Live Delivery! https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00533KOIC/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_i_CBb7CbFFBA1FJ
I'd say Aphids. You could try to get a close-up, for a better ID.
Most of my advice for aphids (soapy water in a squirt bottle, etc.) is more suited to gardens, not trees. Maybe hit up r/arborists?
Probably couldn't go wrong by hiring some ladybugs. Always make sure insect imports are legal in your area, since interstate delivery could be considered "importing"! Sometimes laws vary from state to state, maybe try a local source.
This right here. You can even buy live ladybugs from Amazon.
I know what I'd use it for, 22500 ladybugs
I couldn't pass the deal up ladybugs 1500 for $10
I'm just going to go ahead and say 1500 ladybugs. I mean, I don't know what most people would need them for, but the idea is pretty wild. :P
You can get them on Amazon.
You could've done worse
That's actually a thing.
When I'm running low on ladybugs I order more from Amazon
Try a couple cases of these.
They're called "ladybugs"
Looks like aphids.... I've always wondered how well this would work: http://www.amazon.com/1500-Live-Ladybugs-Guaranteed-Delivery/dp/B00533KOIC/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1424450983&sr=8-2&keywords=ladybugs
Or your just flaunting your most recent Amazon purchase.
Looks like OP needs some ladybugs. These little guys eat those nasty aphids.
TIL you can buy 1500 ladybugs for like $10 on Amazon
You can buy like... 1500 ladybugs on Amazon for a few bucks.
1500 Live Lady Bugs in a confined area