This the one I use in my grow room.
Cheapest I was able to find. Works great. Just put it in the room of the tent and not inside the tent. They generate some heat in a room but they are a furnace inside a tent.
I have dehumidifier that has a hose attachment. Drains in to the bilge. If you dont have an automatic bilge pump you could also drain it in to the sink.
The room you grow in is the "lung room". Any small humidifier is not gonna work.
Get this one.
This is the one I use in my grow room. You HAVE to use the continuous drainage hose or else you have to empty it every morning and every night. Works great though. When it's running for 24 hours it will pull gallons of water out of the air. If possible elevate it and run the drainage hose out a window. Otherwise use a 5 gal bucket. You have to get the hose connection above what your draining into though. It works like a siphon. Also don't forget to empty the bucket or it will overfill and pour out onto the ground. The humidifier can't tell if the bucket is empty. It's not a fun clean up... speaking from experience.
Get this humidifier for the room your tent is in.
I bought the mini vivosun for my Rh issues and it sucked. Made the tent hot and removed hardly any water from the air. It also made the tent very hot.
Then I bought the linked humidifier for the room my tent is in. I had 7 plants in the room and after watering the room always gets muggy since it stays closed. This thing can fill a 5 gal bucket in 48 hours. It works great and has its own humidity sensor to keep a stable Rh. Though it does have some small lights on it that would be bad for in the tent.
The exhaust on the tent after watering would fill the room with wet air and it doesn't matter how high you turn your exhaust since it's just pulling in more wet air.
I highly recommend the humidifier I linked. Pretty reasonably priced for what it can do. Couldn't find any others that seemed like they would even close on the price.
The link below is the dehumidifier I use for the room my tent is in. Make sure you drain to a 5 gal bucket with drainage hose. I tried a tiny one in the tent and it really only managed to make it hotter in the tent and not really any less humid. If I need to I can turn the exhaust up to pull more dry air in.
This dehumidifier works great and is the cheapest I could find that seemed like it would actually do the job. I tried a mini vivosun dehumidifier and it can't do it. Just make sure to elevate it and use a 5gal bucket or you have to empty the thing all the time.