> What was your first ebook?
The 1549 Book of Common Prayer together with the 1535 Coverdale psalter, both in the original spelling. It's my first attempt at improving in-text e-book navigation, and accomplishes that goal pretty well, but I've learned a lot since then and could make it a lot prettier if I were to do it all over. (And I might come back to it and do just that one of these days, I'm a big fan of the 1549 BCP.)
> This looks incredible!
In the 1549 BCP, the proper psalms (where they are prescribed) are listed in the section of the book that contains the introits, collects, epistles and gospels for Holy Communion. So, for example, you'd see this for Christmas Day:
> Proper Psalmes and lessons on Christmas day.
> At Mattins.
> Psalms xix. xlv. lxxxv.
> The First Lesson, Isa. ix. Unto the ende.
> The Second Less. Matt. 1. Unto the end.
> etc.
Though the 1549 table of lessons just says to use the psalms for day 25, you'd actually want to use Psalms 19, 45, and 85 for Christmas Mattins. I'm not sure if the Anglican Office Book includes this info anywhere, but any 1549 BCP ought to have it.
> Does anyone here know, according to the use in 1549, what feast days would have had their own proper psalms (as opposed to just following the 30 schema labeled in the psalter)?
I don't have this info readily at hand, but I can find it for you later tonight/maybe tomorrow if you'd like.
In the 1549 BCP, the proper psalms (where they are prescribed) are listed in the section of the book that contains the introits, collects, epistles and gospels for Holy Communion. So, for example, you'd see this for Christmas Day:
> Proper Psalmes and lessons on Christmas day. > At Mattins. > Psalms xix. xlv. lxxxv. > The First Lesson, Isa. ix. Unto the ende. > The Second Less. Matt. 1. Unto the end. > etc.
Though the 1549 table of lessons just says to use the psalms for day 25, you'd actually use Psalms 19, 45, and 85 for Christmas Mattins. I'm not sure if the Anglican Office Book includes this info anywhere, but any 1549 BCP ought to have it.