This? I have 5 thumbs on each hand, is it pretty straightforward to do?
YQBOOM 15Pcs 20mm Piezo Discs with Leads Mic Drum Trigger Acoustic Pickup CBG Guitar
Really all you need is a piezo pickup to detect the hit. They're commonly used as drum triggers. Shouldn't be too hard to get an arduino to read one from an analog input.
Realistically, not unless they're very large or get impacted (directly) strongly. Small piezo elements can have very short, high voltage peaks (dozens of volts) on impact events, but a simple RC low-pass filter will drop those down to reasonable levels without issue.
I'd say buy a pack of these and try them out. They'll pick up impact events just fine, but they won't work well at all for acceleration sensing unless you make some modifications.
For general acceleration, I'd recommend just picking up an accelerometer IC like this. That one's 3 axis, so you only get lateral translation, not rotation. There are also 6-axis variants that add 3 rotation axes. These are the kinds of chips used in motion controllers, like those for game consoles.