I have a similar setup with a smaller cintiq on an ergotron arm. I mounted the secondary monitor and laptop on one of these combo mounts from amazon. I figured I would not move the second monitor that much, so no need for a second ergotron arm. So far it works great and gives me all the flexibility I need. The second monitor is right behind and on top of the cintiq, and the laptop is off to the right.
This is the laptop stand
The keyboard can save multiple Bluetooth devices so I switch easily with that, for the usb mic, and mouse receiver I do have a usb switch stuck to the underside of the desk that I can use to swap usb devices between both machines
Its a computer monitor pole with a laptop shelf on it. Its a bit like the one in the link below, I just modified it a little.
Yeah sure, it's this laptop+monitor stand nothing special about it, I found it on sale on Amazon. Seems it's gone up in price now.
It's this laptop+monitor stand nothing special about it, I found it on sale on Amazon seems gone up in price now.
Check the combination monitor/laptop arm stand thingies. Cleans your desk up nice and neat!
Something like this https://www.amazon.es/1home-Sargento-Escritorio-Totalmente-Ajustable/dp/B074T9Y6G2/
Mine is a K8 lol
Here's the stand https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B074T9Y6G2/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_fabc_t4Y3Fb9WC65WR?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1