Maybe not what you are looking for but you could simply drill a second hole with a hole saw ,or similar, near the opening and add one of these. 2 PACK Plastic Bottling Bucket Spigot tap faucet for Homebrew Wine Making Beer
I make 5gal plastic pails with spigot and airlock for less that $15 each.
I got these spigots:
Also needed a drill with a step bit that goes to (at least) one inch and 5-gallon food grade plastic buckets.
Make a hole in the bucket that's just big enough for the spigot to fit. Then put on gaskets (they come with the spigots) and screw the spigot in very tightly.
Here's a solid video of the process:
2 PACK Plastic Bottling Bucket Spigot tap faucet for Homebrew Wine Making Beer