Comment from Amazon.Com:
> My favorite Keto book in print > > December 6, 2014 > > Format: PaperbackVerified Purchase > > Super recipes, lot of information on products related to low-carb, high-fat ketogenic eating. I refer to this book over and over again. I find Dana Carpender very straight forward and friendly...her recipes are simple and almost always quite good. The lack of pics does not bother me for a single moment. I like that that she has the info (macros) that I need: fat, protein, carb and fiber info per serving. She doesn't spend a lot of time convincing you that you should eat like this...there are other keto books and sites to check out for that. This is the book you can use to figure out what to cook for you and your family on a daily basis. I ordered 4 different keto related books and this was my first choice for practical cooking, I returned 2 of the other ones...Keto Clarity and Fat Chance....neither of those books had enough info for the day in/day out effort needed to change your cooking patterns. Frankly, Keto Clarity was a big disappointment. It MAY be the definitive guide to understanding Keto eating, I found it boring and repetitive, not getting any new info that I didn't already have from the internet....and definitely not enough recipes or practical info to inspire me. In fact, that book left me with many practical questions. Fat Chance was interesting, but again, not really a practical guide for me. The other "recipe" book and much more practical than the two I returned, is "Low Carb High Fat, No Hunger Diet"....that's a mother and daughter team who share their keto journey, combining it with a strong paleo/organic thrust. (In fact, they call their diet the "KetoHybrid" because of the paleo focus.) Dana Carpender lets you decide whether or not you care about organic/paleo, she just puts the recipes out there. I like that about her.
200 Low-Carb, High-Fat Recipes: Dana Carpender: 0080665011672: Books
I've got 200 Low-Carb, High-Fat Recipes and Fat Fast Cookbook both by Dana Carpender and they have some great recipes and information.
Its paleo, so not strictly keto, but Pete Evans' books are fantastic. He's a really great Australian chef who has published a few books on paleo eating and his recipes are tasty, filling and super adaptable to keto eating. I have them all (even his non-paleo books).