I made a DND amiibo! (...well kind of). One of my DnD groups plays online on roll20.net, and I've been itching to print them their characters since I bought my 3D printer.
I decided since the minis couldnt be used on an actual table to make them a little bigger (okay a lot bigger) and more interesting by adding an NFC sticker to the bottom that opens their character sheets when tapped on their phones!
Here is Rei, my first attempt showing how it works! Also included in this video is one of my cats - who was super mad that I wanted to demo a figure over petting her.
I plan to take more pics tonight, but let me know what you think!! (You can also set the NFC tag to open discord, roll20, or to even roll a d20)
Here ya go! 28 stickers for 12$ highly recommend. I had trouble with 13 b2 but 13 b3 they are flawless!!
Here is a quick and easy guide! And here is a link to some NFC tags you can use to make them - I wanted to link those because some listings are confusing but I know that these ones work, as I ordered them myself!
I definitely recommend clearly labeling the tags once you've made them, and keeping them in a baggie or something. Otherwise, chaos reigns! But have fun, seriously, they're great to have and make. My SO and I have probably made ~50 of them, it's ridiculous but it's very fun.
This is the YouTube guide I followed to make them: https://youtu.be/0a0FJKGbYcU
This is where I bought the NTAGs on Amazon: 28 x NTAG215 NTAG 215 25mm NFC Stickers 100% Guaranteed to Work Perfectly with TagMo! (25 Pieces + 3 Bonus!) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B071KTC2J6/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_cDoxBb305C294
If anyone would want to, I could make an in-depth guide on how to make them
No sorry, but it is really easy.
I bought the blank NFC tags off Amazon (https://smile.amazon.com/gp/product/B071KTC2J6), which are just stickers, and used the NFC Tools app and my Samsung Note9 to create and write the data to the tag. Then just stuck the sticker behind the QR code I printed out.
Item | Current | Lowest | Reviews |
GreatestDeals (11x - 100x) NTAG215 NTAG 215 25mm… | - | - | 4.8/5.0 |
^Item Info | Bot Info | Trigger
You could just take these NFC Stickers and stick it somewhere like on the side of the doorbell https://www.amazon.com/dp/B071KTC2J6/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_glt_fabc_P46B0SX4K708K9AEA6Q7?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
My bad haha. Idk why I said best buy. I meant eBay. But nfc tags are basically what's in the ammibo that allows you to scan the items into your game. These ones work perfect for the switch. https://www.amazon.com/NTAG215-NFC-Stickers-Guaranteed-Perfectly/dp/B071KTC2J6/ref=mp_s_a_1_3?keywords=nfc+215&qid=1571801287&sprefix=nfc&sr=8-3 and then follow this video on how to turn these nfc tags into "amiibos" https://youtu.be/Yy34n45mzBo you need to have a phone with an nfc scanner tho. Which iPhones do not have to my knowledge. So yeah just follow that video and if you buy some nfc tags I highly recommend the Amazon link.
Call the Bishop, these prices are sinful.
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These are the exact ones I purchased to get the extra goodies in BOTW:
NFC Tools - Pro Edition + NFC Tasks.
You can write about anything to a tag.
You can get a bulk pack on Amazon for around $0.50 a tag.
Found out spoofing Amiibo was a thing about a week ago. Been getting back into BotW and thought "man, I want in on some of this awesome Amiibo loot, but lord knows I'm not paying $15-$50+ for each Amiibo."
I simply don't care about the collectible nature of Amiibos, I just want their usefulness. Read the stickied post, ordered these on Amazon, they arrived two days later. Downloaded some Amiibo .bins from NFC Bank, wrote to the tags using my Galaxy S7, and had Wolf Link, Epona, and lots of goodies minutes later. I'm working on getting the Champions to drop their rarer loot, and getting all the race suits in MK8.
It's pretty painless, honestly. The App seems to automatically scan your storage for all the Amiibo files, each one I've used comes with a nice picture, and it seems the uploaders encode names, game series, games and even type of Amiibo, so you can sort through the list if you have a ton. I started a new folder on my phone (just handling all this thru my PC at this point) and just dump the .bins in there.
I'm planning on buying these when I run out of my first batch, same seller, just more tags at a slightly higher discount. I would also like to do like some in the stickied post have done, and turn the tags into trading cards, with pictures, info for the Amiibo and just stick the tag to the back.