A hiking trick I'll share with you as it may be useful.
When backpacking I use this bidet that fits inside a water bottle. Many backpackers carry Smartwater brand bottles or one of similar thickness as they are indestructible.
When using that setup squirting a bit onto yourself before starting the deed makes things exit more smoothly and leave less mess. That works in civilized areas as well.
I never thought of it, but the bidet itself is a rather specialized tool.
> wipe your ass with leaves
There are a great many solutions to that used by hikers. My favorite is this water bottle bidet this is both cheap and light. But rags and other bidets work as well. Leaves are very, very far down on the list.
>no more hot showers
Those are overrated when you have not AC, but the problem is more basic. No more water supply to your house unless you make your own. Interestingly many caribbean countries keey 300 - 500 gallon water tanks on the roof of nearly every house/apartment/building for when the water supply fails. Western nations however....
>no more tooth paste or soap (at least easily accessible)
These are among the easiest of things to make, provided you learn how first.
The real lack that would bite people in the ass? The lack of printed knowledge. All of these things are easy to fix, create or work around. Provided you already know how or can access it after the fall.
Slightly on topic: Advice for pooping in the woods includes moistening your cheeks beforehand so it slide through with less resistance and so less sticking.
I use this handy device for cleanup, it's easy to keep around and in fact the second one of the two pack just stays in my car.
I find trimming helps. It grows back slowly for me. Maintaining that on a through would be tough, but disposable razors and care can be used when in town.
Other than that the nasty sounding clean very well after pooping applies. Use a bidet rather than paper. This water bottle bidet may help.
I wish I would have converted YEARS ago! Now what sucks is when you have to go at another location that doesn't have a bidet... I'll just feel dirty and gross still...
Lucking, I found these! They work good for what they are, but you can't beat the real ones... https://www.amazon.com/CuloClean-Portable-Compatible-Discreet-Ecological/dp/B07LB7HRP5/ref=sr_1_16?dchild=1&keywords=portable+bidet&qid=1611292836&sr=8-16
You mentioned a bidet. I bought these a year or so ago. I can't vouch for how well it works though :D https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07LB7HRP5/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1
CuloClean 2pcs Portable Bidet for Toilet or Travel. Compatible with Every Bottle. Discreet, Ecological, Mini, Elderly, Sprayer, Bio, Personal, Handheld https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07LB7HRP5/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_i_2GV5CQ4HHG291A9NMGSZ
Seconded. You can also used an outdoor bidet to save toting the toilet paper in the first place.
Seriously consider a culo clean. It will help you cut down on wipes and tp.
Use wet wipes to stay clean?
If you were one of the Muslims that must use water or you won't feel clean then try a portable camping bidet:
On a sidenote... the wives of Mohammad answering the call of nature resulted in something catastrophic for muslim women: being forced to wear what might as well be camping tents for eternity:
Even after the pervert stalker Umar forced hijab on Mohammad who had no guts to stand up to him and tell him to mind his own business.... Umar still kept at it:
Mohammad was so terrified of Umar that now he had to get a revelation from Allah to allow his wives to be able to go outside to answer the call of nature.
Just this event alone should be enough to make a rational human being leave Islam on the spot. The god of a universe of 200 billion trillion stars had to give special permission to the wives of Mohammad to take a shit. Allah could have taught Mohammad some indoor plumbing techniques so that Umar wouldn't have been able to bully/embarrass Mohammad and Allah. That is hilariously tragic.
I have this bidet permanently in my bags, it stays in a pouch attached to my straps. It gets checked for every trip anyway.
For TP you may try this water bottle bidet and see if it works for you. It's all I use these days but I do keep a travel pack of wet wipes or a few dried wipes on me for larger cleanup jobs should the Taco Bell in that random trail town turn out to be Toxic Bell.
The travel wipes are easier to resupply being common at every store these days.
Try this link instead.
Item | Current | Lowest | Reviews |
CuloClean 2pcs Portable Bidet for Toilet or Trave… | $13.89 | $13.89 | 4.4/5.0 |
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I have been using this water bottle bidet and like it.
The CuloClean works well for me and fit's any water bottle. It may be lighter that this one. Bt it is small so be careful to not lose it.
If you can get used to it this water bottle bidet can save you both the weight of toilet paper and the worry of running out.
I do also carry a few of these "dehydrated" wipes for clean up, bathing and emergency TP.