Don't use Armour all its pretty junk. Get yourself a bottle of 303 Aerospace Protectant. It's fantastic. I use it on the dashboard, any plastics in the vehicle, and it even works really well as tire protectant.
Looks like you got most of it covered, few thoughts.
Be sure to clean all AhhSome Gunk produced by the tub immediately after turning off the jets. DO NOT GIVE the biofilm a chance to dry on your shell - it is an extremely sticky substance which is a HUGE pita to remove if you don't scoop it off with a paper towel immediately after purging.
Never heard of "Fast Gloss" or anyone using it on the shell of their tub, don't see how much benefit there is to using the product but it shouldn't hurt anything using it.
If you are using a filter cleaner and soaking your filters, be sure to extensively flush the filter with fresh clean water MANY times before inserting back into the tub. Even if you think the filter is clean, keep flushing - you don't want to bring all those soapy suds from the filter cleaner solution into your hottub.
For vinyl covers, most pros prefer 303 Aerospace Protectant which seems to work better than other hottub cover "conditioner" products. In my experience I was using a Hotspring cover conditioner, but the 303 protectant is easier to apply and lasts longer in UV sunlight. -
sounds good. ..
neutral is a valid speed when docking. it doesn't need to be in fwd, or rev all the time like a car. coasting is good practice.
your interior is the biggest liability. I like to use aerospace 303 not slippery like some others.
Unfortunately this material is very prone to being scratched. While the scratch can’t be removed, it can be disguised. I spray this protectant on a cloth and dab it on. Repeat every few months which I think also slightly protects against future scuffs.
I'd use this if they say to use automotive stuff. It's the best stuff out there and matte finish.
303 Aerospace Protectant - Provides Superior UV Protection, Helps Prevent Fading and Cracking, Repels Dust, Lint, and Staining, Restores Lost Color and Luster, 32oz (30313CSR) Packaging May Vary
I use a bike lube that is a liquid wax base. It dries up after application. Works great for me. Alternatively you can try using 303 protectant. This helps to protect your gear from harmful UV rays too.
I would recommend trying this: 303 Aerospace Protectant - Provides Superior UV Protection, Helps Prevent Fading and Cracking, Repels Dust, Lint, and Staining, Restores Lost Color and Luster, 32oz (30313CSR) Packaging May Vary
That dash looks pretty dry. Are you conditioning the plastic every 6 months or so?
The product I use for all my cars is this:
I like to keep the plastic parts supple at all times.
Also, I always use a sunshade when parked outside, even if it’s just for 10 minutes or so.
No idea if the above is going help, but this is what I use on my vehicles and I’ve never had problems (I live in south Florida).
First purchase that we made for the JT. Have one on my Ford Ranger for several years and it is holding up fine.
Sun is the killer for anything vinyl / plastic. The key is using 303 Protecctant a couple of times per year. This stuff will easily double the life of any outdoor plastic/vinyl. Used in on JKU top and looked good as new when we traded it in 6 years later.
Try some 303 Aerospace cleaner on the old knobs.. may bring them back to new.
I picked up a used synth where the knobs were faded and dried out.. like new after some of this stuff.
303 Protectant. Just spray on a microfiber and wipe down any plastics interior and exterior. Leaves a satin finish and isn’t greasy. Works great on my Tundra’s tonneau cover too!
Sorry in advance: I’m on mobile and don’t know how to link properly
Thank you very much! I think I’m going to go with Opti-Seal. I appreciate the detailed response.
In regards to tire wax/shining etc, do you recommend aerospace 303?
303 (30313CSR) Products Aerospace Protectant - Ultimate UV Protection - Keeps Vinyl, Rubber, & Plastic Looking Newer, Longer - Prevents Fading And Cracking - Restores Lost Color And Luster, 32 fl. oz.
I use this on the seats and plastic. It takes some elbow grease, but looks great and offers UV protection.
303 (30313CSR) Products Aerospace Protectant - Ultimate UV Protection - Keeps Vinyl, Rubber, & Plastic Looking Newer, Longer - Prevents Fading And Cracking - Restores Lost Color And Luster, 32 fl. oz.
I’m in Florida as well and just got my F-150, this week. I was thinking of using this
303 (30313-CSR) UV Protectant Spray for Vinyl, Plastic, Rubber, Fiberglass, Leather & More - Dust and Dirt Repellant - Non-Toxic, Matte Finish, 32 Fl. oz.
303 makes a great product for both.
I use Adam's and chemical guys stuff for most everything else. There's better stuff out there, but I find these to be easy to use and get ahold of.
There are dozens of sprays you can buy actually designed for protecting fabrics and vinyls from the sun. 303 Spray comes to mind. I've used it on convertible tops for many years with great results.
Def skip the mothers recommendation.
I like this stuff and use it on other things like the dash as well:
Don't use your power washer lol. A damp rag or microfiber cloth should be fine. I actually use this 303 stuff to clean it most of the time. A lot of guys recommended it at the time on T4R. It's a UV protectant and I use it on the seats, dash, outside plastics and so on.
I'll give you an upvote for paying the dog tax. You'll have another when you get some 303 Aerospace Protectant on those fenders and get em back to black
You used regular old 303 as dressing? How do you like that as opposed to a traditional water based tire dressing
Also, I was impressed with how the trim and wheel wells came out. All you did wash and wax them with D156?
Here you go. It's 32oz so it lasts quite a while. I bought a gallon about 10 years ago, severely overestimating how much I needed.
Don't use armor all on any interior or exterior pieces of your vehicle if you care about it.
This is some of the best stuff for your dash/console.
Lexol is pretty good for leather, or check out chemical guys whole line of products for a good price to performance ratio.
> I kind of agree but honestly ours is looking pretty faded considering it's only been a year.
We have a black plastic mailbox (something purchased off-the-shelf from Home Depot). I've discovered that regular applications of 303 Aerospace Protectant work wonders to keep my mailbox from fading from the sun.
It's ammonia you're trying to avoid getting on your windows. Pneumonia is still bad, but not for your windows. All auto glass cleaners are ammonia-free, and you can just search for ammonia-free glass cleaners. Regular Windex has ammonia, but they do sell a version without it.
Don't use Armor All. I don't know for sure, but most mechanics will tell you that it can actually accelerate damage from UV light. One thing I do know for sure is that it really doesn't clean, it just kind of makes it more slimy and attracts dust. The tire shine may also dry out your tires.
303 Aerospace Protectant is a widely recommended product that does an excellent job of cleaning, protecting, and shining without adding that gross film. Use the soft side of a sponge (or similar object) to apply it, then wipe away with a soft cloth (microfiber preferred).
Also check out /r/AutoDetailing.
In the future, use should use something more akin to 303 Aerospace Protectant rather than Armour All, since that can crack plastic. Still, looks great! I have an '01 Escape and it's funny seeing the little bits and pieces Ford used in both cars.
Personally I use 303 aerospace protectant. Used to work in a boat shop and we used this a lot on upholstery due to direct UV ray exposure. Have used this in all of my cars and have never had warping or fading of the dash/trim.
303 Aerospace Protectant - 32oz (30313CSR) is all I’ve needed.
303 Protectant is highly recommended in the car detailing community. It leaves a nice finish. Not shiny. I love it. Makes a good non shiny tire dressing too.
Definitely try\_b\_5\_i
Congrats! He’s a beauty! Also, use 303 plastic/rubber/vinyl protectant instead of mod-podge. Found in most auto-body shops. And Amazon:
Aerospace 303 for all things plastic and rubber -->
This works good too
Interior: Anything from 303
(they make leather care products too)
And try to make sure no one is getting in the car with brand new blue jeans. Pretty much anything else will come out.
There are lots of good detailing channels that will describe proper washing, too, but 2 buckets, foam cannon, etc. is all best practice, and I keep a detail spray with CLEAN microfibers in the car at all times for bird crap, etc.
Consider ceramic coating for the exterior, too; worth its weight in gold.
So would this one just be a larger bottle?
the best product honestly is aerospace 303
It works on plastic, vinyl, leather, etc. I use it on the quad and also use it on my vehicles black textured components.
Spotted 32oz bottle of 303 Aerospace for $8.07 on Amazon, usual price is $14:
Hard to tell without a picture but I would check 303 on amazon. Lots of rave reviews from Tesla owners for different surfaces like the top of the dash and plastic, which may be what you need in your situation.
I haven’t had any problems scratching my dash...yet, but I’ve read that this product is better for the dash.
bahaha whoops had the wrong link on my clipboard.
Thanks! This is the general vinyl cleaner -- not specific to cars? (As in this product: ?
I use this on my dashboard. Matt finish.
I just learned about this stuff.
Check this out at - 303 (30313-CSR) UV Protectant Spray for Vinyl, Plastic, Rubber, Fiberglass, Leather & More – Dust and Dirt Repellant - Non-Toxic, Matte Finish, 32 Fl. oz.
It's been a few days and the restoration job I did from the gross white and grey speckled and scratched rubber surrounds back to looking fresh and black is holding up though.
I think the trick is that the coconut oil is really just a cleaning solution that also fills in all the micropores and cracks. You use it like Windex where you basically intend to remove as much of it as possible but since the wet rag is just distilled water all it'll is up any extra into the texture of the cloth while distributing the thinnest possible coat.
I used the example of covering your hands with oil and trying to wash it all off with just plain water. You know how no matter what a tiny infinitely thin layer remains? That's what you're going for and then the one drier kn warm just seasons it all and restores the balance of moisture from the slightest oil residue and water.
Only one of my speakers were covered in plaster dust which is what started this entire mess, my other one is just covered in regular room dust and I've never touched them.
Im gonna grab the 303 aerospace stuff and do a test and post the results and see how that compares.
I honestly feel like I should just leave them all alone now that I was able to erase the damage I did but the mad scientists in me is really curious about the 303 aerospace solution. I definitely have ambient room dust on my other speaker so I'll do more research and if it all checks out I'll do a test and post the results.
But for now if you have fucked up gray streaked rubber surrounds the infinitely thin coconut oil cleanse and restoration is perfectly effective on rubber I'm sure.
Just make sure to cover it well the wipe as much as you can off with just plain distilled water then use the blow drier on low heat and wave it around until it looks dry and perfectly supple
I'd try something like that. Apply to the fabrics and plastics periodically. Paint as well, or use a UV film (also protects against scratches).
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you can try 303 Aerospace protectant
has UV resistant properties.
That is the one I use. Works great on dashes and seats too!
I use 303 Aerospace Protectant and it works great.