Thanks for answering. I don't say you don't know stuff, I am saying that it is known. As a 32nd degree mason, you would be very curious to read about the 33rd degree and what it costs. You can also verify or decline what is written there, although it certainly matches the need for friendships.
As an aspiring Christian counselor and someone who has, for better or for worse, been around a few "deliverance" type ministries, I'll throw in my two cents.
This will be exclusively on the spiritual side of things, as I have no personal experience with schizophrenia nor am I qualified to offer any insight there. But I am aware of individuals who've suffered physical, spiritual, and mental ailments due to demonic oppression.
I read through some of the threads and noted that you've been through several deliverance ministries. Unfortunately, these ministries can differ dramatically in effectiveness as there are several approaches, doctrines, beliefs, etc. tied to each, and in some cases, they may make things worse. So just because you have been to five already, does not necessarily mean they did anything productive. Maybe they did, maybe they didn't.
But I'll proceed off of the following assumptions:
1.) You are saved and in relationship with Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior in that you have "confessed with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believed in your heart that God raised Him from the dead" (Rom 10:9)
2.) Through your involvement with those various deliverance ministries, you have severed any direct or familial ties to any cult-like orders (ie. Freemasons, Institute of Odd Fellows, Latter Day Saints, etc.), if there were any ties there, to begin with.
3.) You aren't living in persistent, unrepentant, habitual sin. Common "open door" sins include unforgiveness, lust, envy, selfish ambition, occult practices (think ouija board, tarot cards, new age practices, yoga, astrology, etc.), idolatry, and blasphemy. Committing these, even repeatedly doesn't guarantee oppression, but can leave footholds for the demonic to establish themselves in if not repented of.
4.) You have not had any heinous sins committed against you. Sins like sexual abuse, physical abuse, emotional abuse, or severe traumas acted by others against you can create "open doors" for the demonic to operate through and create oppression.
If all the above statements are true, then the next thing I would look at is the possibility of a demonic stronghold. These are often tied to the last two questions I asked, in that they can subsist off of past traumas or habitual sins. But they can also operate from lies we've come to believe about ourselves, others, or God. They also are not typically a "one-and-done" deal, you say a prayer and it is gone for good. They require persistent prayer and that you "take every thought captive" (2 Cor 10:5). In dealing with these, it's important to determine what is allowing for it (sin, trauma, lie) and then to identify what aspects of your life that stronghold is influencing. Praying Psalms 139 and journaling is really helpful in this because then you need to identify the truth backed by scripture for each of those circumstances so that you are exchanging the lies for the truth. Then each time the lie is presented in your mind, you take it captive and replace it with the truth.
Christ has come in the flesh, is from God, and is Lord" in one complete and uninterrupted sentence (1 John 4:1). Otherwise, only work to counter its lies with truth and pray against it.
In any case, I will be praying for you! Here are some additional resources if you like.
Excellent podcast group on several theological and historical topics, but this playlist is specifically on the demonic:
On Freemasons:
Spiritual warfare, in general: