I really sympathize with your situation. I am also very sensitive to noise and find it extremely distracting.
Perhaps you've considered this before, but if your class records lectures, can you just watch it afterwards? That way you won't have to join live and show your face. If the only thing holding you back from doing that is stigma, don't let it, there's plenty of us (including myself) that just do that.
Also, have you looked into noise blocking options at all? I recently got a pair of Sony XM4s which have incredibly good Active Noise Cancelling, completely solved the issue of overhead footstep / across-the-house talking noise for me; they work better for lower frequencies / far-away sounds though so if someone is right next to you talking and you're not playing music you're still going to hear them. Another option is some good earmuffs which can be better for higher-frequency noise but not as good for lower-frequencies as ANC (the ones I have: https://smile.amazon.com/gp/product/B00CPCHBCQ/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1).
Another option which is up to you whether you consider morally objectionable is to prerecord a video of yourself (or someone else? haha) and play it back during lecture. The way I would do it is by using OBS Studio's Virtual Camera feature and playing back a video using a Video Source.
While I’m not an audiologist or acoustical engineer, it is my understanding that “noise cancelling” or “active” noise cancelling headphones will likely struggle when it comes to mid-high level frequencies, perhaps that of construction. “Passive” “Noise reduction” earmuffs excel in reducing mid-high level frequencies, so to me it sounds like a pair of noise reduction earmuffs may work a lot better in your situation.
Personally, I prefer noise reduction earmuffs in all environments. I have sensory difficulties, mostly with noise, so a high quality pair is important to me.
There are a lot of trash pairs out there, but there’s one brand I’ve come to love - 3M. Specifically their Peltor series. Because of their strict standards, testing, and use for actual hearing protection in industrial environments like construction zones, they HAVE to work. I’ve loved my pair, and have yet to find anything better. It should reduce nearly 95% of everything you hear. If you want to go all out, you can even probably wear earplugs at the same time haha, but I doubt that’d be even remotely necessary.
Here’s the link:
3M PELTOR X5A Over-the-Head Ear Muffs, Noise Protection, NRR 31 dB, Construction, Manufacturing, Maintenance, Automotive, Woodworking, Heavy Engineering, Mining https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00CPCHBCQ/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_C4HRMEZPG16Z2Q52JR6C?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
Thanks for sharing! Is this similar to the ones you have? 3M PELTOR X5A Over-the-Head Ear Muffs, Noise Protection, NRR 31 dB, Construction, Manufacturing, Maintenance, Automotive, Woodworking, Heavy Engineering, Mining https://smile.amazon.com/dp/B00CPCHBCQ/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_SFMAFZJPRAKS0ZC0BBQ3
My head is so sensitive and my neck is a bit unstable after a bad rear ending years back. Makes wearing headgear hard. Are these fairly light?
Appreciate any insight!
Oh yeah look into the 3m peltor line to wear over them. I use etymotics to drum and wear a 3m peltor headset over it and it doubles the noise isolation
I bought a pair of noise reduction ear muffs rated for 31 dB off of Amazon for about $30. They don't block out everything, but they block out a lot. I can even wear earbuds underneath them and listen to music, although the earbuds dig into my ears a bit. The muffs were definitely worth the money. I haven't tried them on airplanes, but I wear them when my neighbors are doing lawn maintenance or when their kids are playing/screaming outside (I'm sensitive to loud noises).
Edit: You can even wear earplugs underneath the ear muffs for total silence, as long as you don't find earplugs uncomfortable.
Edit: Actually ear plugs might be better for you since it sounds like you need something during sleep. These are good to use when you're awake, but maybe too large and awkward to wear to bed, unless you sleep on your back without turning like a mummy
I use these for noise. They can’t play music but are decently comfortable and pretty effective. You can pair them with foam earbuds too if you want. https://www.amazon.ca/3M-Peltor-Over-Earmuffs-X5A/dp/B00CPCHBCQ/ref=asc_df_B00CPCHBCQ/?tag=googlemobshop-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=293024076952&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=1547614527696464552&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvde...
One thing to be careful about with electronic options are whether or not they do a better job with continous noise or impulse noise.
Another easy option is to get a pair of 3M passive ear muffs and wear your preferred ear buds inside of them. That will generally sound better than the Bluetooth that comes with ear protection in my experience anyway.
Thank you so much. I see them several days in a month.
Not very often but whenever they show up, I wish they will be done soon.
Hope that your week will be better!
I also wear these 3M Peltor and it helps a lot! Plane pilots wear them too.
Seems like those would only muffle the sound a bit judging from what the site is saying. You could try some work earmuffs if you want to.
3M PELTOR X5A Over-the-Head Ear Muffs, Noise Protection, NRR 31 dB, Construction, Manufacturing, Maintenance, Automotive, Woodworking, Heavy Engineering, Mining https://www.amazon.ca/dp/B00CPCHBCQ/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_glt_i_6KV7BX2WWJSE4F92W864?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
This is an option but really, your options are limited if you don't want to use in ear stuff. They have to seal your ear to have noise isolation or ANC and if they don't go inside of the ear, it is going to be difficult to do that.
You could consider the Sony WH-1000XM3/4 for ANC but keep in mind that ANC is better at low pitched noises that are consistent, they don't work well for sudden noises.
You could consider getting custom molds for an in ear option for the comfort but those can be expensive, you would have to get your ears measured at an audiologist.
With what you are giving us, it is going to be very difficult to find what fits your standards at any price point.
>as cheap as I can get
> I don't want abject crap
> i'm willing to up my budget
You.... you do see how these three sentences are in direct contradiction with each other, right?
First of all, don't skimp on Safety. You skimp on absolutely EVERYTHING else before you ever skimp on safety.
Second, for the love of god don't buy AmazonBasics.
Third, for crying out loud get some ACTUAL goddamn hearing protection. u/GoatTnder linked the ones you need, but get the 31 dB version for 30 bucks instead.
These puppies are a game changer. Yes, I look like an asshat, but it's COMPLETE SILENCE. I wear them off and on at work and it's unbelievable how much I can focus even if it's not that loud at the time. But when people strike up a loud convo nearby or I'm eating lunch reading, they're perfect.
So I did some quick research into ear muffs and what NRR (noise reduction rating) is ans how it works and which ear muffs would be best for cancelling out simple conversations, and the most highly recommended were the following:
3M PELTOR X5A Over-the-Head Ear Muffs, Noise Protection, NRR 31 dB, Construction, Manufacturing, Maintenance, Automotive, Woodworking, Heavy Engineering, Mining https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00CPCHBCQ/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_P4JV2BJNSB2H2469464K?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
These have an NRR of 31, which means they basically block out 12 decibels, which should be more than enough to drown out a conversation at a normal level, and dampen most if not all of a screaming match, as long as it’s not in the same room.
Hope that helps!
I know you're already looking into better ear plugs, but I have lived next to a permanent construction site (first across the street, then next door, then the other next door) for over three years.
These are your best friend. They work 100x better than ear plugs for construction noises, and when you combine them with ear plugs, the world is just gone. You can also use them with ear buds in case you want to listen to music or a podcast or sth. But when I need to sleep through the constant BANG BANG BANG BANG of framers next door, that's what I reach for.
There's cheaper versions too, and I'm sure they work fine. All you need is a solid seal around your ear to create a silent zone.
I'm starting to wear earmuffs at work, like "I'm running a chainsaw here so kindly fuck off" style earmuffs. They are SILENT and it's magical. It's these puppies.
Do not use ANC for any form of hearing protection. ANC is terrible at predicting dynamic sounds like voices and instruments and works best on constant noises like traffic or air conditioners. If you are experiencing the same amount of noise reduction with and without ANC, this means that your headphones' ANC algorithm does not work on the violin. Stop using your ANC headphones for noise reduction immediately and buy proper hearing protection.
I’ve been through multiple pairs/brands, and there’s only one brand that stands above all. I’m sure there are a few others out there, it’s just the only thing among what I’ve tried that I’d recommend (which is saying a lot because I’m very hypercritical). The brand is 3M, specifically their “Peltor” series.
3M makes some excellent quality as heck noise reduction earmuffs. Their equipment is often used in industrial work settings, so the testing they do on their products has to be near perfect, as does the quality of the product. They offer a considerable variety of noise reduction earmuffs for adults. Their 3M Peltor line of earmuffs are my absolute favorite. The noise reduction level is moderate to somewhat high, which is incredible; I’d consider it highly reliable.
They should be quite comfortable, too, but like all headphones/earmuffs, they might be slightly irritating if worn 24/7. For that reason, I wear mine for periods of up to an hour in time, and I’ll take a small break without them. I’ll link them below. They are a considerable amount, but still a lot less than active noise cancellation headphones. Additionally, I’m pretty sure you can return them for free and get a refund if you don’t like them, but I wholeheartedly doubt that will happen.
The specific model is 3M Peltor X5A. They are the highest (legitimately) with regards to Noise Reduction Rating.
3M PELTOR X5A Over-the-Head Ear Muffs, Noise Protection, NRR 31 dB, Construction, Manufacturing, Maintenance, Automotive, Woodworking, Heavy Engineering, Mining https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00CPCHBCQ/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_TTDY5JYNY6CE7WH1Q0FY?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
Not sure any noise cancelling headphones will work. I would look into sleeping earplugs. Look for 30dB or more noise reduction. Just be aware of wax buildup as earplugs tend to push wax into the ear canal.
Or for studying, something like this should be enough to mute the outside world. https://www.amazon.com/3M-Peltor-Over-Earmuffs-X5A/dp/B00CPCHBCQ/ref=cm_cr_arp_d_product_top?ie=UTF8
I'm pretty sensitive to noise, and I switch between the 3M Peltor ear muffs and some Stanley ear plugs for small ear canals (can't find them on Amazon anymore, but I still have 100 pairs left or so).
Both lead to discomfort with extended use, hence switch-ups and frequent breaks.
If the noise is really bad, I use both at once. That blocks A LOT of noise.
They're great for my sanity and effective studying.
I've heard of some people using white noise machines, but those don't work for me.
Good luck!
I use these: 3M PELTOR X5A Over-the-Head Ear Muffs, Noise Protection, NRR 31 dB, Construction, Manufacturing, Maintenance, Automotive, Woodworking, Heavy Engineering, Mining https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00CPCHBCQ/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_i.NwFb59BTMSD
I also use squishy inner foams at the same time.
You may want to see a doctor though to test how bad the damage is. Maybe see if anything can be done about it.
I use these, along with foam inside the ear plugs.
3M PELTOR X5A Over-the-Head Ear Muffs, Noise Protection, NRR 31 dB, Construction, Manufacturing, Maintenance, Automotive, Woodworking, Heavy Engineering, Mining https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00CPCHBCQ/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_2XOuFbCBQQKWT
Even if you get the quietest gun there is, there will be many other people at the range with much louder firearms, so I can’t see how this would make a big difference, unless you plan to be alone when you shoot.
I use the inner ear foams, combined with these: 3M PELTOR X5A Over-the-Head Ear Muffs, Noise Protection, NRR 31 dB, Construction, Manufacturing, Maintenance, Automotive, Woodworking, Heavy Engineering, Mining https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00CPCHBCQ/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_0PxpFbS3MK2FZ
I have never had any pain or ringing in my ears after leaving the range using this combo. Make sure the foams are all the way in your ears. They’ll expand, so don’t be afraid you won’t be able to get them out. You will.
I use these and they've never caused an issue with my glasses.
They're bulky but they work really well. I'm a bit skittish about the electronic ones.
If you're on a tight budget, getting cheap in-ear earbuds (e.g. the $10 kind on amazon) and noise-blocking ear muffs (e.g. one of these, used for gun-shooting or construction work, ~$25) works very well, even better than noise-cancelling headphones in certain cases (e.g. sudden noises, start and stop construction work; the noise-cancelling headphones work mainly for roughly constant background noise iirc). I lived in a construction zone last year, ended up buying the Peltor X5A earmuffs and it worked quite well listening to music with in-ear earbuds underneath. The main disadvantages are the earmuffs are pretty bulky so you can't sleep with them on unless you sleep on your back or maybe have 2 pillows so the earmuff can go in the gap, and you look funny if you go outside wearing them. They're also probably not quite as comfortable as fancy headphones. If you wear earplugs underneath the earmuffs it gets super quiet, enough that I'd be a bit worried about missing fire alarms if I fell asleep.
Noise isolation doesn't have any electronics - it simply plugs/blocks your ears like a pair of earplugs or earmuffs.
Noise cancellation takes outside noise via a microphone and plays the opposite of it into the headphones to cancel it out. This works for steady noise, but not very well for things like people talking.
If you want the absolute best noise reduction without any super deep insertion stuff, I'd say go for a pair of IEMs with Comply Isolation tips, and a pair of regular earmuffs to go over the top like these. I have both, and putting both on is like being in a sensory deprivation tank. At that point the sounds coming from inside my own body are audible. I can put my head against the wall and hear the sound of rain on the roof coming in through my skull.
If you don't want to look stupid wearing big earmuffs, there are also the deep insertion triple-flange tips like Etymotic IEMs have, and another option is to have a noise generator playing to drown out any sound that gets through when you don't want music (mynoise.net is a good one I use).
Hell, if you only want noise reduction, you're probably better off with just some earplugs or earmuffs or a combination of the two.
For straight ear protection, I recently bought these and they're great: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00CPCHBCQ/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o00_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
These are so much better than the earmuffs off the shelf from the local hardware store. Lots of room inside for earbuds.
Noise protection ear muffs. Better than noise cancelling headphones imo. Take some getting used to, I will wear them and take a break and take them off and put them back on etc. Just say you are noise sensitive and have to wear them. https://smile.amazon.com/gp/product/B00CPCHBCQ/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1
Not precisely noise-cancelling headphones, but the cheapest noise-blocking method would be: get cheap in-ear earbuds (e.g. the $10 kind on amazon) and noise-blocking ear muffs (e.g. one of these, used for gun-shooting or construction work, ~$15-27 depending on how much noise blocking you need). It should actually do better at blocking sudden noises than noise-cancelling headphones (the noise-cancelling are more for cancelling constant background noises iirc). Plus if you want just silence you can put earplugs underneath instead of earbuds, though then be careful that you don't sleep through a fire alarm or something. Main disadvantage is it's not super comfortable compared to expensive headphones, though it doesn't hurt, just gets kind of hot and annoying. Also the largest ones are kind of bulky and look a bit funny if you plan on wearing them in public. I bought the X5 ones (the biggest ones in the link) when I lived in a construction zone and it worked quite well with earbuds underneath. I've never owned noise-cancelling headphones so I'll wait for someone else to recommend specific ones of those.
Edit: See also these threads: https://www.reddit.com/r/aspergirls/comments/7pu118/noise_canceling_headphones/
Can't speak to any spots but when at home, these earmuffs are huge and goofy but they work well, you don't get dead silence but it's all much less distracting (and you can fit ear buds in your ears while using them for background noise)
A cheaper alternative that I am not familiar with are these, same company, bet they work just as well and aren't as large as the above:
I've also been making good use of this MyNoise site that lets you pick out all kinds of background noise that helps cancel out room, building, and street/traffic noise: https://mynoise.net/
You will likely be better off with noise-isolating headphones. A simple trick is to use your preferred earbud style headphones with noise reducing earmuffs like these. Or there are earmuffs combined with headphones like these.
Source: me who can have issues concentrating with child noises nearby.
These are the ones I got - they're fantastic. https://www.amazon.ca/gp/product/B00CPCHBCQ
I recommend these:3M PELTOR X5A Over-the-Head Ear Muffs, Noise Protection, NRR 31 dB https://www.amazon.ca/gp/product/B00CPCHBCQ/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o01_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
Drowns out the leaf blowers, construction, kids, neighbors, neighbors' kids, etc.
The highest db reduction I can find is the Peltor X5A, at 31 db noise reduction. If you want even more you can add some earplugs for another several db. I really like 3M’s corded reusable earplugs
There are other hearing protectors that claim higher db reduction ratings but they’re usually marketing hype that uses the highest reduction on some narrow frequency band, not the standard way of measuring db reduction.
>tra so
El problema es lo bultoso de los audífonos, en mi caso me giro mientras duermo, no sé si sea el caso de OP pero en mi caso incluso tengo unas orejeras 3M muy buenas pero no para dormir sino para no oir la música agropecuaria que le gusta a los vecinos.
Hay de diferentes y cumplen muy bien su función.
Hearing protection. Get something like this:
If you don't need to talk to anyone, then get what ever earbud is most comfortable for you and put 3M PELTOR X5As over them. I used to feel so drained after getting stuck in the DC for a few hours, went away as soon as I started using that system. I personally am using AirPods Pro at the moment, a little music at low volume and I cannot hear the servers or the CRACs anymore. The difference is night and day, even if it's just a quick in and out to the DC the Peltors are so easy to pop on and off at the door I almost always have them on.
Problem I'm finding now is I am having a growing need to be on a slack call while I'm in and out of the DC. And the above setup doesn't really accomplish that as really any mic that isn't touching my lips while I'm talking is picking up way too much background noise in the DC. My first attempt at resolving this was a few weeks ago I picked up a set of refurbished Corsair Virtuoso XTs, so half price no case, great at my desk and make the transition from computer slack call to phone+BT slack call almost seamless, can walk all around our NOC with them no issue, battery lasts most of a 12 hour shift and charges up quickly. But when I go into the DC I can be heard decently, however they are doing crap for noise reduction, it's not much better than cupping my hands over my ears. I don't expect much better from just about any gaming targeted headset out there. It's just not the environment they are made for.
So my search continues, now I'm looking at something more like a Sena Toughtalk https://senaindustrial.com/collections/communication-headsets-with-hearing-protection/products/tufftalk-lite?variant=32304363733043 or David Clark HBT-30 https://store.davidclark.com/bluetooth-headsets/model-hbt-30-42021g-01 I just haven't convinced myself to spend the money yet. Really glad I found this thread, looking to see what others are using to accomplish the same task.
ANC does not help for that stuff. You can already see that with your headphones and it doesn't matter if you buy the top of the line ANC headphones that are $300-500, it won't block out sudden noises like screams or human speech in general. You need passive noise isolation and unfortunately, there is a lack of them that isolate a lot of sound, due to how difficult it is to get a seal around your ears and the material that is used.
If you just want sound isolation, a pair of work earmuffs would be best. You can wear some earbuds underneath if you want. These block out the most sound possible in a work earmuffs and they happen to be on sale for half the price:
3M PELTOR X5A Over-the-Head Ear Muffs, Noise Protection, NRR 31 dB, Construction, Manufacturing, Maintenance, Automotive, Woodworking, Heavy Engineering, Mining, Black https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00CPCHBCQ/ref=cm_sw_r_awdo_MDMKK5PZVDJXK0YRWGB0
You could consider getting the Etymotic ER2XR if you want something in an earbud form to block out sound as they work better than any ANC headphones. They have a DF neutral sound (flat with slightly emphasized treble and slightly recessed bass), they have a ton of detail. The main issue is that they go deep in the ear and may be uncomfortable for a few days, it tends to depend on your ears. They isolate the most sound than anything on the market.
Shure SE215 also work. They don't isolate as much sound and have worse sound quality but they are more comfortable with the Shure foam eartips, have a more exciting sound and have a good fit. They have a V shaped sound that focuses on treble and bass (leans more to bass). I would get them from the Shure website as Amazon may sell fakes (that come from China).
If you just want silence, you could try getting work earmuffs and it will work better than any ANC headphones. ANC headphones may find it difficult to block out a lot of bass. I will give you a few options that may work for you.
These will block out the most sound possible in work earmuffs and they happen to be on sale for half of the price.
3M PELTOR X5A Over-the-Head Ear Muffs, Noise Protection, NRR 31 dB, Construction, Manufacturing, Maintenance, Automotive, Woodworking, Heavy Engineering, Mining, Black https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00CPCHBCQ/ref=cm_sw_r_awdo_KWAQZG6CGG7J093TAHGA
If you need something that is less noise isolating, consider this:
3M PELTOR Optime 98 Earmuffs H9A, Over-the-Head, Yellow https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0017YLTAI/ref=cm_sw_r_awdo_VVVSM7Y3QQEYVQP7QHB7
For ANC headphones, the best tend to be from Sony. If you want mainly ANC, just get these (many of the reviews are for the sound quality due to a lack of bass). They are currently $55 USD and should be the best option for ANC.
Sony Noise Cancelling Headphones WHCH710N: Wireless Bluetooth Over the Ear Headset with Mic for Phone-Call, Blue (Amazon Exclusive) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B085RQYX5Z/ref=cm_sw_r_awdo_M8E84AM7SGMHDJD73T6E?psc=1
These have extra bass and are $150 but they tend to better regarded than the previous pair.
Sony WH-XB910N EXTRA BASS Noise Cancelling Headphones, Wireless Bluetooth Over the Ear Headset with Microphone and Alexa Voice Control, Black https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09CGB6VRR/ref=cm_sw_r_awdo_01KA86Z6H8163C0J41NM
One of the best purchases I made since coming to UBC.
You can wear earbuds under these.
3M PELTOR X5A Over-the-Head Ear Muffs, Noise Protection, NRR 31 dB, Construction, Manufacturing, Maintenance, Automotive, Woodworking, Heavy Engineering, Mining https://www.amazon.ca/3M-Peltor-Over-Earmuffs-X5A/dp/B00CPCHBCQ/ref=sr_1_5?crid=3LKESGPJ885BC&keywords=3m+peltor&qid=1642138309&sprefix=3m+peltor%2Caps%2C113&sr=8-5
^ Look here for EQ.
What is usually recommended would be to buy from a place that you can return them if they don't work out for you. Amazon tends to have policies about this so people tend to order it from there.
By the way, it was brought to my attention that you could get the other models for cheaper so consider checking this subreddit for some links (they may only ship to the US, not sure about that).
Both of them should have good warranties tied to them and they do decently well in imaging (not so good for soundstage but that's mainly for open back headphones).
For gaming, you could look here for a guide for a reference but none of these block out sound.
If you need work related earplugs (for working in a factory or other related stuff), I would strongly recommend getting stuff that has a 33 NRR rating. Prevention is key and in several places, you can get the employer to pay for them (depends on country, province/state/territories and laws).
All of these have that rating:
These worked great for me and my family.
For over ear earmuffs.
3M PELTOR X5A Over-the-Head Ear Muffs, Noise Protection, NRR 31 dB, Construction, Manufacturing, Maintenance, Automotive, Woodworking, Heavy Engineering, Mining https://www.amazon.ca/dp/B00CPCHBCQ/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_glt_i_DDTN6Q1C3GC0XQSA8BX5
Just if you need it.
That's a hard request. Firstly, ANC will not block out human voices due to how the technology works. This will not change regardless of how much money you spend on them. You will need noise isolation.
The best thing I can recommend is to buy some work earmuffs and use IEMs underneath. You would likely need to get an external microphone or a Lavalier microphone. You may be able to post your request in a subreddit like r/videography or make another post on here to see if people have any recommendations for that. You can connect both with a simple splitter (one that allows for a microphone and for a headphone) which you can usually get from the dollar store if you need it.
These are the best work earmuffs that you can buy (links will be for my country but just search it up in your own):
3M PELTOR X5A Over-the-Head Ear Muffs, Noise Protection, NRR 31 dB, Construction, Manufacturing, Maintenance, Automotive, Woodworking, Heavy Engineering, Mining https://www.amazon.ca/dp/B00CPCHBCQ/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_glt_i_W0PCQXWYVKJ8K7DRTACN
I would recommend getting Etymotic ER2XR or Shure SE215 for the sound isolation. Etymotic are better for sound isolation and sound quality, they should be your first pick. The issue is that they go deep in the ear. They work well enough that you may not need the earmuffs and isolate the best. They have a DF neutral sound.
Shure SE215 are second best for blocking out sound, they are rather comfortable with the Shure foam tips. They have a V shaped sound and the sound quality isn't so good but they do the job in practical terms. Both are durable.
Etymotic Research ER2XR Extended Respone in-Ear Earphones https://www.amazon.ca/dp/B07NSL5XS5/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_glt_i_8MV07N8A7XXMJV4FK01Q
Shure SE215 In-Ear Monitors - Clear https://www.amazon.ca/dp/B004PO10E2/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_glt_i_921X394Q3Q87PWS95VJA
I hope this helps.
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3M PELTOR X5A Over-the-Head Ear Muffs, Noise Prot… | - | - | 4.6/5.0 |
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3M PELTOR X5A Over-the-Head Ear Muffs, Noise Prot… | - | - | 4.6/5.0 |
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The below is a cut-and-pasted reply I made to a similar post a few weeks ago. The advice is applicable to any newbie.
You know all those crotchety old guys who are half deaf, crippled up, etc, etc? The ones who dismiss PPE as only necessary for pussies? Yeah, how do you think they got that way?
Take all the safety rules and regulations seriously. The "anything to get the job done, no matter what" attitude is stupid, and toxic; you aren't getting paid enough to accept permanent damage to your body. Once that building is completed, do you think anybody is going to say "Man, what a great building! I sure do appreciate all those guys who sacrificed their health in order to put it up!" Get yourself some high-quality PPE -- especially hearing protection. And fucking use it every time.
Show up on time, and do the job you're paid to do; honest work for honest pay. Sure. Absolutely. But never, EVER forget that you, as a worker, are viewed by the people at the top as a consumable resource to be used up. To them, you're no different than pile of rebar, or a stack of 2x4s. You HAVE to look out for you; nobody else will.
Good luck.
edit: PS: There're a lot of dumb motherfuckers in this industry who chain themselves to shitty lives because they make poor choices when they start out in this game. When you're young, the money you're able to make in construction can seem like a lot. But for most guys, there's a glass ceiling. And, trust me: you DON'T want to be swinging a hammer for a living when you're 60. Be smart: save as much money as you can, only buy used/off-lease vehicles, and don't fall into the trap of consuming too much alcohol, or using drugs other than weed, and for the love of god, fucking wear a condom every time! Yeah yeah, I know I probably sound like your mom, and I know some of this strays away from construction-specific advice, but I'm telling you, the industry is absolutely lousy with the aforementioned dumb motherfuckers who didn't follow this advice, and got themselves in bad situations (addiction, debt, child support) they can't get out of. Yes, it really can fucking happen to you. Yes, you. Take care of yourself, amigo.
Not all ear defenders/earmuffs are created equally. Some companies push sales with the pure aesthetics, sometimes even marketing them for “kids with autism”, but the quality of them are complete shit (excuse my language, but it’s the truth and it’s terrible). Similarly, some companies will fake/misrepresent their tested noise rating, and/or use other deceptive methods to make their brand seem superior.
I’ve been through multiple pairs/brands, and there’s only one brand that stands above all. I’m sure there are a few others out there, it’s just the only thing among what I’ve tried that I’d recommend (which is saying a lot because I’m very hypercritical). The brand is 3M, specifically their “Peltor” series.
3M makes some excellent quality as heck noise reduction earmuffs (ear defenders). Their equipment is often used in industrial work settings, so the testing they do on their products has to be near perfect, as does the quality of the product. They offer a considerable variety of noise reduction earmuffs for adults. Their 3M Peltor line of earmuffs are my absolute favorite. The noise reduction level is moderate to somewhat high, which is incredible; I’d consider it highly reliable.
They should be quite comfortable, too, but like all headphones/earmuffs, they might be slightly irritating if worn 24/7. For that reason, I wear mine for periods of up to an hour in time, and I’ll take a small break without them. I’ll link them below. They are a considerable amount, but still a lot less than active noise cancellation headphones. Additionally, I’m pretty sure you can return them for free and get a refund if you don’t like them, but I wholeheartedly doubt that will happen.
3M PELTOR X5A Over-the-Head Ear Muffs, Noise Protection, NRR 31 dB, Construction, Manufacturing, Maintenance, Automotive, Woodworking, Heavy Engineering, Mining https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00CPCHBCQ/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_TTDY5JYNY6CE7WH1Q0FY?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
Note: 3M does also sell some in other colors, they’re just not as effective as the linked pair above (but they’re still amazing quality).
If you have any questions, ask away! :)
I recommend these:3M PELTOR X5A Over-the-Head Ear Muffs, Noise Protection, NRR 31 dB https://www.amazon.ca/gp/product/B00CPCHBCQ/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o01_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
Drowns out the leaf blowers, construction, kids, neighbors, neighbors' kids, etc.
For studying, I'd recommend you either go outside to study or buy these: 3M Peltor X5A. I've had them for a few months now and they block out virtually all noise. Now, the problem is that it's just not realistic wearing them to sleep (it's just way too uncomfortable). So for sleep, you could buy earplugs and the like. There are a bunch of them out there so it would probably be best to get a bunch and see which one(s) you like.
Okay, now to address the problem of your neighbors partying. I would recommend to keep pressing your RA's. Really press them. They really only have one job and this is it. If they are really useless, keep searching until you find someone (hopefully higher up in the chain of command) that is willing and able to do something about the problem. I don't know what the next position is above RA so I won't be able to help you here.
Last but not least, I think talking to your neighbours in person would be probably the best thing you could do. Have your phone in your pocket and have it recording the entire conversation. Tell your neighbours exactly what you think. Then tell them exactly how their behaviour affects you and lastly tell them what you would like them to do instead. You will most likely need to negotiate with them. Obviously, you're not going to get your way 100% but you could at least mitigate the damage to "only weekends from x-y pm" for example. Last but not least, you have to give them a why or else they won't do it. Usually, the threat of you talking to your RA and subsequently, the threat of them being evicted constitutes the "why" and so this is why it is important to keep pressing your RA and hopefully get them to stop being so agreeable (assuming that you're telling the truth and your RA's really aren't pulling their weight).
For your own mental wellbeing, I would recommend that you keep your resentment in check. Don't blame your RA's and don't blame UBC. It was your decision to move in to UBC and now you must take responsibility for that decision. It wasn't your fault that this happened, but it certainly now is your responsibility. This is actually a really liberating idea even though it sounds harsh because it puts you in control of things that happen in your life.
Best of luck!
You want Peltor X5A passive muffs. They're the maximum protection possible for ear muffs. I'd strongly suggest combining them with Moldex Pura Fit, and make sure you know how to properly insert ear plugs. Note that you need to hold the plug until it fully expands in your ear (the video doesn't show that because they demonstrate with barrel-shaped plugs).
For more information, see the following links:
-The 5 Best Noise Reduction Ear Muffs Review
-How to Put in Foam Earplugs and Test Their Fit for Optimal Noise Reduction
-What Is the Noise Reduction Rating (NRR) and How to Use It?
I use a couple different ones in my home shop depending what I'm doing. If I'm using the lunchbox planer that has a universal motor, I run these https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00CPCHBCQ/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1
For less noisy stuff I have these - https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00CPCH9KA/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1
My sister has problem with noise, so far cheap 3M noise insulation are the best: https://www.amazon.com/3M-Peltor-Over-Earmuffs-X5A/dp/B00CPCHBCQ/ref=sr_1_2?dchild=1&keywords=3m+noise+protection&qid=1604176624&sr=8-2
> I wish i had money to try noise cancelling muffs
You can get them for reasonably cheap on amazon.
Something like this would probably work.
IME they help, but are not a perfect solution. It's nice to have tunes, or to listen to podcasts/ebooks while flying.
If you want to block out as much as possible, try these: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00CPCHBCQ/ref=ppx_od_dt_b_asin_title_s00 These are good for studying where concentration is required...or if you're really adverse to ambient noise.
I currently use this in ear: https://smile.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B010TT1VO0?psc=1&ref=ppx_pop_mob_b_asin_title
It's 30 NRR. I thought it was a little higher, but I guess I'm wrong. I don't currently have an over ear, but I haven't been training much between extra hours at work and ammo shortages. If you can only get one, in ear ones tend to work better since it's both more effective, but also doesn't have the problem of breaking a seal when you move your jaw.
I'll probably just get some cheap ones with high NRR now and then shell out for some fancy electronic ones when I get a helmet.
Something else I forgot to mention. There isn't really anything that gives an NRR over 33, so anything that says higher is using the European scale which scales slightly higher, but they'll label it as NRR which is misleading. However, combining in ear and over ear can lead up to 36 NRR.
I'll probably grab something like this: https://smile.amazon.com/3M-Peltor-Over-Earmuffs-X5A/dp/B00CPCHBCQ/ref=mp_s_a_1_3?dchild=1&keywords=nrr%2Bear%2Bmuffs&qid=1597205450&sprefix=nrr%2Bea&sr=8-3&th=1&psc=1
>stugeron - just looked this up. Do you have Meniere's disease? Get you some Peltor's and put in foam plugs highest NRR rating you can find if your gonna bang on de drum all day :)
>I use to be a lead singer and jammed out for as long as i could. I miss it but its not the end all not being able to anymore. My time has just passed. God, family, Fishing, and outdoors take up my time now. When I'm stuck inside i play video games with no head phones of course. You are gonna be just fine. You are young and time is on your side friend.
>Here are the muffs i have for myself.
>Ps. link that youtube channel bro!
These are the pair of 3M's I have, with 31dB NRR. They are huge and ugly, but they fit well and they definitely protect more than the Howard Leights. You may not be able to get a good cheek weld with these if you're shooting rifle, but I primarily shoot pistol indoors and rifle outdoors, so it works for me.
I use these 3M disposable ear plugs as well, believe they are 29dB NRR. I promise I'm not a 3M shill.
Make sure you put in the plugs properly - roll them up, pull back your earlobe with opposite hand and then insert. I shoot indoors often 2x a month, so protecting my hearing is really important to me.
edit: I should note that I have the basic pair of the Howard Leights, not the impact Pro model.
Now that I'm at an actual computer, these are what I use. Difference is night and day.
They are just standard 3M noise cancelling headphones. Probably something similar to this
Non-mobile: I bought these on Amazon and they work great
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