The car is a 2015 Subaru Forester with Pearl White paint. I got quoted $250 to fix this, but I am wondering if it's just easier to do it myself. I am looking at a 3M Scratch Removal System on Amazon and wondering if I could just remove all the scratches, or do I need to buy the paint itself?
Not sure if I should just suck up the $250 and do that or try to do it myself
Use this afterwards. You can skip the sanding part as it's not really needed for the light scratches that you'll create.
The paint on mine looks better than before.
Or just get Meguiar's and hand polish it (one for scratch, one for finish polish). May be hard to get to match but I have one and it doesn't seem aged finish like the newer Epi 59 LPs.
You might have better luck over at /r/luthier though. I'm a novice at best, so take my comment with a few grains of salt :-)
You could also just try polishing it alone at first and see if it bugs you.
I had a lot of success using a wet sanding kit like this on scratches like those:
It won't completely remove the scratches but they become a whole lot less noticeable. Worked great on my black Chevy and my wife's orange BMW.
Scratch Removal Kit It should work as long as the scratch hasn't gotten to the actual paint. I Used it on my motorcycle to clean up a scratch. Just need an 20v Drill. It's just a wet sand and buff process but it comes with all the stuff you need.
Hi all! I have my end-of-lease inspection coming up in 5 days. 2014 Chevy Cruze in perfect working shape. Two items I know of:
1) two quarter sized paint scuffs on rear bumper from someone tapping me with their license plate
2) one long (18") clear coat hair-thin scratch on roof
Both areas are tough to see unless you really look for them, especially roof. But I imagine an inspector will see them.
Any tips on dealing with these? Today I ordered this:
Any other thoughts or experiences when turning in a lease? I will be washing/waxing the car/wheels and detailing all around, vacuum/dress interior, etc.
EDIT: Seeing that this 3M kit requires sanding, I canceled for now. Waiting to hear from you experts on what might work...thanks!!! :D
3m makes a polishing kit for use with a power drill if you don't have a DA polisher. Comes with sandpaper, compound, Polish, and polishing pads. Just be careful to keep the pad moving. Lots of YouTube videos.
by the 'black' do you mean the paint color? i had picked up a little touchup paint from the dealer so i think i have something that'll match well. i'm pretty sure it's past the clear coat so i'll actually have to use touchup paint.
would i have to apply any clear coat at all? so i should paint it first, then wet sand with the 3 different sandpapers, then use meguiars ultimate compound and then the polish? instead of the last 3 steps, would the 3M scratch removal system work? if you are not familiar with it, it comes with 3000 grit sand paper, a compounding mixture and polishing mixture. if you don't think this would work, where would i get the sandpaper and meguiars compound/polish? thanks!
If he just scratched the clear coat you can "buff it right out" in under an hour:
Project farm tells me this is the one you want to use if you have access to a drill.
Here is the link to the Project Farm video if you’re curious.
I just had to fix a scratch like that on my car, this is really all you need.