I bought a 4-pack of Plasti Dip on Amazon, specifically this one. I messed up the first time since I sprayed too close, and too much at once, but thankfully it's just Plasti Dip and it just peels right off. I sprayed it once more, and the trick is to use a fuller can since it doesn't glob up near the end. I did about 4 coats, and completely used up 3 of the 4 cans. No finisher coating.
Honestly, I suck at this and it still looks good IMHO. For $34 I used a little over one of four cans and that’s cause I messed up and had to peel off and reapply a couple times. Easily a one can job, but I plan to do my rims next so I bought four cans. It’s my first time using plasti-dip, but it’s so cool, just peel off and try again if you mess up. If you hate it, just peel off and go back to the silver. It’s literally idiot and mistake proof. All I can say is you can CLEARLY tell the spots I did right and the spots I rushed. Go slow and layer thin coats and keep the spray 12” away it will look smooth as satin… get rushed and too close with the spray and it ripples… BUT… since the rest of the interior is a mix of smooth and bumpy… I think it matches either way 🤷🏻♂️
4 PACK PLASTI DIP Mulit-Purpose Rubber Coating Spray BLACK 11oz Aerosol https://smile.amazon.com/dp/B0093BSNB0/
Honestly, I suck at this and it still looks good IMHO. For $34 I used a little over one of four cans and that’s cause I messed up and had to peel off and reapply a couple times. Easily a one can job, but I plan to do my rims next so I bought four cans. It’s my first time using plasti-dip, but it’s so cool, just peel off and try again if you mess up. If you hate it, just peel off and go back to the silver. It’s literally idiot and mistake proof. All I can say is you can CLEARLY tell the spots I did right and the spots I rushed. Go slow and layer thin coats and keep the spray 12” away it will look smooth as satin… get rushed and too close with the spray and it ripples… BUT… since the rest of the interior is a mix of smooth and bumpy… I think it matches either way 🤷🏻♂️
4 PACK PLASTI DIP Mulit-Purpose Rubber Coating Spray BLACK 11oz Aerosol https://smile.amazon.com/dp/B0093BSNB0/
I've only used the OG plastidip stuff (though buy it locally, it's usually cheaper) and it has worked great for me. I'll try and upload some pics a little later of a few of my cases.
I just bought the Plastidip, some home painting plastic drop cloth and large index cards to protect the tires. I didn’t get this company’s kit, but their instructions are great.
I got 4 cans on Amazon:
4 PACK PLASTI DIP Mulit-Purpose... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0093BSNB0?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share
4 PACK PLASTI DIP Mulit-Purpose Rubber Coating Spray BLACK 11oz Aerosol
Plasti dip will cover the rims perfectly. My damage was way worse than yours. A dremel or something to smooth it first is a good idea.
People do this a lot in their 4Runner - you may want to check that subreddit.
Lots of people use “plastidip” which is a rubberized paint. I haven’t used it but apparently it’s pretty forgiving and can be peeled off where you don’t want it.
4 PACK PLASTI DIP Mulit-Purpose Rubber Coating Spray BLACK 11oz Aerosol https://smile.amazon.com/dp/B0093BSNB0/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_KYS3VJ62HEK3QDYSH1C9?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
Here are some 4Runner videos: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=ImfTdT7R5bs ; https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=d2NwSAxWNyk.
This should work well for the door handles and roof rack. Some people even use it for their wheels.
This one:
I got the 4 cans total (for working on other projects), but I ended up using 1 full, and a bit more than half of the second one, about 6 coats total (3 light, 3 "heavy"), you can get them also at the local HW store (Lowe's, Walmart, etc) for about $5-$6 each. Cheers
Closed cell foam would be fine, or you can use open cell foam and spray it with Plasti-Dip after you've cut it
Plasti-Dip. About a can a wheel. Go REAL SLOW and stay minimum 8” away with layers letting it dry 30 minutes between layers.
4 PACK PLASTI DIP Mulit-Purpose Rubber Coating Spray BLACK 11oz