I think you’re fine without the recliner. I didn’t have one and only wished I did on days 1-2 where it was hard to get out of the bed - but that was because I also got my boobs done and couldn’t use my arms to push and pull myself up. But you can roll to the side and push up to stand so should be good!
A good sturdy side table helps too!
Here are the wedges I bought: https://www.amazon.com/Bed-Wedge-Pillows-Set-Orthopedic/dp/B08R8235N9/ref=mp_s_a_1_6_sspa?crid=S5CN5QIF6N1N&keywords=sleep%2Bwedges%2Bfor%2Badults%2Bpost%2Bsurgery&qid=1669236206&sprefix=wedges%2Bpost%2B%2Caps%2C80&sr=8-6-spons&...
I definitely think age plays into it, I’m 24 so that may help my body recover faster. By my two weeks, I was standing almost straight and moving pretty well. My biggest recommendation is getting wedge pillows from Amazon so you can sleep sitting up! They’re expensive but 100% the biggest game changer for recovery. In all, it honestly was one of the most painless recoveries despite everything he did. I also didn’t push it on the “walk every hour” rule. Listen to your body!
The pillows I got 4 Pc Bed Wedge Pillows Set - Orthopedic Wedge Pillow for Sleeping - Multi Angle Relief System for Back, Neck. Shoulder, and Leg Elevation Pillows | Acid Reflux, Anti Snoring - Machine Washable Cover https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08R8235N9/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_SWEEJGNZ5K9CG5WWJRSJ?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
Yeah. I can't find the exact product now for some reason, but it's that grippy shelf liner stuff. A strip of rug pad also works. Neither is very comfortable on bare skin, but I'm mostly in contact with pillows anyway.
I have an expensive pillow set similar to this. I put the triangular prism under my knees and find it helpful for staying upright.