Get Advion gel for ants from Amazon. Put a 3 inch line on pieces of aluminum foil (to allow it to be cleaned up) near where you see the ants. They will cluster on it for about 2 days, then disappear.
Advion from Amazon will fix their wagon. Put a two inch strip on pieces of aluminum foil and leave those around. They will cluster on it for two days, and then be gone.
I used to have seasonal ant issues, I tried a few baits and stuff I could find at Rural King and Lowe’s and nothing worked that well. so let me tell you a little bit about what I did. I decided to use Orkin pest control and a guy would show up for 5 minutes and lay some bait that worked very well then charge me 90$. I had tried baits before and they never worked. I looked at my service report 1 day because I had gotten tired of feeling over charged. Orkin and some other pest control experts use a bait called Advion and it’s very good. I was able to get 4 containers of it for 28$ cancelled their services and have never had serious ant issues again. This stuff is like crack for ants, they will swarm the gel you lay out like a horde then take it to their nest and by the next day, no more ants.
This will stop everything in its tracks. Leave it out there, and VERY IMPORTANT do not wipe up the dead ants. It leaves what I'll call death pheremones and all their friends come and take the bait back to their butt buddies and kill the queen.
If you have a dog, LPT put it in a straw and tape it under a counter and they can't get to the bait.
Ok I am trained in the arts of ant war.
I have been in a constant state of war with the ant nation for many years.
I will guide you on the path of victory.
first they have taken over your macbook air, this is unfortunate. I lost a surface laptop to ants awhile ago, they love the feel of cold metal and all that power running through it.
If you want to save your laptop follow these steps.
purchase this ant killing gel from amazon this is a slow acting poison, to them it might as well be crack they will eat it for a few days and take it back to their queen and babies to eat, by the time the realize its harmful its too late, they will all be dead.
turn macbook off, place macbook on table away from any food or pets, place a paper towel near macbook and apply 4 drops of gel on it.
wait, the ants will come and eat the gel, depending on how many come reapply gel when it starts to run out.
pay close attention to the ants and where they are heading you want to find out where their hive is located.
when you find the small crack in your home where they are entering through, you have won. apply gel to that area and watch them feast on it.
after a few days the ants will be gone and you have won the war. rejoice! victory is sweet but short lived, some new queen will someday move into that ant hive someday and the war will resume.
They are probably coming in through the threshold between the bathroom and hallway, they usually come from there because it’s almost never properly sealed. Ants are pretty easy in most cases outside of pharaoh ants. Just gets some advion ant gel from amazon. That’s what we use, I promise it works.
4 Tubes Dupont Advion Ant Gel Bait w/ 1 Plunger (30 grams per Tube) ~~ Kill Argentine , Big Headed , Carpenter , Cornfield , Crazy , Field , Ghost , Harvester , Honey , Little Black , Odorous House , Pavement , Pharaoh , Pyramid , Red Imported Fire Ant , Rover , Thief and White Footed ~ Better then Maxforce Intice & Terro Best Pest Control for Ants On the Market !! 6666305
This isn't a door fix, but I have had GREAT success with this product to kill ants:
I normally put it on a piece of masking tape to make cleanup easier. It will attract a TON of them quickly, they eat it and bring it home to kill the rest.
Yeah, that stuff is extremely mild. You may want to get something that's made for exterminators. I doubt you'll have trouble buying any, and they usually sell it on Amazon. It sounds like you know what you're doing. Be sure you leave the bait out and don't kill any ants that are feeding on it. I recommend this stuff.
I used to have ant problems, and the Home Depot traps didn't work. They would lure and kill a bunch of ants, but I'd still see a ton a day later.
Finally, I used this:
You have to figure out where the ants are coming from and lay some gel down there. However, it is really good at getting rid of them for good. Occasionally a few would come back after like six months, but a quick re-application would sort them out right quick.
It's available for me in the US. Not sure if it's available for you or not if elsewhere.
Here are the bait station ones
Syngenta Advion Ant Gel 4 tubes 30 grams each
Is what my exterminator used when we had such a nasty case that even the Terro liquid ant traps didn’t work
This is what I bought
Syngenta Advion Ant Gel 4 tubes 30 grams each
I’ve never had luck with store bought stuff. Advion is the only thing that has worked for me.
A little 1” strip of gel here and there is all you need.