42.5-inch ABBREE 144/222/435Mhz Tactical Antenna for Baofeng BF-R3 UV-82T Baofeng x Radioddity UV-5RX3 UV-82X3 BTECH UV-5X3 Abbree AR-F3 Tri-Band Radio Two Way Radio https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07X2X79B4/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_glt_fabc_YDC19WCS64V6MZJGBWTS?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
And a Leatherman as mentioned, probably a Surge for a kit like that.
If you are getting along fine with the UV 5R you could just get a different antenna setup. Below is a link to the ABREE folding antenna. They fold down from like 40 inches long into three overlapping segments for travel. Think like a long measuring tape that can fold over on itself and then fold back over on itself to be more compact. There are other antennas out there as well. You might want to try posting on the han radio subreddit which gets a lot more traffic and ask how to improve your reception. I'm not an expert at this.
42.5-inch ABBREE 144/222/435Mhz Tactical Antenna for Baofeng BF-R3 UV-82T Baofeng x Radioddity UV-5RX3 UV-82X3 BTECH UV-5X3 Abbree AR-F3 Tri-Band Radio Two Way Radio https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07X2X79B4/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_glt_fabc_FQWC0NH06WH8AWSXW91B
That might honestly be simpler. Any recommendations for a VHF monoband portable antenna? A 1/2 wave would put it at about 40 inches. Would something like this offer an advantage in both terrains?
It seems like it would be annoying to direct it to get a good signal, from my experience with the uv5r the direction of the antenna is more important than anything. I like the antenna style that can fold down like this
Edit: deleted unnecessary description from amazon
First of all, love the camo! I have a soft spot for woodland.
Anyways, looks good man, the only thing I would change personally is get an extendable antenna for that radio that’s taking up spaces for the left shoulder pocket. That’ll free up that area for shoulder transistions (which you should learn anyways if you haven’t) so it’s not banging into the antenna and your wasting time trying to pocket it.
I have this antenna and I have been using this cable extension
It is a collapsible antenna found here and the cable extension here for the baofeng uv-5r.
I have it on my backpack on a rip away Molle Velcro pad because if I’m doing anything outside I’ll need a water source and food/snacks. Plus also contains extra mags/water purification tablets and other things. So I will need to carry a bladder. If it’s on my carrier anywhere but the lower back of the pc (where it used to be) I would need to take off my pc to attach it properly again. So with my backpack I can just remove that and have the medkit right in front of me without taking it off.
My thinking and situation though lol
I was planning on using either these
or these
Are there any you would suggest under $50?