Definitely move some of those mags
Med kit in that location would drive me crazy, you could move it to a dangler if it’s getting in the way but there’s nothing “wrong” with how you have it now
The radio is a solid choice, look into a longer antenna like this:
42.5-Inch Length ABBREE SMA-Female Dual Band 144/430Mhz Foldable CS Tactical Antenna for Baofeng UV-5R UV-82 BF-F8HP Ham Two Way Radio
They fold up nicely and get you much better range, pretty cheap and have a lot of different sizes. If the antenna gets in the way you can get extension cables and relocate them too:
ABBREE AR-152 AR-148 Tactical Antenna SMA-Female Coaxial Extend Cable for Baofeng UV-5R UV-82 UV-9R Plus 2Way Radio
Other than that a good light source would probably be pretty convenient
I hope this was a joke I fail to get. Its obviously a foldable antenna like this here.
Relative noob here
I'm using a bunch of 7 inch Expertpower 699c antennas on my uv5rs and uv9rs but I'm not sure if you'll be able to find any
I've heard good things about the Abbree folding antennas and am waiting for mine to arrive this guy gives some antenna comparisons for ur baofeng
Got it on Amazon, it's kinda cheap and I've got a friend who's already broke one of them, but it does help a lot with range. My friend lives about 4 miles away from me a little up a small mountain and we can talk house to house with no issues with both of us using the same radio setup.