Hello! My brother has really gotten into in this past year. I really need some help for gift giving, as I do not know the ways of wood nor how to work it, if anyone has any recommendations or even a general direction to point me in that'd be greatly appreciated. Also gag gifts are HIGHLY encouraged, as I love to cook and a few years back he got me this gem of a book and I still haven't recovered. Looking to spend around $50-$75 if possible but any advice is more than welcome. Thank you all!
Fuck it’s real. Also apparently a good cockbook. Er, cookbook.
Holy shit it's real.
"I am a little off on the wine selection but I suspect that you, of all people, would know what flavor to pair with dick."
Edit: You could also link this: https://www.amazon.com/50-Ways-Eat-Cock-AlternaTips/dp/148259143X
What a waste of money! Buy this book instead https://www.amazon.ca/50-Ways-Eat-Cock-Healthy/dp/148259143X
You can actually buy it on Amazon
I also recommend to you cooking with poo
Judging by the Amazon promotionals, they definitely knew.
I'm a crew chief, not far off from ammo maturity-wise...this is my go-to for deployed christmas gift
Food for thought. https://www.amazon.com/50-Ways-Eat-Cock-AlternaTips/dp/148259143X
https://www.amazon.com/50-Ways-Eat-Cock-AlternaTips/dp/148259143X here you go, hope this will clarify a thing or two
Must have been reading this book: 50 ways to Eat Cock.
If you are looking for more ideas I recommend 50 Ways To Eat Cock. It is both incredibly amusing and has some great recipes in it!
Good companion book for this one:
^^^^AUTOMOD This is a copy of the above post. It is a record of the post as originally written, in case the post is deleted or edited.
A bit of background:
I befriended Nancy my freshman year of college. Being the fairly private and reserved person I am, I don't really open up to people and have a few close friends. She's one of them. I truly value her as a friend and work hard to maintain our friendship. After graduating, we acknowledged meeting up would be difficult, but we would make it work. I don't drive or have a car, so sometimes I take the 2-3 hour bus ride to see her. When she drives to me, it takes about an hour, and we compromise by switching back and forth. We stay in touch by sending memes, FaceTiming... using any kind of online platform to ensure our friendship stays alive.
The situation:
At the beginning of December, Nancy texted me letting me know that she wouldn't be spending so much on holiday presents this year because she wants to save up for a new car. She said despite the lower price tag, she would try her best to give a thoughtful gift. I let her know that I understood, it's fine, and I would do the same.
I ended up mailing her a holiday card and shipped her gift to her. I got her an engraved cutting board because she got into cooking recently. I wrote in the card about how why I got her the gift, how I feel she'll grow and I hope she continues to immerse herself in a new hobby, etc. I wanted this gift to be practical and somewhat motivating for her (to continue cooking). She was thrilled and also let me know she was going to ship my gift to me as well.
Last Friday night, she texted me saying "omg I found your gift, I need your address, etc." and drove up to me on Sunday to deliver my card and so we could catch up. I was super grateful and we got dinner, caught up, etc. On Monday, I received her gift. She got me this. Later that night, my girlfriend tells me that Nancy messaged her on Friday, asking her what she got me for Christmas, for any ideas, etc. and asked for my shipping address. Apparently, this all happened last weekend and it got to me super quickly via Amazon prime.
I'm a bit upset because this is clearly a gag gift and there was no thought put into this... considering this happened within one night. I spent days mulling over what to get her and wanted it to be practical and somewhat motivating and didn't use Amazon (I feel like using Amazon is cheating whenever I buy close friends' gifts). I don't care about the price tag, but considering she did this all within the same night, it didn't exactly feel thoughtful.
AITA for being upset over this gift? I don't really cook, it will probably stay in my drawer because I don't want my family seeing it either.
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With Christmas around the corner, this will be a great white elephant gift! It's available on Amazon!
People do eat male chickens. I got this cookbook for my brother-in-law for Christmas. He wasn't amused, but his husband sure was.