And he'll get 6 rolls for $10 so if it tears 5 times during one grow he's still got an extra.
Point is, it's supposed to be a budget build. It's sacrificing efficiency in favor of frugality.
These seem to get decent reviews and are very cheap. Some of the reviews complained about it being easy to tear. But others say if your are careful it works well. Apparently it helps keep the temperature up a little.
Haha not a bad idea tho! I think this would be quicker and in the long run cheaper for you
6 Pack High Silver Reflective Mylar Film, Garden Greenhouse Covering Foil Sheets Effectively Increase Plants Growth
Another way is to get some mylar like this:
And use some magnets to put it up. It's super light, portable, and the magnets will stick to any sheetrock corner piece