Hey! I felt the same and i was advised to buy Kaplan's 8 Practice Tests Book or The Princeton Review's 10 Practice Tests book for further practice. Both of these have detailed answer explanations and are totally worth it.
I'd link them here:
They might be a bit of an investment, but I promise you wouldn't regret it. Also, I would suggest you take few tests in Kaplan, and finish taking practice tests before your actual SAT on Kaplan. Take the Princeton Review ones in between.
If You were looking for websites or other online sources of study, I have a few links I've used for that:
Free SAT Reading Practice Questions | High School Test Prep
New SAT Reading: Practice tests and explanations_CrackSAT.net
I just checked Amazon, Kaplan has a book of 8 Practice Tests for 13 dollars (was originally . One of the cheaper sources if you want to buy.
Barron's is another one with a book of 6 practice tests for 15 ish dollars. https://www.amazon.com/dp/1438009968/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_i_GyplEbN2SVXHR
Regardless though, at the end of the day there are a ton of sources for free practice tests. I have taken the Kaplan SAT prep course and I think their practice tests are appropriate in difficulty from experience.
Hey lovebearhugs!
While the ACT and SAT are both standardized tests with similar subjects, it's usually best to prep for them using appropriate, designated prep materials to make maximum score improvement. As for ACT online prep, they will provide you with some resources and strategies, but at the end of the day, you'll be paying a lot of money for mediocre prep.
We encourage you to look at 5 Academy website for some ACT book recommendations.
The above books are good SAT Test Prep Books.
If you have any more questions about the ACT, please feel free to ask us! We'd love to help!