A recommendation I saw a couple times was magnets used to secure lattice. All depending on what you're going for of course.
Something like this is what I saw.
But she is looking good so far. Plenty of clearance around condenser.
I know this is old, but I'm currently putting together a drip tray shelf with magnets, and I want to point out to anybody else searching the sub:
The magnets on Amazon are a little more pricey, but they all quote 70+ lbs of pull force. These HD ones only say 5.8 lbs. So cheaper per magnet, sure. But at $8 (for 2 magnets, not per), you can probably use far fewer magnets.
CMS Magnetics® Neodymium Round Base Magnet w/Countersunk Hole for#10 Bolt - 70 LBS PULL 1.26" in Dia 2 Ct. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B008H40U10/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_nKuDxb9G02V3K
That's what I'm currently using. If I find 4 of them aren't strong enough I'll be adding a couple more. There are magnet sites where you can get a greater number if stronger magnets cheaper though.
Weight kit (mag connect) and a bearing from bc precision works well for me. It's pretty inexpensive too.
Bearing (2" is my 'goldilocks' just right at just over a pound):
Assuming you already have the dtr itself, just need the mag connect (NSFW):
I've read of restorers using a draw-string bag to create a safety-catch too, though I find mine quite reliable.
KoT 👊
I used
1.26" Neodymium Cup Magnets (qty 2) from Amazon
3/4" Diameter Steel Ball Bearing (qty 1) from Amazon but only had a 6 pack
I got bearings from BCPrecison, which is what Chuck recommends. 1.1lbs is my "sweet spot"-sort of the "goldilocks" just-right for me. I do 2 or 3 hours weighted though; if I did longer I might go lighter.
Bearing: https://www.bcprecision.com/products/2-inch-chrome-steel-ball-bearings-g25
Assuming you already have the dtr itself, just need the mag connect (NSFW):
KoT 👊
Dtr weight kit is $2, then you supply your own magnet and ballast.
Here's what I use (dtr site link NSFW):
This 1.1lb one is my goldilocks style just-right. One smaller is 0.8lbs which is okay and the one larger is 2.3lbs which is only suitable for while watching TV.
Assuming you already have the dtr itself, just need the mag connect:
Here's what worked for me -- my Goldilocks just-right is a 2" bearing that's about 1.1lb according to the tension scale.
Assuming you already have the dtr itself, just need the mag connect (NSFW):http://foreskinrestore.com/Magnet.html
With the retainer you can do washers for weights too if those are handy.
[Sorry for the belated reply - hope this helps.]
Here's what I ordered if it helps (which fit): https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B008H40U10/ref=ppx_od_dt_b_asin_title_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
Plus bearings from BC Precision.
Kot. ☺️
I got there: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B008H40U10?psc=1&redirect=true&ref_=oh_aui_detailpage_o00_s00
But I haven't got the chance to test them out.
Do you guys think it'll work?
The jury is still out on the magnet that catches the caps, I haven't drank enough since I made them.