I don't return it to the eshop. The first was from Poland for about 4 EUR. But nowhere is there anything about USB3.1 support. And I read that these cheap bites tend to be more easily involved. So probably according to the USB2.0 standard. I have now ordered this model see. url.
They directly describe that it is USB3.1 with support for HDMI, Ethernet and 10GB speed. There are also positive answers to connecting a VR set. Anyway, it's for 10 EUR, so I ordered it and I will report when it comes. Otherwise, I'll have to create a cover or extension in CAD and then print it out on a printer to prevent that hand from being destroyed. But this would be perfect to work, it. I tried the ordinary one, and the tablet function without display works. The design is great and will not interfere.
Otherwise, it would certainly be good for the manufacturer to think about it and give in the future, just like with the higher series, to start supplying the L terminal or extension.
Great point about the angled cable. I should’ve mentioned that I also got this adapter to get the 90 degree angle, way better. It charges and everything with this adapter + the cable linked above.
I got this one but it seems it's out of stock both on UK and US Amazon.
If you search for "USB C Male to Female angle adapter" you should be able to find the same thing from another seller though, just make sure that it's USB 3.1 and supports a minimum of 5 Gbps data transfer (all the ones I've seen say they support 10 Gbps).
I had the flat one of these lying around so I put that in. https://www.amazon.com/Degree-Adapter-AFUNTA-Downward-Extension/dp/B078YRKTKM/ref=sr_1_7?crid=O8SDQ3ENV5AF&dchild=1&keywords=90+degree+usb+c+adapter&qid=1602951247&sprefix=90+degree+usb+c+ad%2Caps%2C214&sr=8-7
I can't vouch for the brand, but the form factor works well. It points the cable to the back of the end case so that it's not awkward to put in and out, and you can even zip it up all of the way. (although I'm not sure why you'd want to do that)
That's the same one I bought and it's working great so far for charging and data transfer. I would advise buying this too so the cable hangs down rather than sticking out the side.
I believe the other poster was talking about an adapter, not replacing the cord itself.
Something like this: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B078YRKTKM/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_i_bnUzFbAFYZ2X2
Here you go! It should work just fine as long as it's USB-C
Would an adapter like this work?
I have these and can confirm they work perfectly
If you are "desperate" to get the the Razer Kishi working for anything, then you can do this:
Not the most aesthetically pleasing but you can then loop a USB-C extension cable (or even a USB-A to USB-C Female) to hook it up to any device of any size.
The USB-C benders are here from Amazon:
just curious, do you think what you have is overkill or is there a purpose to having the extra pins / fast charge for the keyboard?https://www.amazon.com/Degree-Adapter-AFUNTA-Downward-Extension/dp/B078YRKTKM/ref=sr_1_3?dchild=1&keywords=usb+c+elbow&qid=1614147335&sr=8-3
for reference here is my ghetto setup. was looking at getting an elbow https://imgur.com/a/MpXNJKM
you can do one of these things...
Yes, there are lots of options that have a 90 degree bend built into the cable. You can add a 90 degree adapter.
But I haven't heard of any cable that is as light and flexible as the official cable. I assume it's hard to beat fiber in that regard.
Personally I think it's well worth it - reduces the strain on your USB cable and the headset a lot. I use this one and it works great.
I wasn't originally sure which adapter type would work best, so just bought a pack that had both.