I am an amateur. So I apologize. Not the same brand. I just bought off amazon. When I posted, it was about over a week into testing with the new antenna. I just checked, its now been about 2 weeks. The results are even better.
The network stability is the same.
This is the antenna I bought off amazon https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01FV1DCRU?psc=1&ref=ppx\_yo2ov\_dt\_b\_product\_details.
This is my best performance antenna on my bobcat 915Mhz / 8 dBi gain Omni LoRa Antenna - Excellent for Helium Hotspot Mining https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01FV1DCRU/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_glt_fabc_AEY6D4PPZYVRAHTAP737
I just installed an 8 dBi off-grid system high up in a tree. I have 51 witnesses, with the farthest one being 32km away. While my antenna would certainly work for you, you might do better with a directional antenna, if all your targets are in the city.
Here's my setup:
Antenna: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01FV1DCRU?psc=1&ref=ppx_yo2_dt_b_product_details
Cable: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07GD9C4CD?psc=1&ref=ppx_yo2_dt_b_product_details
Power converter (works with Sensecap): https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08NXCTNP8?psc=1&ref=ppx_yo2_dt_b_product_details
Solar panel: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0836PVY8J?psc=1&ref=ppx_yo2_dt_b_product_details
And one deep cycle 12v marine battery.
yah, unfortunately a lot of them are and I don't doubt it has to do w/the recent shipments of hotspots. I've seen it on Amazon for about $28 plus shipping. Maybe paste in the model number. One advantage of that one is it comes ready to go. You don't need any cables, adaptors or mounting hardware. The following ones do and it gets more complicated (and expensive)This one is large and pricey, but a reviewer has used it w/hotspot at over six miles (keep in mind there's countless factors including the other HS owner's set up). https://www.amazon.com/915Mhz-gain-omni-LoRa-Antenna/dp/B01FV1DCRU/ref=pd_di_sccai_14?_encoding=UTF8&pd_rd_i=B01FV1DCRU&pd_rd_r=51af6bbd-3988-4521-871a-c9d743ec78e6&pd_rd_w=LL8Tf&pd_rd_wg=QXMrc&pf_rd_p=5415687b-2c9d-46da-88a4-bbcfe8e07f3c&pf_rd_r=436P0XDWYXE5AB7J50FT&psc=1&refRID=436P0XDWYXE5AB7J50FT Rak 5.8's are popular w/HS owners (about $60 w/shipping). Some use Altelix. Make sure you're looking at Lorawans tuned with 915 mhz. Nearson's (available at digikey), but they're quite expensive. The Rak 5.8 comes with everything you need (correct adaptor type etc) except mounting/grounding stuff