Matt McCusker keeps referring to <em>A Billion Wicked Thoughts : What the Internet Tells Us About Sexual Relationships</em> and something called “Porn Sickness”, but I haven’t read it and can’t say. It seems to back up what you’re saying though.
A Billion wicked thoughts which looked at habits of porn users showed that a significant number of straight men liked to look a penis (Often on women)
So right idea wrong gender.
Estoy muy de acuerdo con la propuesta de usar datos. El mae del video tiene un doctorado en psicología clínica y el análisis que hace es sobre este libro; el libro fue escrito por dos neurocientificos que analizaron mas de 400 millones de búsquedas en Internet, suficiente data?
La razón del porque es importante aprender de expertos en cualquier temas es porque no todos tenemos el tiempo para evaluar la realidad y sacar conclusiones correctas o al menos cercanas a la verdad. En casos como estos puede que alguien salga con algo que puede resultar ofensivo para algunos pero de pronto terminas aprendiendo algo que no sabias?
> Women are part of people and there are fewer sex differences inherent in people than most people realise, and their effect magnitude is smaller as well.
I find it plausible that one of the inherent sex differences between men and women is that women will tend to be more "choosy" than men, on average.
I think the sexology book A Billion Wicked Thoughts went into this based on brain scans. For men, arousal tends to be an "or" function - just one arousing thing needs to be present for them to be aroused. For women, arousal tends to be more of an "and" function - one or two things not going right is enough for them to not be aroused.
This makes sense from an evopsych perspective - sperm is cheap, but carrying a pregnancy to term is expensive.
I’ve read that generally women need to be desired in order to be aroused which makes turning dating on its head not really work. Females are the selectors (passive deniers) in our species as an evolutionary way to quality test our DNA before passing it on since female is the sex with a greater investment in having offspring. If the primitive brain desires to be sought after first, the new method wholly prevents that out of convenience for the logical brain. Other things we could do that are logical but against our evolved programming would be to not couple up at all, to put all children up for adoption with the best tested adults as parents instead of the biological set, or prevent people with genetic flaws from breeding. I know these are all heartless and extreme examples, but our evolutionary psychology runs so deep it’s the cornerstone of society and changing it won’t just take gradual learned behavior but everyone battling their own instincts.
A great read
A Billion Wicked Thoughts: What the Internet Tells Us About Sexual Relationships
Is there a reason you specifically want Red Pill perspectives? Why not avoid “taking sides” altogether and read or listen to research instead of loosely accumulated internet dogma. Red Pill AWALT is a reactionary community theory to to how western culture unrealistically portrays one sex (women) as wonderful and the other (men) as oafish and animalistic. These comparisons are inherently imposed on an individual’s psyche which influences their life. Ug ug mo gug gug cavemen bad cavewomen guud. The media reinforces this narrative and what’s worse, so do our mothers. When a man goes out there and finds a incongruity in his societal impression and women’s behaviors he doesn’t know what to think. Unfortunately, anecdotal knowledge is sought instead of research and we end up with AWALT instead of an open minded perspective that men AND WOMEN are held back by their evolutionary instincts when it comes to love and that what we call feelings are really just our instincts fighting our evolved brains.
I suggest the following book, and though barely covers lesbian behavior, it at least does so with data.
A Billion Wicked Thoughts: What the Internet Tells Us About Sexual Relationships
> It's that I was sooo ashamed for fucking half the college frat and enjoying it,
Actually, it's men who fantasize about women fucking half the college, not women. Here's some neuroscientists who studied internet porn searches & studied female fantasies.
The researchers noted male erotic fantasies of becoming a woman, and fucking lots of men. Men pay to watch huge gang bangs. Women write erotic fantasies of having sex after proving "it's not just sex" to him.
>Wife: "Thank you for understanding my plight. It's not that I thought my husband was an unattractive beta who I married primarily for resources,
Of course the man should be ANGRY as hell if he is betrayed like that. However, day-in and day-out, what is the evidence she never desired him & was just "using him". Only a fool would throw out 7 years worth of data because of one thing that happened during school years. Any rational investigator would realize need for more proof. Something is wrong if you leap to the most horrifying conclusion, and stick to it regardless of other evidence.
I'm actually reading a book that mentions these studies and touches on a lot of the same issues. Do check it out if this is a subject you're interested in.
I mentioned <em>A Billion Wicked Thoughts: What the Internet Tells Us About Sexual Relationships</em> and <em>Sons of Cain: A History of Serial Killers from the Stone Age to the Present</em> upthread, but I’ve found it just about impossible to find a concise general reference on how these sexual ideations form.
It’s easier to find psychological research on extreme cases, mostly lust and rage serial killers, because obviously there are a lot of resources devoted to profiling and identifying those offenders.
Aside, I hadn’t realized that the identity of Jack The Ripper is not only fairly solidly known, but there has also been quite a bit of research into his psychological formation and drives.
The thing is, there’s hardly any literature at all into these sexual thought patterns and their development short of being clinically/criminally significant. I can’t find any works on the steps between “scolded and humiliated by mother” and “collection of heads in the freezer.”
I don’t want to get too too into idpol taboos, but from the 70’s-2000’s you had psychological literature as well as the police profiles list crossdressing and Autogynephilia indications of sexual pathology, but for obvious reasons… lol that’s all been dropped now.
I guess academia, especially in the social sciences that would study these things, landed on “Kink-shaming” before the research to understand kinks had produced a body of research?
Now that they’re all good, I guess there’s no interest in what causes them - it wouldn’t really matter.
A Billion Wicked Thoughts: What the World's Largest Experiment Reveals about Human Desire Book by Ogi Ogas
Yeah post was removed.
The gist was, too much porn is <strong><em>bad</em></strong> for you.
May I direct your attention to this?
>In this society almost all prostitutes are women. That's a bit wierd, don't you think? Why is it that only women tend to sell their bodies and attention for money?
Because of fundamental differences in sexuality between men and women. The fact that men and women have Equal worth as human beings does NOT mean they are the same on average.
Female sexuality isn't primarily visual and it requires more investment. Something like 90% of erotica (Story porn) readers/buyers are women. Men overwhelmingly prefer pornographic photos and videos. When college students were surveyed and asked if they would have sex with an attractive stranger that night if offered, very few women said yes. But something like 50% of men said yes.
And male prostitutes exist. But since men are wired in a way which makes casual sex enjoyable, male prostitutes do best with male customers.
>Clearly that's not OK, but the reason that's not OK is because it's kidnapping and slavery, not because it's prostitution.
Agreed. Unfortunately from what I've read, when legalized there tends to be an uptick in human trafficking within the area.
>I can easily imagine someone charging thousands for a night with the best whore in the city, and people sleeping with that whore and thinking " well spent."
If you support sex workers refer to them as sex workers. "Whore" is a derogatory/sexist term dehumanizing them.
>It's stuffed full of patriarchy. Men pay for prostitutes becuase they can't get the same kind of love and connection without paying for it
Well our society is patriarchal yes, but that's some lazy reasoning. There are customers who "can't" get that affection/intimacy.....but to blame them as sexist is a stretch. They could have emotional issues or abuse etc. That make it hard to relate to people, such as merciless bullying. Lack of social skills. Or just troubled, not sexist.
You're also forgetting convenience. A woman requires investment/courtship. A sex worker responds to payment. You can get someone who may be more attractive than your available options, and quicker, and without emotional fallout. If you are hustling 60hr weeks, or in a hurry, it may be faster to hire a sex worker than court a woman.
>Women. Why don't women pay for prostitutes?
Ya, societal sexism and double standards are a factor in the discrepancy between the sexes and sex work. But biology is just as big. Again non-commital sex is something women are wwaaayyyyyy less interested than men.
Would more women pay for male/female sex workers without the double standards? Yes!!! But it would never have the same market rate/frequency amongst women.
>So...why should prostitution be shunned? Becuase right now, in reality, it's mostly a profession taken up by women who are either coerced or have no other option.
Agreed. Unfortunately in the areas where it has been legalized there has been some evidence that human trafficking increases as well. On the whole I agree with you but was wary of some of the tropes you used.
SOURCES influencing my views: Wicked thoughts evolution/desire
A Billion Wicked Thoughts: What the Internet Tells Us about Sexual Relationships
Livro mencionado no vídeo!
I wish that I was enough of an expert to accurately analyze this. However, the book A billion wicked thoughts and this link both present the research. (with different opinions than me) Perhaps you look at the data and come to a different conclusion than we did.
Why do women want those 5 types of men for their fantasies, what do they have in common?
I saw this data and abstracted competent, dangerous, and powerful. Perhaps you see different traits.
I wish that I was enough of an expert to accurately analyze this. However, the book A billion wicked thoughts and this link both present the research. (with different opinions than me) Perhaps you look at the data and come to a different conclusion than we did.
Why do women want those 5 types of men for their fantasies, what do they have in common?
I saw this data and abstracted competent, dangerous, and powerful. Perhaps you see different traits.
You're biologically programmed to seek out worthy partners. Read this book:
>So when I looked at possible reasons for why more porn is directed at men than women, I wasn't addressing a point you had made?
> Women can be aroused by visuals just as much as men are - even if the visuals are slightly different. a strawman. I did not say that women could not be aroused by visuals as much as men are. You were addressing a point I did not make.
How do you know there's so few women looking at porn? Or that women don't pay for porn?
>According to the neuroscientists who wrote A Billion Wicked Thoughts,women do not often pay for porn. Authors Ogas and Gaddam write: “According to CCBill, the billing service most commonly used by the online adult industry, only 2 percent of all subscriptions to pornography sites are made on credit cards with women's names. In fact, CCBill even flags female names as potential fraud, since so many of these charges result in an angry wife or mother demanding a refund for the misuse of her card.”
>How do you know that the accounts men have on porn sites are shared by their wives? You're making a lot of speculation and generalizing a whole lot based on that study.
If you're going to make that argument than you support it. I find it highly unlikely that the other 98% of CCBill subscribers consist of men buying porn for their wives.
>Regardless of how much women are aroused visually or how aroused men are visually, the point remains, arousal happens, it's not an irresistible force
Another strawman.
,>and using gender and words like "uncontrollable" to excuse wanting to commit adultery is just wrong. Either you chose to sleep with someone or you chose not to. Period.
And another one. You get one more chance and then I start ignoring you.
>weirdly obsesses
Why do you think that it's "weird" to be interested in breasts?
In fact, I recall that one study found that "busty" was the #1 most searched-for term by males on Google when it came to pornography. (From this book.)