If you think 100 US forces will effect the outcome of this multi-sided conflict when 100,000+ couldn't do it in Afghanistan and Iraq then I would love for you to explain it to me how that is going to work.
The LRA has to be one of the most despicable groups on the planet and their child soldiers often do things that would make a hardened al-Qaeda fighter vomit. A common practice is for the LRA to materialize out of the bush onto a village, line all the adults up and start hacking off one or both hands. No medicine, no experts, just a stump, a guy with a rusted machete (who is probably drunk and high out of his fucking mind) and a couple of 11-15 year old boys to hold you down. They kill like you or I do while playing CoD and give it about the same level of remorse. NGO's have begun installing LRA "early warning systems" so instead of arming the villagers and causing more bloodshed (my idea), the rebels are tracked and the people in their path are given notice to leave (remember, we are talking about the densest jungle on the planet, parts of which westerners have never seen).
That is not to glaze over "the white man's" collective sins in Africa because all the western countries hold some responsibility. Confessions of an Economic Hitman is a great book about some of the exploitation that went on it the 80s and 90s but if you want to understand the region now you need to read up on the wars because the various rebel groups that roam the Bush change sides all the time. Most of these groups are cults of personality with very loose basis in religion and ideology.
Of all the "world policeman" conflicts we are and could be involved with (not many people realize how much military support we are already offering in Africa) this is hands down the most noble. We are not sending in troops to topple an "evil dictator", no "regime change" just protecting civilians from a band or stateless rapist and murders.
Good books that are roughly on subject
http://www.amazon.com/Continent-Taking-Tragedy-Hope-Africa/dp/0375414614 http://www.amazon.com/My-Friend-Mercenary-James-Brabazon/dp/1847674399