Hey, I'm planning on doing my undergrad thesis on LQG and I need to start learning the basics of the field. I'm proficient in GR, and I'm currently in a grad course on QFT, so by the end of this semester (when my serious studying of LQG will start) I should have a fairly good handle on QFT. Can you recommend me any beginners books on the subject? I'm currently trying to decide between buying Gambini & Pullin's (http://www.amazon.ca/gp/product/0199590753?psc=1&redirect=true&ref_=oh_aui_detailpage_o00_s00 ) book or Rovelli and Vidotto's book (http://www.amazon.ca/Covariant-Loop-Quantum-Gravity-Introduction/dp/1107069629 ). Have any of you read either of them? Can you speak to their pedagogy?