Read them!!! Even if it doesn't get finished, its still debatably some of the best literature of our generation and gives SO much insight into the story and the characters. Especially in the fifth book, there is a ton of plot points and awesome characters that never made it to the show. I imagine reading it now would be a nice bit of healing/closure after the catastrophe of S8
You can get the mass paper back editions in a set on amazon fairly cheap, unless you’re a hardback junkie (totally understandable).GoT series on Amazon
The twitter link you posted has an amazon link that contains affiliate tags. That means the person who created the link makes money on each purchase. You may resubmit your post but use a clean amazon link instead:
I really liked Dune. It stands on its own pretty well, fun and somewhat thoughtful. Give it a try, it's certainly not the "best" but it's a good read.
There again if you like Game of Thrones you might want to try the books. They are pretty good. I got mine for just over $20 but it's gone up since then looks like.
Here's a link -
I know this is late since this conversation is almost 2 months old, but <strong>here</strong> is an Amazon link to a box set of all 5 novels for $30. That's a better price then I've been able to find anywhere else ($6/book for brand new copies isn't too shabby), and they're pretty good quality - although they're paperback, it's definitely not low-quality paper or covers.
So if you're still looking to buy the books, I'm not sure if you'll find a better price than this, unless you go hunting for each one individually at used book stores or something.
Is this the same bookset as the one you have? Could you say a bit more about how the books in the bookset you have are different to the mass market ones?
Read them.
Was on sale for $20 when I bought this 1-2 years ago, but $27 for 5 books and endless hours of entertainment is a steal. If you buy these I'll even send you the PDFs so that you can read on the device of your choice, b/c I don't care if legal or not... if you bought the books you own the rights to read the content how you like.
Amazon has the five book set on paperback for $30 and Kindle for $20. Just sayin' :-)
Edit - And welcome! Glad you're hooked! The whole "people you love and people you want to die" thing only gets better. You're in for a great ride!
The Book Depository (an Amazon subsidiary) has it for less. Most people would be better off with the still less-expensive five-volume version, though. (Free worldwide shipping, too.) Americans are, of course, better off buying the latter from itself.
I ordered the set off amazon for $30
I’m gonna ask a question, hopefully it’s not dumb. I just bought a set on amazon but it was only 5 books. Am I getting the whole story here?
Link for amazon. $30 is a steal.
A Game of Thrones / A Clash of Kings / A Storm of Swords / A Feast of Crows / A Dance with Dragons
For anyone downvoting (and as also confirmed elsewhere itt)- he is correct:
Here’s a few good ones that have a similar vibe-
Esilence The Legend of the Sorpha
Very fun read, the main character Feletra is really fun, much like Aelin.
A Song of Ice and Fire
If you like the darker elements of Throne of Glass then you’ll love this series. You may have heard of it’s TV show Game of Thrones. Very dark and brutal, with a kernel of hope inside it. Highly recommend, though keep in mind that it’s not for the faint of heart.
A very simple story told extremely well. You’d best give this book a shot if you’re looking for something more light, but still powerful.
I don’t know about other book sets but I own this set here which consists of 5 books🤷🏻♂️
Idk what that is but this is the link to where I bought it :)
Desculpa não percebi que você não era brasileiro kk. Pelo que vi no Brasil temos as duas versões tanto em 5 livros quanto em 7. A versão de 7, provavelmente por serem mais livros, é bem mais cara. Estava vendo o preço do box na Amazon espanhola e pensei se não valeria a pena à vocês, portugueses, encomendarem alguns livros da Amazon brasileira, por questão do preço. Não sei se você já chegou a considerar, mas tomando como exemplo esse box que você mandou (por 71,56 euros), temos um box de 5 livros também Edição Econômica por R$168,51 ( ) que daria cerca de 30,50 euros. Lógico que tem que ver quanto seria o preço do frete, mas talvez em pedidos caros, como esse, vocês poderiam economizar. De qualquer jeito foi só uma ideia que me ocorreu kkkk. Obrigado pelas respostas!
Essa de comprar o boxset na Amazon é uma alternativa que eu estou considerando, você acabou optando pela versão de 5 livros encadernados em couro? Estava pensando em comprar esta versão de 5 livros:, mas não tenho certeza quanto à qualidade deles, porque estão marcados como "Edição Econômica", apesar das capas serem idênticas aos livros de capa comum. Não sei qual box que você acabou optando por comprar, mas se pudesse recomendar algum seria ótimo.
I'm pretty sure that it's this one, got the same paperback set but from a different online vendor.
>There is a reason libraries exist.
So use a library. I don't care if you use a library. I just think people should stop pirating books. They're an insanely cheap form of entertainment.
Also, I never said hardcovers cost $8.
>Even trade paperback literary fiction books do not cost $8.00
Here's the five ASOIAF books for $27 right now. That works out to just over $5/book.
Here is all five of them for $20 for Kindle. That's $4/book.
(As an aside, "I read too much, so I pirate it all" isn't a very convincing argument to me. (Because the solution seems to be "pick cheaper books" or "check out books from the library instead" or "read the classics, which are all public domain—have you read the complete works of William Shakespeare yet? How about Milton? Dostoyevsky? Verne?" Those are all free at Project Gutenberg.
I would think, of all places, a sub dedicated at least in part to fandom of a book series would be universally in support of paying the guy who provided us so much entertainment. I could at least understand pirating the show because "fuck HBO that shit greedy corporation," but it's harder for me to imagine "fuck GRRM that fat fuck fat cat wall street tycoon" or whatever.
Hell, most of those books you're reading are written by people who can't even live on what an author makes. Because authors don't make much money outside of a very few exceptions.
> So explain Rhaegar's adherence to the culture and laws of the continent of Westeros for me.
You can read it here seriously if you missed it you must read again
I'm pretty sure they are published. I've read them all numerous times. Here's a link to Amazon. Really good deal for the book set.