A Gentle Path through the Twelve Steps: The Classic Guide for All People in the Process of Recovery https://www.amazon.com/dp/1592858430/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_JJPXVVPG4D0V731DXBBP
If you are committed to riding your life of this destructive force then there are several really helpful things that you can pursue. First, seriously consider professional counseling. Porn is addictive. We are all recovering addicts. Addiction is cunning, baffling and powerful. It leaves a wake of destruction in its path. It does affect every single facet of your life. In many cases we were addicts waiting to happen, even before we first viewed porn or masturbated. The key to exorcising porn from your life is found in these initial conditions which prompted you to pursue porn in the first place. Second, seriously consider working through A Gentle Path through the Twelve Steps. Patrick Carnes is the guy when it comes to sex addiction. It is exhaustive in its approach and will encourage you to leave no rock unturned when examining your life and past. Third, try to find a support group in your area. This can be a difficult and scary thing to do. Addiction functions in part through cycles of guilt, shame and secrecy. An addict often thinks that if anyone ever knew about these things then no one would ever love him or her. The truth is that when we were are able to share these deep, dark secrets with other human beings who understand out plight they actually lose much of their power. I am only able to suggest these options because I have undergone them and have found each to be incredibly life-giving. They are vital for my continued recovery. Feel free to message me if you have any questions or just want to chat.