Some free websites first:
[Personal finance/frugality blog.]( Strange guy, don't necessarily agree with his logic, but loads of tips and knowledge just waiting to be gleaned.
[New ways of thinking about home.]( Really inspiring.
Books: before you buy, check out your library.
Lester Walker's "a little house of my own" or (since I just noticed how expensive it is now, holy crap!) "Tiny Book of Tiny Houses". Not a how-to guide, but good for ideas and inspiration.
Gaia's Garden, by Toby Hemenway Search result page for other interesting books on the subject--that "50 Projects" one caught my eye.
"off the grid", by Nick Rosen. Haven't read it yet, just came out, but it sounds awesome and is now in my shopping cart.
Living on a Few Acres, published by--I shit you not--the USDA.
The book that changed (or will change) my life: "Earthbag Building," by Kaki Hunter and Donald Kiffmeyer. I am no carpenter, but, unlike every other "build your own home" book that I've read, this book breaks things down in such simple terms, using such great diagrams and visuals, that I feel confident that I could build a home using this technique. I'll probably start with something small, like an outdoor bread oven, a playhouse, a garage, or guest house.
Happy reading!
Edit: don't understand why the formatting's off on a couple of entries. I've spent a lot of time on this list, nursing a baby at the same time, so I'm off to do some noninternet things. Don't hate.