Literacy is definitely a problem, but it’s a problem in the US too; when I was in the deep south, we helped people who could not read do the program as written in the first 164 pages of the Big Book.
One option is to have more literate people read the literature.
The AA Big Book is, of course, translated in to Spanish, and newer editions even go to a lot of effort to have the page numbers be mostly the same between the English and Spanish versions. Even non-AA-approved literature has been translated in to Spanish; I once used a Spanish translation of A Program for You along with a Spanish Big Book to work the 12 steps in this workshop we had after meetings (OK, I cheated and downloaded an English version which I put on my Kindle).
In addition to the Joe and Charlie tapes: my favorite book for doing the steps is A Program For You. For people in the US, an Amazon link:
The 5^th step gave me a moral compass, and it helped me to learn how to no longer be a victim of circumstance, but instead be someone who can become a better person through the help of a higher power I choose to call God.
The first time, I had to fire my sponsor who wasn’t working the program, so did the 5^th with a sponsor.
The second and third times, I did the 5^th with a sponsor. The third time I did the 5^th, I did it with the help of the Joe and Charlie tapes and the book A Program For You: A Guide To the Big Book's Design For Living, which I the guide book I use along with the 164 to do the steps.
The fourth and fifth times, I could not find a sponsor so, since I had already done the steps three times, I did the 5^th with a casual acquaintance who I knew would keep things confidential (same person both times).