For praying the Psalms I use the Coverdale Psalter corrected to be in conformity with the Septuagint.
For the Greek OT I use the New English Translation of the Septuagint.
For most quotes and reading the Bible online I use the NET or the LEB.
For casual reading of the Bible I use the Knox.
Those are my mainstays for now.
Pray, fast, serve others, go to Church, and study always.
1) They should engage and keep the discipline of praying the Psalms each week a multitude of times a day using an LXX-derived Psalter (<strong>this is a good one</strong>, there are others). <strong>This</strong> is a good order to pray them in (with also the times of day to say them). This practice is ancient and demonstrated by the Apostles. It will also teach them to pray better for reasons laid out in <strong>this letter</strong> by St. Athanasius. This will also improve their own personal prayers throughout the day.
2) Fast on Wednesday and Friday, the former for the betrayal of the Lord then and the latter because it is the day He sacrificed Himself for our sins. This practice also is Apostolic.
3) Find practical ways to serve your neighbors and always pray for their souls.
4) Go to the Liturgy and after your baptism and confirmation receive the Eucharist for it is life and salvation.
5) Study the works of the Saints, Church Fathers, and theologians always. I highly recommend the <strong>Apostolic Fathers</strong> or St. Athanasius' <strong>On the Incarnation</strong>. <strong>This book</strong> on about the first 600 years of Church doctrine is also invaluable.