It’s wider than your shoulders not good. Bring it in just a tad so you can get full hip rotation. One book that really helped my swing is Nick Faldo’s “a swing for life.”
There are some terrific exercises in it that will properly shape your swing. I highly recommend it. It did wonders for my overall game.
If you are looking for good room and yard drills I can't recommend Nick Faldo's book.
I used this first edition back in the day when I was new to golf and first building my swing. Even now when I play only a handful of times a year I use these drills. It's helped me create a nice swing built on some strong mechanics.
Buy this book
Do the drills either at the range or around the house or in your back yard. Do all the drills for the next few months and focus on the aspects of the swing. Then go to the range and hit some balls. That book changed my life and swing and made me go from wanting to quit to really enjoying golf. I still do the drills when I am around the house and have some time to kill.
> Down walk. RUN to go get lessons
yes listen to this advice. Then buy this book
Do the lessons in it over and over and you will get a nicely crafted swing in the end.