Yeah I've got at least ten of them, they're as close to working with a bona fide guru as books can come! A Systematic Course in the Ancient Tantric Techniques of Yoga and Kriya is the yoga book to end all yoga books in my opinion.
While doing this is probably harmless... I would recommend working your way up to this Kriya. I've been reading 'A Systematic Course in the Ancient Tantric Techniques of Yoga and Kriya' which I would highly recommend. The book is divided into parts. The first lessons focus on preparing your body for more advanced practices :)
I'd recommend if you're feeling "kinked up" to learn some serious yoga. No popping or snapping but after a session my back feels great and I am so much more relaxed.
Hey man, those would be pretty advanced practices, beyond the scope of what I could cover safely online. I will have an ebook coming out soon that will touch on these topics, and then an advanced sexual energy sublimation ebook coming out later, so keep your eyes peeled.
If you’re truly interested in that kind of stuff, check this book out.
Start at the beginning and don’t rush things, or you’ll do more damage than good.
Let's back up a bit.
Yoga, chi kung, etc, can be thought of as spiritual technologies. Kriya yoga is a tech that has proven to be very useful for some, in part because it doesn't require the aspirant to spend years and years learning to get to single-pointedness etc.
I happened on it after my K had been awakened, but I've played with some of the techniques and my sense is that they work as advertised and aren't super-hard to learn. (By "super-hard" I mean "spending years in an ashram". They aren't easy-easy.)
There are various "authentic" sets of teachings in print and/or being taught. The ones I've seen are broadly similar but differ in details. There are people who seem to spend their lives arguing over which ones are "authentic", but I think the way to think about them is that most of them probably worked for someone at some point, and some might work for you too.
You may not get the Full Yogananda, but kriya yoga is a reasonably effective way to get some interesting things happening if you're ready. As always, a living human teacher is recommended.
All that said, if you'd like a reliable reference work, this book, which lays out a three-year self-study path for students starting from scratch (year three is kriya yoga), is highly regarded by many.
This book, in my opinion, is an exhaustive study on all things yoga - philosophy, different branches, asanas, pranayama, mudras, bandhas, chakras, modern science. Can't recommend it enough, with plenty of illustrations.
A Systematic Course in the Ancient Tantric Techniques of Yoga and Kriya - and it's now way cheaper than when I bought it.
If you're looking for a Yoga book I would say that this is the most comprehensive one I've read, about Yoga as a deep spiritual practice.
A Systematic Course in the Ancient Tantric Techniques of Yoga and Kriya
It's a gem of a book that I don't see being recommended enough, probably it's not of the quick-easy-to-digest-tips-for-happiness type of book that most people look for, or a lexicon of Asanas that some people look for (even though it has all the Asanas you can think of too). The book is structured into 36 lessons that are meant to be done one every month, making it a 3-year course, but you can also use it as a reference book and build your practice and you can go faster if you're diligent. The great thing is that it has practice advice and theory in each chapter that goes well together, so you're learning what you're practicing as you go. I never finished the whole book, did about half of it until life got in the way and I put Yoga on the shelf, but I still have so much knowledge from that book that has helped me when I've gotten the urge to do some Yoga, and I still read parts of it from time to time.
You can also supplement it with Patanjali's Yoga Sutras if you'd like.
Hope this helps!
Sorry, I don't have any particular text to recommend. I only have one book on meditation and Yoga :
But I don't recommend it as it is too daunting for beginners. I haven't gone past 30 pages. I definitely need to go a long way to have basic control on my mind and cultivate focus.
I literally gave you an ancient practice to generate the warmth of love and the feeling along with commentary that is suitable for a begginer. I got that from the book a systemic course in the ancient tantric techniques of yoga and kriya.
The author was one of the most respected yogis in the world, a master of multiple tantric rites and formed multiple monasteries and ashrams. But your right he probably has his head up his ass and you know the way.
I can tell you techniques they used to generate body heat (but you don't feel the warmth due to the depth of meditation) that they use to meditate in the snow for prolonged periods but you don't seem open enough and receptive to advice to use it safely, nor do you understand the metaphysical body and the deeper essences of emotions required to go that deep so it would be useless to you.
The most important thing is your desire to experience this feeling will blind you. Desire is the enemy and your ego is obviously out of balance. Maybe someone else will tell you
The Anatomy of Yoga is good for teaching beginners outside of the actual asana time. Focus muscles are highlighted in chart-like photos and diagrams.
Also this one
has a lot of ancillary kriya that can help many people if you can teach it.
This book is considered "The Bible" of yoga. Other spiritual books that have helped me is a book called "Mindfulness in Action" by Chogyam Trungpa
For a good old school solid book
A Systematic Course in the Ancient Tantric Techniques of Yoga and Kriya by Savitri Ent. Learn more:
When i started building my pranayama practice, my guru and I used this book as a primary resource. Very detailed and insightful.
Your EGo is hurting the yoga instructor so she wants you to chill!😃
I’m only being partly facetious as most yoga instructors I’ve had the pleasure of meeting have their own ego’s quite unchecked. The yoga instructor is trying to tell you to not lose sight of who you really are, or can be, if you do your yoga right, and get it’s essence. You might not agree with it but yoga can give you new eyes to view your world very differently.
I can expound more but it is probably ‘nuff said for this forum.
A brief view of what yoga can do for you is found in my guru’s book, a reference to which is here. The introduction alone did wonders for my world vision when I first read it in 2011/12.
May you find your new vision and understand the deeper truths that the sages have, for centuries, expounded on for progeny.
Yes my dude! The rabbit hole goes very, very deep.. look deeper into yoga and meditation, the possibilities are almost limitless.
Some good resources -
A Systematic Course in the Ancient Tantric Techniques of Yoga and Kriya
Mastering the Core Teachings of the Buddha - lots of OBE talk in this one.
A Systematic Course in the Ancient Tantric Techniques of Yoga and Kriya by Swami Satyananda Saraswati.
hello guys,
In my journey I've found that, spiritually speaking, all roads seem to lead to India, not Rome. This book by Sri Satyananda Saraswati really opened my eyes unto the ancient science of Yoga.. thanks for the other recommendations.
I found some on a KaT page:
I use this its very extensive and includes tons of info on asanas and pranayama techniques, as well as meditation techniques
These so called books on yoga poses are child’s-play. The real book you want is this - Yoga and Kriya: A Systematic Course in the Ancient Tantric Techniques: 1