:-) Ah, another book for my wish list! [I'm for almost anything the Catholic church is against...!] Thank you!
If you don't already have it, another book to recommend: A World Lit Only by Fire: The Medieval Mind and the Renaissance: Portrait of an Age, by William Manchester.
It's been about fifteen years since I read it; it's worth a re-read by now. I remember appreciating it greatly because it was interesting enough to read almost all of it at one sitting.
Since they're paraphrasing it anyways (AND WHY ARE THEY SAYING "FIRELIGHT"), here's a great source for running a Dark Ages game:
It's not the best history, but it makes for FUN games.
it was popularized by st. augustine as a way to attract women to the catholic church, because their men were off fucking many women
EDIT: Source, a rather interesting read. Had to read it over the summer for Euro a while back.
The trick is, to Australia is you hang out with your black and Hispanic Marine buddies. You'll get a lot of action; White and asian Marines, not so much. not exotic enough for them, i guess. but black and Hispanics, the Aussie girls go crazy.
I read https://www.amazon.com/World-Lit-Only-Fire-Renaissance/dp/0316545562 something similar here, in which Magellan's men where ever they went in their round the world voyage , local women practically raped the dudes. instinct, hormones , genetic, or something.
I dunno, what the reason is, but black and Hispanic Marines are highly desired in Australia. Oh, and kangaroos are delicious!
A world lit only by fire. By William Manchester A World Lit Only by Fire: The Medieval Mind and the Renaissance: Portrait of an Age https://www.amazon.com/dp/0316545562/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_6HhlAbYSH0F6Y
Communities of Violence: Persecution of Minorities in the Middle Ages https://www.amazon.com/dp/0691165769/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_yGhlAb8W4TR6N
I have a bunch I’m a work I’ll see what I can do. One of my favorite time period
A World Lit Only By Fire by William Manchester. Describes in gory detail what pre-Renaissance/Medieval world was actually like.
"A World Lit Only By Fire" the parts about the Borgia popes are especially juicy. http://www.amazon.com/World-Lit-Only-Fire-Renaissance/dp/0316545562
I think you will probably want to read this book: http://www.amazon.com/World-Lit-Only-Fire-Renaissance/dp/0316545562/
Someone already mentioned A World Lit Only by Fire by Manchester, and I'd like to second that because it's so entertaining.
Also! Barbara Rosenwein's A Short History of the Middle Agess. I had it as a textbook for one of my classes last semester, and it was a textbook I actually looked forward to reading. Plus, it has PICTURES. By the by, I happen to have two copies of that book (two different editions, ooooops), and I'd be interested in selling one of them on the cheap. Or maaaaaybe it'll be free to a good and loving home. =)
I'd say none of those but instead read A World Lit Only by Fire