I’ve tested a bunch and rearz (which is on amazon), tykables, and ABU euro edition are the thickest out of the box. After that I would recommend abena abri-let maxis: https://www.amazon.com/Abena-abri-let-Incontinence-Without-Barrier/dp/B001LFG5V6/ref=mp_s_a_1_3?crid=2MEVV0BW6CBJ7&keywords=abena+abri+let&qid=1643748947&sprefix=abena+abrilet%2Caps%2C66&sr=8-3
The northshore ones are super thin, baby diapers are a hassle to cut and are thin. I don’t think these are good options.
Unsure about cloth but that link also has inserts they recommend.
For disposable stuffers I think these are the best: https://www.amazon.com/Abena-abri-let-Incontinence-Without-Barrier/dp/B001LFG5V6/ref=sr_1_2?crid=1BQ5FD1QZ3DU3&keywords=abena+boost&qid=1649775274&rdc=1&s=hpc&sprefix=abena+boost%2Chpc%2C44&sr=1-2
Or these are a bit shorter but way bulkier/expensive: https://www.amazon.com/Rearz-Overnight-Booster-Adhesive-Capacity/dp/B095PVHSN6/ref=sr_1_1?crid=RQVKMP1E5048&keywords=rearz+booster&qid=1649775377&s=hpc&sprefix=rearz+boosters%2Chpc%2C45&sr=1-1
Or these swell nicely and start thin... I prefer large because the bigger anatomically shaped ones are kind of weird, but it doesn't seem like there are smaller packs: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00A7V9184/ref=emc_b_5_t?th=1
Although not perfect, the Abena Abri-let Maximum "Big Ass"^(TM) stuffers that are 22" long and don't have an adhesive strip are one of my favorites. They're surprisingly cheap (~50 cents each)for the size and absorbancy, they're soft, and they add mondo bulk. It's perfect for when I want to take my above average but not super premium diaper, like an Abena M4 or Seni Super Plus or NSC Supreme Lite, and get silly with it. Since they have no adhesive, you can also replace a soaked one (They are all pulp fluff so they swell a LOT) from your diaper. It's much easier to do this in a cloth diaper of course, but a disposable where you can refasten the tapes is easy enough. That way you never have to leave your fave diaper🙃
In general, my go-to is North Shore Care large. A little pricey (~75 cents each) but all-around quality. I like the dimensions of these because they're big enough (at 16") to provide good coverage but no too wide (5.75") to fit between the leg gatherers of almost any diaper I like. That may seem petty but if the booster is too big, you're gonna leaks as it swells. Also available through Amazon.
I haven't tried ABU power ups but I hear nothing but good things and look forward to checking them out.
God I love diapers, is it obvious?
Hey there! Diaper pads such as the Abena AbriLet Maxi are huge and can be almost the same length as the diaper. They are really fun because they can make even a basic diaper into a high quality one.
You have to be careful though because if the diaper has small/short leakguards, you run the risk of having overflow once the pad reaches it's peak.
My suggestion is to double up on cheap diapers using a Wartenberg Pinwheel. All you need to do is run the device over the top sheet of the first diaper and poke many holes from front to back. Then, put a second diaper on over it. Because the holes are so small, you don't run the risk of having all the pulp leak out into the other diaper.
Try it out and see what you think ^__^