Here is the Amazon link to Abioism. Note since I made this post, in the last hour, it jumped up to #64 ranking in best sellers in thermodynamics books.
That’s a good question! Now you are getting the hang of coming up in the world of genius rankings, or at least where the ladder or mountain resides. Rule #1: first you have to questions; in your own mind first, then directed at leading thinkers in the field, second.
I presume you have read the references, cited below?
>Next, we note that “phlogiston“ was disproved by Lavoisier and Laplace (172A/1783), who showed anomalies in mass gain, mass no change, vs mass loss reaction experiments; “caloric“, the replacement to the former, was disproved by the Benjamin Thompson cannon boring experiments (157A/1798). This gave way to “entropy”, the new second law of the universe, devised by William Thomson and Rudolf Clausius. Either was disproved by a combination of the Michelson–Morley experiment (68A/1887) and Einstein’s 50A (1905) work, followed by the 36A (1919) Eddington solar eclipses expedition measurement.
The earliest crude experiment to disprove that “life” exists, was given by Alfred Lotka (30A/1925) who said:
Step two shows that we are not made of aluminum Au [Z13], whence life has been experimentally disproved.
Reference for the book Abioism: No Thing is Alive, Life Does Not Exist, Terminology Reform, and Concept Upgrade, are shown below, free pdf, booklet (black & white images or collar image versions), video, articles, and discussion:
Other references:
Also, that the r/Abioism sub was launched for these types of questions.
Note 1: the six-page “Isopsephy” section (pgs. xxxv-xl) of Abioism, gives the basic overview of how alphanumeric etymologies work, e.g. that 888 [Solar Magic Square value]/3.14 [Pi] = 282 [Bios]. The following book:
which shows how the entire alphabet arose from Egyptian letter based mathematics, won’t be out for another year, about.
Note 2: the new r/Alphanumerics sub is dedicated to this new subject.
Total ways get the A66 (2021) book Abioism: No Thing is Alive, Life Does Not Exist, Terminology Reform, and Concept Upgrade:
In Sep A67 (2022), the book was ranking in the top #60 to #110 range ranking in best sellers in thermodynamics books.
Total ways get the A66 (2021) book Abioism: No Thing is Alive, Life Does Not Exist, Terminology Reform, and Concept Upgrade:
In Sep A67 (2022), the book was ranking in the top #60 to #110 range ranking in best sellers in thermodynamics books.