> active displayport to dvi adapter.
oh really? I like this. Well, currently when I open the AMD settings, it says I have to disconnect one monitor to use the other (but all 3 show up in the settings). SO this active adapter will allow all 3 enabled simultaneously?
I have two of those mini-hdmi slots available on the card. So I need one of these?
amazon link
YES... this bothered me for some time and at great expense, meaning I've tried many, this is the only one that works. The key is to get ACTIVE and DisplayPort 1.2 - it seems, that's what finally worked for me. I have two of them and they work flawlessly.
edit: letter
edit 2: I'm sorry, I totally glanced over the fact you are using DVI. I'll leave this here for VGA folks... and hey, maybe a 1.2 DVI that is active will work.