I had a wicked case of lace bite as a player due to using unwaxed laces / cranking my skates so tight. I solved it with BungaPads (I’ll put the link down below), but I think depending on the severity you may also need to take a couple weeks off to let it heal up or it’ll just get worse. You can change up your ways of lacing too so it doesn’t put as much pressure on the sore area.
I know there are cheaper DIY methods, but this is working well for me: http://www.amazon.com/Absolute-Bunga-Pads-Ankle-Sleeve/dp/B000289XWQ I put it over my skate socks
It took me a couple wks to get used to leaving the top looser. It's done wonders for my skating overall. I'm much faster on backwards quick starts, forward tight turns and crossovers, both forward and backwards.
You could try the "Crosby" where you skip the 2nd to top eyelet, but the heel lock should be coming from the lower eyelets anyway, not the very top
I ordered some circular gel pads from amazon and cut the center out to make donuts. I also wear a gel ankle sleeve and stuff my sock with a 1/2 soft foam pad to thicken up my inside upper ankle (allows the boot to be tight without cinching the top strap as much, thus taking pressure of the malleolus bone.). This is all for my left foot. My right foot is completely fine with nothing - really strange. But with this setup I have zero pain.
Yeah they do seem a bit hard to turn in tight spaces although I chalk that up to my beginner level skill. There are folks on youtube who rip with these but theyve been rollerblading for like 15 years lol.
sleeve: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B000289XWQ/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o03_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
gel disc: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B076PSX6FR/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o05_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
They’re these gel ankle sleeve things, figure skaters use them!
I am already wearing these and they arent enough, it's the knobby ankle bone that aches afterwards
I am already wearing these and they arent enough, it's the knobby ankle bone that aches afterwards
I've heard good things about these pads, though I haven't tried them myself. Maybe give them a shot?