I use a Pelican 1150 case to fly with my CCW. Not sure if the lock hole on the rifle case would be the same, but this Abus padlock fits perfectly on the pistol case. Absolutely no play
ABUS 55/40 Solid Brass Padlock... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B005UM98YM?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share
i found the abus 55/40 on amazon for really cheap. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B005UM98YM/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o00_s01?ie=UTF8&psc=1
Abus 55/40 was $7.87 on Amazon as of right now.
ABUS 55/40 Solid Brass Padlock with Hardened Steel Shackle, Keyed Different https://smile.amazon.com/dp/B005UM98YM/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_3PY1EBX4J4F2N5N65Q5D
Not sure why your post got downvoted (hopefully that will be corrected as more people see your post), but welcome to the community! Those were great locks to start with. Just the right amount of challenge.
If you're looking for ideas where to go next, I'd suggest looking at the lock list that will be posted by a bot in a reply to this message when I suggest you take a stab! at some more difficult locks, and see if any look good. There is also the belt ranking list which is far mor comprehensive.
I particularly enjoyed the Abus 55/40 which is a good tick up in difficulty from the locks you've been opening but will still be within your abilities. You can find it on Amazon for about $6 or $7, with free shipping if you have Prime.
A good next step (based on the belt ranking wiki) would be the Abus 55/40 or 64TI/50 or the Master 150.
Advancing further, the Master 410 and American 1100 are inexpensive and quite challenging
I've picked up all of these and multiples of a couple (the 1100 and 410) and most of them are right around $10.
Also don't forget about Amazon Warehouse! Lots of lightly used locks there at a discount, many of which aren't used, but just have damaged packaging.
Not so much. Look here. These are quite affordable.
And this lock got me orange.
Well made yellow lock for $11
You're very welcome. I haven't bought locks in a while, but i did some quick searching on Ebay to double check.
Make sure you're not searching in the 'collectibles' category. Instead, under the 'business and industrial' category try 'facility maintenance & safety'.
I generally search for "padlock keyed different" or "lock keyed different". Adding "keyed [different/alike]" doesn't necessarily mean you get bulk locks only. Ive seen plenty of sellers doing individual locks with those keywords. Usually it's like 'padlocks keyed different, up to [number] available" or something like that. And if they're keyed alike, that doesn't mean that picking will be the same between them.
Picking relies on manufacturing tolerances to exploit the lock. If we could make a lock with a +/- 0.000000000000 tolerance itd be unpickable. But every single lock is different even if the pin heights are the same, due to slight differences in manufacturing. Buying keyed alike lock sets is often a good deal cheaper than keyed different. I always buy keyed different but that's just for variety. I don't pick that often and don't have much room for hobby stuff in my apartment. So i splurge a bit.
Other search terms ive used with examples i found tonight.
"Locksport padlock"
"Locksport lot" / "Locksport padlock lot"
If you end up buying bare schlage style cylinders, like the smaller ones in that link, I'd recommend rigging up something to hold them in your hand. I have access to a laser at work so I worked this little thing up in CAD and had one of the guys in laser dept cut it for me.
"Lock lot no key"
"Locksport cylinders"
Keep in mind i can't specifically recommend any of the above links cos i haven't bought from them. But they all seem promising to me. It's always cheaper to buy a few locks than a single one.
Also if you do end up wanting to spend a bit of cash, I've bought from this guy before. After shipping the locks end up being like 20 bucks each but he does a very good job pinning them up based on your request. I was trying to learn to pick serrated pins when i bought locks from him and he really killed it. I still haven't picked the third lock yet tho lol.
I'm not an expert at ALL. I think I'd be a green or blue belt on r/lockpicking if i actually submitted my picks. (I just don't care about the validation lol. I'm fine knowing i did it. That said, id recommend getting a few good, new, but not bank breaking locks to really cut your teeth on. Apparently paclocks have gotten fuckin EXPENSIVE, so I'd dodge them. Not tryna pay 25 bucks for a 90a. American lock 1100s can still be had for like 15 bucks tho. Amazon has Abus 55/40s for 8 bucks right now.
I know you don't wanna splurge on new locks but having a couple around is very nice. You can really feel the crispness of the pins clicking up and down and it helps a lot to get a feel for picking. The vast majority of my locks are used and a bit old and while they're still very fun, they don't have the same kind of register as my factory fresh ones do.
Also in general when you're searching, watch the brands and the style of lock, especially if you're looking at lock lots.
Masterlock is trash. They're fun to pick to show off at parties. And hey, if it makes people think you're cool then absolutely do it. But for actual practice they're a joke. If you see a lot with 3 masters and 3 Americans then realize you're only buying 3 Americans. Same deal for a lotta unbranded locks. Tho admittedly i got a True Value branded padlock that's delightful to pick. Anyway, just do some searching before you buy.
So that's all i got for now but i'll reread probably on Monday and add if i need to. I feel like i meant to say something else but i can't remember.
Under $20
Has some experience
Looking for a challenge
Definitely gonna give them a challenge