garage doors usually have a hole for a padlock, I would get something high quality like
These two are really more for if you want great lock bodies to put other cores into:
They both come with zero bitted schlage cores.
This is a cool lock but I was actually looking for the CS version (Kasp 19070X) but I can't find it sadly on Amazon now:
These can be a decent pick but they are great padlock bodies as well:
Stanley Hardware S828-152 CD8820
Once again for some reason the 60mm Stanley is not available at the moment only the 50mm one.
If I can think of some other stuff I'll post it later.
I have to assume the cost of a set of Best locks can be offset either by getting a bulk/commercial account deal of some kind, or simply through the interchangeability of the cores meaning the maintenance costs offset very quickly compared to having to fully replace entire less expensive locks to replace a key.
But if you only need one padlock for normal security usage, it can be kinda hard to justify costs like that. The larger all-steel American padlocks tend to be very good value, but I feel like I should give a shout-out to the A5360 it's slightly pricier but has a fully shrouded shackle, something I consider a very valuable security feature.
Also, the Abus Rock is a comparably priced and very similar padlock with a slightly better core in it.