Ah yes, you’re looking at noise reducers.
AC Infinity Inline Duct Fan Silencer, 4” Noise Reduction Muffler Blower Silencer for Indoor Hydroponics Grow Tent Ventilation Systems https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0829GJ5Q7/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_fabc_.kjUFb0QK7C67
My filters are inside the tents.
Bought them.
AC Infinity Inline Duct Fan Silencer, 4” Noise Reduction Muffler Blower Silencer for Indoor Hydroponics Grow Tent Ventilation Systems https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0829GJ5Q7/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_AIImFbHC51M2J
yea, i know they are expensive, but it shows what is possible.
i understand you live in a small apartment but you could build your own fairly easily.
if you were to make a basic wooden enclosure with 2x4 and plywood, put some sound foam in the inside, a good quite fan (my recommendations are the following fan paired with the following silencer
just having the enclosure will massively reduce the nose.
you can really reduce the noise by using two layers of thin plywood separated by a 1 inch air gap.