I have a couple of 2 port docks with 2HD's each and they got really hot as well. I ordered this usb fan set and put one fan on each pair, they're super cold now.
I'm thinking two sets of them would cover all of your drives and running on low or med might even be enough. In the meantime if you have a deskfan I would point it at your rig.
Glad you figured it out, just blast the air through those vent slits. I've got a couple of WD externals laying on top of my plotter and have one of these to blow air down them: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00JLV4BWC/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o00_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
I bought these fans for my setup but I no longer need them and missed the return date. I’d be willing to ship them to you or something cause I don’t want them to go to waste!
AC Infinity MULTIFAN S7, Quiet Dual 120mm USB Fan, UL-Certified for Receiver DVR Playstation Xbox Computer Cabinet Cooling https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00JLV4BWC/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_mrjMFbGCVTV9K?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
My first step would be hose it down with bleach water and then scrub it out good. Next step would be get a couple of fans in it, even if they are just cheap USB fans like these. After that I would fill it with gallon jugs of water to see what the temp actually stabilizes at.
During the cycles the temp inside the cabinet will go up and down, but a big hunk of meat won't follow this same path as it's too dense. Jugs of water will do the same thing, as they will find an equilibrium somewhere in the middle, and that will be the true temp of the unit.
I didn't worry about humidity, and honestly just let it be whatever it was. Also I didn't bother with any filtration, and instead just tossed in some cheap chuck roasts as tests before loading with anything more expensive.
I wish I could find something like this for what you have in it!
7.4.6...Jesus, yeah that's nuts. That's not home audio, that's a damn theater. Yeah as much as much I assume you spent on all of those speakers I would probably go with professional set up for this project too. The AVR alone had to be crazy expensive. What AVR did you get, X6700H? The only advice I can give you with the project, these Denon's run hot as hell. Like, too hot to even touch. I ended up getting a dual external fan that just sits on top, one blowing cool air in and the other pulling warm air out, and it has brought the temperature down significantly. I'm sure with your set up, you might already have something more heavy duty for cooling, but def don't overlook that. This is the one I bought
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Yep, but sadly that item linked won't work for you. It doesn't look like you have the 1.3 inches needed for clearance above your receiver and I don't recommend removing the AVR's feet to make space as there's usually this weird bump down there.
IMO, you could get a couple of fans then bolt them to the back of your shelf after cutting out holes for them. Something like:
Throw a couple of these on top of your light. Sticking a couple of CPU heatsinks , then the fan on top also works well. https://www.amazon.com/AC-Infinity-MULTIFAN-Receiver-Playstation/dp/B00JLV4BWC/ref=sr_1_5?crid=3ORV1XCYQ89UE&keywords=ac+infinity+fan&qid=1654967774&sprefix=%2Caps%2C120&sr=8-5
Put Artic Silver paste. It's a pain but worth it. I am lazy so mine is still in the tube. Instead bought small fans. Works like a charm.
Yep they were all I could find with a clip locally, I actually just ordered some lower profile computer style 120mm fans with a controller and these will be repurposed as personal desk fans for the gf and I during the summer. Here’s a link to the ones I got if you’re curious: https://www.amazon.ca/dp/B00JLV4BWC/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_E6N18MZTJR8MB42C0A10
I have a very similar situation like yours where the receiver is snug all around, just enough room to put fingers through. Touching the top of it, felt fairly warm but not super hot.
I placed one of these usb fans to the back of the cabinet (pulling air outward), used one of the receiver's usb ports to power it, and now the whole thing is completely cool to the touch. Worth it in my opinion.
That helps a lot, thank you. I will be using a 3 fabric pot as well so this sounds like exactly what i need to do. Is this the fans you have? I can't tell exactly if its 2 fans with 1 cord or each have a cord.
Yeah and a chiller would be loud and marginally better. I see reef tanks with a 3 fan config that looks sweet and works great. I use stuff like this for different applications, but figured it would work well here.
AC Infinity MULTIFAN S7, Quiet Dual 120mm USB Fan, UL-Certified for Receiver DVR Playstation Xbox Computer Cabinet Cooling https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00JLV4BWC/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_glt_i_RX30ATQV57VB4AFW067B
I'm sure there is a way to hook it up to a temp probe.
Denons run hot. I have these on my AVR-x4500h.
Yes thereare. I have them powered with a strip that I have inside the fridge. I drilled a small hole in the back and ran the wiring through that.
I bought AC Infinity fans for my bucket. They are wired together and use a USB plug for power. I just aim one in for intake, and the other out for exhaust. I only use my bucket for veg, so only have one set. I use my 44 gallon brute for late veg and flowering, and have two sets of fans in it (4 total fans). No wiring necessary, and as long as you have a USB adapter, you are good to go. I’m a newbie…so I’m sure there are better options. But these worked for me.
I have a detolf too. I swapped out the glass shelves with wire ones to increase circulation. I also recommend these fans from Amazon. Weather stripping will help with humidity too
IT guy, the laptop would perform better if there was improved airflow where the laptop rests. It would be super cool to drill some holes in the top and put a small USB fan below to draw the heat. https://www.amazon.com/AC-Infinity-MULTIFAN-Receiver-Playstation/dp/B00JLV4BWC/ref=sr\_1\_5?keywords=usb+fan&qid=1636472735&qsid=146-3798694-1701137&sr=8-5&sres=B07PZBVLC7%2CB094RC8MSK%2CB00JLV4BWC%2CB08TWLSMY5%2CB003XN24GY%2CB07S1...
AC Infinity MULTIFAN S7, Quiet... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00JLV4BWC?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share
This is what I have blowing down the sides of my PS4 Slim, which by the way, CP2077 often looks amazing on, with great HDR.
Tends to get unhappy though after a few hours straight playing CP2077. It is demanding.
Decent quality 120mm fans are almost always $15+ dollars. So for an all in one unit with grills and speed controllers it isn't a bad price for $18 dollars assuming it is quite.
There is a two pack whick drops it too $13.50 a fan https://www.amazon.ca/dp/B00JLV4BWC/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_glt_i_W6RRF3QAYJK0HKTCR0N0
But if you go about building your own Artic and noctua are top grade stuff, if your after silent but you will need to gets some grills and fan controllers on top of it.
I bought these a couple years ago to go on top of my home theater receiver to suck the hot air out of it:
They are nice and quiet and move a decent amount of air. Depending on how much juice your USB port can actually provide you may want to get a separate USB power adapter instead.
Grab These for the Router (External Cooling Fans)
I have them and they work in a sandwich configuration!
Sorry your having this issue, BUT Thank you for answering a question I had about temp warnings. I have thermal paste but have been too lazy to install it on my PS4 Slim so I bought these instead:
Of course I haven't had this message but I can tell after a few hours of a graphically intensive title my console is slower in response. Thesw fans blowing down the sides do help but this and some good thermal paste will fix your issue.
I bought these, plugged right into the back of the console. 1 to bring cool air in from behind the entertainment center and the other to blow hot air out, works great with zero issues.
These come in a bunch of sizes
I got the 2x120s for my SOs seedling starter and a single 140 to blow on my router & modem
Good start and has a great potential for further improvement. These are my recommendations.
Ah I was confused. It's the AC Infinity 120mm fans I see a lot of people using
Funny you mention being out of lids, Home Depot had a ton of buckets but no lids when I was buying supplies, but I had better luck at Lowe's.
I'll give the dual intake approach a try. That exhaust fan is pretty powerful.
I did something similar...removed the bottom cover of the enclosure and the psu and put two 120mm usb fans under it. i have a power bar with usb ports so if the printer has power, the usb ports are automatically going.
Best way is to remove the drivers and place them outside the tent. They generate more heat than the actual LEDs. I put my drivers on a baking rack, on top of a metal baking pan, outside my tent, then ran the cords in through a vent. I also bought these, and place them on top of the light hood, pointing down: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00JLV4BWC?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share
As I said, I have one flowering 4 smallish autoflowers under mine, and I probably wouldn't do more. 8 is more feasible, but still a stretch unless they're smaller plants.
There’s a used $1174 i7 Mac mini with 256 gb of storage and 16GB of ram on amazon right now. Couple that with external fans (reviews from other users I learned uses this fan for Mac mini’s): AC Infinity MULTIFAN S7, Quiet Dual 120mm USB Fan, UL-Certified for Receiver DVR Playstation Xbox Computer Cabinet Cooling https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00JLV4BWC/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_UmTlFbRFYCXV9
Also, check for external ssds; may be worth it.
They are an AC Infinity fans. I started with smaller ones and switched to these. They are are 4.7" x 4.7" and really move the air well. Link on Amazon below.
Probably unrelated, but this is the best option for cooling I’ve found as yet.
The temperature difference between not using and using these with an Xbox One X is astonishing.
AC Infinity MULTIFAN S7, Quiet Dual 120mm USB Fan for Receiver DVR Playstation Xbox Computer Cabinet Cooling https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00JLV4BWC/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_XYqvBbNX7C99P
You might consider interspersing your amps among the components and placing some quiet fans like these strategically. Sort of like this:
Off topic question but just curious why you need your VOIP phones on when there is no power?
Running electronics hot for their lifespan isn't a good idea for durability, even if they don't trip a safety and turn off. These fans are pretty cheap, and turn on/off with your console and plug into almost any USB port: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00JLV4BWC/ref=oh_aui_search_detailpage?ie=UTF8&psc=1
I heard the same thing which is why I bought these fans from Amazon for a good price. Super quiet and keep it really cool. I have to keep it on low bc it was too cold with it higher.
Link, I keep them plugged onto the front of my PS4, I bought one of those USB extender things to give me a few more ports. They're really great, have a few speeds and run very quiet. I keep my PS4 in an entertainment center thing and have one fan pulling in cool air to push it through the system by the front and the other one is set up to pull the hot air out the back. I haven't heard the PS4's fan turn on since I bought these in September. They're great too, between my gaming and my wife's Netflix and Hulu addictions my PS4 spends a ton of time being on and these fans are going to whole time. Sorry for the lengthy impromptu review, I just really like this product.
Here is what I used. The case I used is sold out but the fans are about 5x10 inches side by side. Display cases are nice because the modify nice without cracking. I'm sure you could mount the fans a million ways but I had a step drill bit and super glue lol.
usb fans
(I used small that is same length and width but only 3 inch deep. I used the box as a base to raise fans so there is 2 inches extra to make up for. There is a 5 inch deep double width case that I was thinking of trying next for a 4 way build.)
Cord for leds
> I replaced the stock ones with these. https://smile.amazon.com/gp/product/B00JLV4BWC/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o08_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
I can't even hear them tbh, they're great, I have 2 more on top of my LED venting off heat right into my AC Infinity Inline fan/filter! highly suggest!
I replaced the stock ones with these. https://smile.amazon.com/gp/product/B00JLV4BWC/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o08_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
Honestly almost any I have tried are either: ugly, don’t cool, or loud fans. There used to be a few I liked but they are all discontinued. Do you by chance USE the laptop keyboard/trackpad when it’s plugged in to models, or do you use external peripherals? If you use external, it’s way easier and cheaper.
I have had great luck with these:
AC Infinity MULTIFAN S7, Quiet Dual 120mm USB Fan, UL-Certified for Receiver DVR Playstation Xbox Computer Cabinet Cooling https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00JLV4BWC/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_5R6xFbRC1S205
I put one under the middle of the laptop, and the other on top of the keyboard on the left side where it gets hot. If you don’t like that look it still works great to either have both under the laptop, OR, have that second one upright behind the laptop (but MAKE sure it’s blowing the same direction as whatever intake/outtake it’s nearest to.
The reason I like these is they are adjustable speed, and totally quiet on low. It may not LOOK as nice as a solid passive aluminum riser stand, but it IS cheaper and cools better.
If you’re like me and use the MacBook keyboard underneath (or next to) the monitor, then comment back and I have some other options for that.
I’ve tested this a lot because I casually game on my main MacBook, AND my home server is an old MacBook.
I second OPs comment on TGpro as well, especially for lap/mobile use.
The thermal section of this page shows the cooling direction for your laptop. So if you had that second fan standing up behind the MacBook, if it’s on the left-most side make sure it’s blowing OUT away from the back book. If the fan is in the middle it should be blowing IN but that doesn’t work as well as boosting the OUT on the left side:
And as I said, you may get enough cooling by just having both fans underneath (as a stand) and then you don’t really see it.
My last week was the same(Tulsa, OK). After day 3 of getting to work and my phone notifying me that my air quality sensor and my camera system was down and then having to restart my trashcan when I walked in the door I called their support.
I had two questions "is there work being done on the towers in my area so I can chop this up to them working during the day" and "if so, when should I expect them to complete work". I got transferred between 3 people who had no clue what they were doing and didn't listen to a word I said. I was extremely frustrated with the lady who came out of the gate with "I'll connect to your modem and reset your ARP and everything will be SOOO much faster!". My 4th person confirmed they were doing work on the towers and to contact them back if I still had issues in two days.
I went ahead and ordered some fans for the can(https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00JLV4BWC $20) that day and they came in the next. Got a little upset that I splurged for the usb a to c adapter to find out it couldn't run my fans, but was able to find a spare usb power brick laying around. Since I still had issues the day I set up the fans, I know it wasn't about cooling. There was one more interruption the following morning. I came home during lunch to reboot it and it's been rock solid ever since(which followed with their "two more days" line).
So, I'd recommend calling support and asking if they are working on the tower and getting an eta on when they would be completing it. Turn off and turn back on the modem when you get home from work until that eta is over. When you are past the eta, call their support to verify they aren't working on it anymore and then start all the ways to improve signal.
I do the same exact thing with my Xbox. Bought these...
get fans. I got some AC Infinity fans for my receiver, pc and ps5 which can run hot in the ent center in the living room. I also have a set in the closet in the basement.
One set I bought:
their 'store'
I have a similar setup and installed these fans. Much much better. Hope it helps you.
AC Infinity MULTIFAN S7, Quiet... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00JLV4BWC?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share
Yes, but what I would do is add an a usb fan pushing the air out and away so it won't build up.
These are great.
Agreed on the ventilation issue. Add some airflow with computer fans (or similar). I personally use these, though, and they work great.
-Consider leaving your AC Infinity fan at a constant speed (4-7 range?)
-Look into using an evaporative cooler outside the tent. Placing a bowl of water behind a box fan, then drape a towel/washcloth over the fan with the bottom of the towel in the water. The fan should be pulling air through the wet cloth.
-Consider adding small PC case-style fans on top of your LED lights' heatsink. Cheap $20 fans from AC Infinity are perfect and go A LONG WAY in maintaining a steady environment.
-As others have said, 75-85 is a decent range for VPD , however humidity must also be considered. You have to back off the temperature in dry environments to maintain the same VPD zone.
I have the exact same TV stand as you and it had me a little paranoid about ventilation as I didn't like the idea that hot air was just pooling around the console in the cabinet. What I ended up doing was to buy these fans and tied them into this temperature probe. I put the fans on both sides of the Xbox, pulling cool air into the bottom of the Xbox and pushing out the exhaust on the top. I stuck the temperature probe into one of the corner exhaust holes of the top of the Xbox so it doesn't slip out but it can monitor the exhaust temperature. The fans are off when the console is off or just doing light activities, but automatically kick on whenever a game starts and the Xbox starts producing heat. I have a similar but slightly more complicated setup for my PS5 as well. Something to think about.
These are the fans I stacked and placed behind the case for more exhaust https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00JLV4BWC/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_i_R2C7EX9CHB8TNEKJYDNH
I don't know if it's right for your setup, but this is what I do with mine. My PS5 and Xbox One are in my media centre, both horizontally, with plenty of space on the sides but just barely enough clearance above, with a back that's mostly closed off. I've purchased USB fans hooked to a temperature probe (on the Series X, I have this jammed into one of the corner holes of the exhaust, one of the ones that don't actually go all of the way through but still receive air flow) and have one fan acting as an intake to the side and rear of the console and one acting as an exhaust.
That way, my fans will only kick on when the exhaust temp of my Xbox or Playstation hits a certain threshold, at which point they will kick on, delivering a constant supply of fresh air to the intake of the consoles and venting out the exhaust back into the room.
I have great ventilation, but I added these fans to the outside of my xbox series X because its still warm. THey have helped a lot. Ive read the series X purposely lowered the internal fans due to noise and are just adequate enough for game play. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00JLV4BWC/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o02_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
I use these for my RZ50 and can never tell they are on
I’ve been a lurker here and really inspired by other recent posts, so I wanted to share mine which is 💯 Ubiquiti (or as much as possible).
Some interesting bits from my setup that I can share…
Item | Current | Lowest | Reviews |
AC Infinity MULTIFAN S7, Quiet Dual 120mm USB Fan… | $19.98 | $19.98 | 4.6/5.0 |
^Item Info | Bot Info | Trigger
Item | Current | Lowest | Reviews |
AC Infinity MULTIFAN S7, Quiet Dual 120mm USB Fan… | $19.98 | $19.98 | 4.6/5.0 |
^Item Info | Bot Info | Trigger
Mine was running a bit hot so I ordered a usb fan https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00JLV4BWC?psc=1&ref=ppx_yo2_dt_b_product_details to push the hot air out that comes from the xbox out of the entertainment center. My setup is kind of like yours and so far it's been a night and day difference.
Item | Current | Lowest | Reviews |
AC Infinity MULTIFAN S7, Quiet Dual 120mm USB Fan… | $19.98 | $19.98 | 4.6/5.0 |
AC Infinity Controller 1, Thermal Trigger for AIR… | $16.98 | $16.98 | 4.8/5.0 |
^Item Info | Bot Info | Trigger
get this thing and it'll be fine.
Item | Current | Lowest | Reviews |
AC Infinity MULTIFAN S7, Quiet Dual 120mm USB Fan… | $19.98 | $19.98 | 4.6/5.0 |
^Item Info | Bot Info | Trigger
Something like these would work yeah?
You don't have to relocate your PS5, but you might want to install an exhaust fan. You can get USB powered exhaust fans from Amazon. I built them into the back of my entertainment center, though it looks like you might not have any space behind to do so, you could vent it to the left into that second cubby.
I drilled 120mm holes into the back of my entertainment center, and installed the fans and grates with rubber washers to dampen any vibrations. The fans are all plugged into a temperature gauge, so they only kick on when needed.
Item | Current | Lowest | Reviews |
AC Infinity MULTIFAN S7, Quiet Dual 120mm USB Fan… | $19.98 | $19.98 | 4.6/5.0 |
^Item Info | Bot Info | Trigger
Item | Current | Lowest | Reviews |
AC Infinity MULTIFAN S7, Quiet Dual 120mm USB Fan… | $19.98 | $19.98 | 4.6/5.0 |
^Item Info | Bot Info | Trigger
Thank you. AC Infinity MULTIFAN S7, Quiet Dual 120mm USB Fan, UL-Certified for Receiver DVR Playstation Xbox Computer Cabinet Cooling https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00JLV4BWC/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_ZSD6SKZ772CRJX7DVDFS
Item | Current | Lowest | Reviews |
AC Infinity MULTIFAN S7, Quiet Dual 120mm USB Fan… | - | - | 4.6/5.0 |
^Item Info | Bot Info | Trigger
Item | Current | Lowest | Reviews |
AC Infinity MULTIFAN S7, Quiet Dual 120mm USB Fan… | $19.98 | $19.98 | 4.6/5.0 |
^Item Info | Bot Info | Trigger
Item | Current | Lowest | Reviews |
AC Infinity MULTIFAN S7, Quiet Dual 120mm USB Fan… | $19.98 | $19.98 | 4.6/5.0 |
^Item Info | Bot Info | Trigger
I have a similar setup as there was no where else to put my PS5 mine however has even less headroom. I drilled out two 120mm holes in the back and installed usb exhaust fans that are are temperature controlled, so they only turn on when needed. Now all the heat from the back of the PS5 is pulled away from it and cool air is pulled through the shelf around the PS5. I'd venture to say even though my PS5 has less breathing room than most others, it is cooled far better than them.
Here is a link to the fans and temp control unit I bought.
Being enclosed like that you are going to want some airflow for all the consoles. Some USB fans powered by the console would be a good idea.
I have a couple of fans like these, one of which I point at my mbp along with a cooling pad.
I have a Sony Dh790 for the price you cant beat it. I have 2 Of these Infinity Fans on top and keeps it really cool.
honestly had so many fans i just didnt know what to do with lol. https://www.amazon.ca/gp/product/B00JLV4BWC/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1
Thanks! The fans in the pic are made by AC Infinity. Super quiet and I am happy with the airflow they produce (and the micro greens seem too as well).
Ok so definitely watch the “super green lab” youtube videos, they show you how to build a grow space from small furniture. Also join some other subreddits like /microgrowery /spacebuckets and /autoflowers.
Something like this from Ikea would work for £40.
Then the next most important thing is your light, in that space I would get a “120w Kingbrite QB 3500k” from Alibaba which you will have to pay shipping and customs on top of the advertised price so budget around £100 total for this. Make sure it has the following specs when you chat to the seller:
120w with dimmer, UK plug 🔌 Light spectrum: 3500k Supplementary diodes: Cree (not epistar)
Next you want some PC fans like these for your fresh air intake and exhaust, and some carbon filter pads to control the smell. So £35 for 4 fans and £6 for the carbon filter.
You will also need a power supply for the fans (2 of these) a multi USB adapter, and then a multi power lead to plug everything in.
Then for nutrients look at this website. A fabric pot and tray, some light potting soil, and your good to go.
This should run you about £250-£300 total.
Thermal protection, in my experience usually kicks in because of either poor ventilation, or too difficult of a speaker load being driven to a too high SPL (dB).
Peeking at the Denon's specs leads me to think the latter being improbable. If the B&Ws you have are these- then they have a nominal impedance of 8ohms and a sensitivity of 90dB. Unless the center and 4 surrounds are sufficiently less sensitive (85dB or lower) and present a appreciably lower impedance (nominally 4 ohms +/-) I'd say that you should focus on ventilation or active cooling.
I personally bought something like this and have them running 24/7 on top of my NAD AVR, with the airflow blowing up, pulling heat from the avr (as opposed to blowing cooler air down into it)
We ordered these for the circulation. I will attach this to a smart plug so I will be able to turn them on from my phone when the humidity is too high in there and I also ordered
https://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B07Y1Y9JGF/ref=ox_sc_act_image_2?smid=A35SL8WHYS7ECI&psc=1 This will let me know what the humidity level is throughout the day so I can tell if the fans need to be on or not
Yeah the first plug I had burned out on me and had to get a new one. some other tips I would like to give for longevity is use a some duster on it once a month of so and i bought a little pc fan to go on top of it because it can get really hot.https://www.amazon.com/AC-Infinity-MULTIFAN-Receiver-Playstation/dp/B00JLV4BWC/ref=sr_1_3?dchild=1&keywords=pc+usb+a+fan&qid=1603659158&s=electronics&sr=1-3 i use this one and it never get to hot now and i plugged it into my TV so it only come on when i turn it on I use the second fan on my ps4 and it no longer sounds like a jet taking off.
yeah your equipment shouldn't get hot.
It should be in the open and not covered, so heat can dissipate; you can also try to point a small fan across the devices to keep the air moving.
I actually have fans blowing air across my modems/routers and entertainment center devices.
These are what I'm using.
That's basically what I purchased - https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00JLV4BWC/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o02_s01?ie=UTF8&psc=1
And the thermal trigger - https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B078PY8L9F/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o02_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
Another fan solution:
AC Infinity MULTIFAN S7, Quiet Dual 120mm USB Fan
I'm using these on top of a NZXT X53 in a Ghost S1 and so far it's been working well.
Just buy a 4 port usb hub that you can use from your PC to power them.
Yes I got 2 of these:
USB powered and are really quiet.
My mini fridge has no fan in it and I want to get it cooler. I read online putting a fan in a mini fridge would help get it cooler. My mini fridge doesn't have a fan in it so I think it would help. Would these fans be okay to put in? Where is the best placement for them?
You could build one yourself. Get an IKEA metal heat shield for pans like this: https://www.ikea.com/gb/en/p/laemplig-trivet-stainless-steel-30111087/ get 4 of these: https://www.amazon.com/AC-Infinity-MULTIFAN-Receiver-Playstation/dp/B00JLV4BWC and you’re set.
I got everything basically on Amazon here are the fans
For the filter I used these 4 things
I had to sand down the outside of the grate to fit it inside the duct shroud cause they are the same diameter but then I just cut some carbon filter to fit inside of it. Its all a snug fit so I hope it's adequate to control the smell. Time will tell.
I got everything basically on Amazon here are the fans
For the filter I used these 4 things
I had to sand down the outside of the grate to fit it inside the duct shroud cause they are the same diameter but then I just cut some carbon filter to fit inside of it. Its all a snug fit so I hope it's adequate to control the smell. Time will tell.
Thanks. Old USB phone charges��. Plugged into the back of the rack mounted cyberpower ups.
Link to the fans https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00JLV4BWC?psc=1&ref=ppx_pop_dt_b_product_details
Hey, sorry for the delay.
Here's a forum link that discusses the background: https://forum.qnap.com/viewtopic.php?f=50&t=137831&p=649469#p649469
And here's another one that actually has the bash code (there's a link to it in the first forum page right above): https://forum.qnap.com/viewtopic.php?t=120204
If you're a noob at bash this could help: https://forum.qnap.com/viewtopic.php?f=45&t=128704
I use PuTTY on my windows comp to get into the QNAP. Let me know if I could be of any more help! I ended up not wanting to run code I didn't fully understand so I just spend 20 bucks on buying some cheap fans and then duck taped them down behind my expansion unit and suddenly the temperature on all my drives dropped like 5 degrees Celsius.
Here's an example of the sort of fans I bought: https://www.amazon.com/AC-Infinity-MULTIFAN-Receiver-Playstation/dp/B00JLV4BWC/ref=sr_1_1_sspa?s=videogames&ie=UTF8&qid=1514846124&sr=1-1-spons&keywords=external+usb+cooling+fans&psc=1
AC Infinity MULTIFAN S7, Quiet Dual 120mm USB Fan for Receiver DVR Playstation Xbox Computer Cabinet Cooling https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00JLV4BWC/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_A-S2zb963VAVT
and a controller
AC Infinity CONTROLLER 2, Fan Thermostat and Speed Controller, for Home Theater AV Media Cabinet Cooling https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00NG9TSG4/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_a.S2zbHDHQJ8B
Recently got a set of these for my new setup. They’re small, whisper quiet and keep my Xbox extremely cool.
AC Infinity MULTIFAN S7, Quiet Dual... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00JLV4BWC?ref=yo_pop_ma_swf