This is what I'm talking about. With all due respect, nowhere in the Bible does it say that the Earth is the center of the solar system, the universe, or anything else. There are verses that refer to the Earth as "fixed," which could be taken in any number of ways, least of all if I run into the Earth, it doesn't seem to move. We can't have an argument if you have, like I've said before, no idea what you're talking about. It was considered the best cosmological theory of the day, which was adopted by the Catholic Church, and the Catholic Church by no means was the only institution or government that thought that. It was a theory traced back to the Greeks. I can't believe I have to cite Wikipedia here:
And yes, the Catholic Church got mad at Galileo when he said, no, this isn't true. But again, to say this makes religion bad or whatever is again conflating two separate things, which is the Bible, and the doctrines of the Catholic Church, which is aimed at being consistent with the Bible, but isn't in fact the Bible.
Overall the comments people leave over and over without being able to see why they are confused simply feeds into the recognition that the vast majority of people have no ability to really think critically, and only instead regurgitate some fashionable opinion they've internalized as their own.