Just got one myself, haven’t been able to test it what with it being at my house and me being on vacation. Here’s the one I got and it looked good to me plus good reviews, so hopefully it’ll help you out as well if nobody else is offering a trade/sale
I’m not wiz either but I’ll link the one I have that works just fine. I use this with the HDMI that the PS5 came with which is 2.1
So it looks like he also has one for sale for $110. It's a 1080p 144hz 24in that seems to be way more my speed. It's in my original budget and I can run it natively.
He also just informed me that he has a 1080p 144hz monitor he's also selling for $110 which is way more my speed. I think that is what I will for for. In my original budget and works great for me now
The monitor linked here is it. It was my main monitor until I recently upgraded. Figured I’d keep it for a second monitor, but flipped it vertical to save some space on a whim and have really enjoyed it. Monitor was very easy to rotate.
Acer XFA240 bmjdpr 24" Gaming G-SYNC Compatible Monitor 1920 x 1080, 144hz Refresh Rate, 1ms Response Time with Height, Pivot, Swivel & Tilt, Black https://www.amazon.com/dp/B06ZYHZ6R6/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_8XS6X30RE2FP7ZYNCW6A
Basically the AW2721D is somewhat a standard among top FPS players on the arena.
Right now I’m playing on RTX 2060 with this Acer XFA240 bmjdpr 24" Gaming G-SYNC Compatible Monitor 1920 x 1080, 144hz Refresh Rate, 1ms Response Time with Height, Pivot, Swivel & Tilt, Black https://www.amazon.com/dp/B06ZYHZ6R6/. That’s okay for 144hz, but damn it hurts my eyes after like 2 hours. Picture quality is just not good at all.
I guess I could up my budget a bit, but only if 3070 really allows to do 200fps on a 1444p.
I bought an Nitro XV272U for myself. It’s 144hz, 1440p, HDR, and G-sync (AMD adaptive sync — meaning Gsync compatible) and a great monitor. It’s MSRP around $291.
Here’s another Acer for $200, for 1080p, 144hz, with Gsync:
You won’t get a genuine G-Sync monitor for cheaper, because G-Sync requires a dedicated chip in the monitor, so most manufacturers have just starting going with Adaptive Sync (or other names that sound similar to indicate cross-compatibility between AMD’s and NVIDIA’s technology).
For sure a 144hz monitor like this one Acer XFA240 bmjdpr 24" Gaming G-SYNC Compatible Monitor 1920 x 1080, 144hz Refresh Rate, 1ms Response Time with Height, Pivot, Swivel & Tilt, Black https://www.amazon.com/dp/B06ZYHZ6R6/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_TZ5CRP09231KR4BPHG9W?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
where do i even start? i’ve been looking at monitors on amazon and watching reviews on them on youtube, and i really can’t tell all that much difference between them, i’m sure it’d be a lot easier to distinguish them in person. i don’t care about the specifics too much but i will be using it for gaming so it has to be a decent monitor
this is the monitor i currently have. it was not my choice it was given to me. but my complaints are the greasy looking anti blue light screen, the big bezels, and the clunky stand which takes up a lot of desk space. the io is decent (it has display port which i use, and hdmi and vga) i also kinda wish it had a usb port but that’s not too important
so you’re saying i shouldn’t get a 1080p 27inch monitor? the text will be hard to read and low quality?
I don’t think the s plays games at 4k. Acer XFA240 bmjdpr 24" Gaming G-SYNC Compatible Monitor 1920 x 1080, 144hz Refresh Rate, 1ms Response Time with Height, Pivot, Swivel & Tilt, Black https://www.amazon.com/dp/B06ZYHZ6R6/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_TYTTSH5T5TA3V8XFWWEQ
This is a good budget monitor. 144hz and 1440p. Thats all I needed for a monitor, and it’s 1ms response time. G-sync compatible too
Im trying to find a budget monitor for around $200USD. currently looking at Acer XFA240 bmjdpr 24" (here) on amazon since it fits the budget and seems alright. Is this a big dummy move? also any recommendations welcome
Was looking for a 144hz monitor and didn't know much about them. Bought the following, which seems to have some washed out colors, etc. The monitor in question: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B06ZYHZ6R6/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o04_s02?ie=UTF8&psc=1
After doing some research I guess this thing uses an outdated panel (or something didn't fully understand), which makes it seem almost CRT like. I went with various color profiles I've found online, but it still feels off. Are there any good 144hz monitors that you guys would recommend?
Budget - 300, but wiggle room is available
Size - would prefer 24 inches, but again, can move based on market/value
Usage type - gaming/streaming. I like to play Tekken, Doom, and WoW. It does need to have a display port input however.
G sync is for Nvidia cards and it makes gameplay super smooth while not gaining input lag like you would with v sync turned on. Freesync is basically the same thing but for AMD gpus. Once you experience it, you'll be blown away.
This is a good 1080p monitor at a great price right now. Idk if you want 1440p but if you did then you'll probably paying quite a bit more. I have a 165 hz acer monitor and it's amazing.
I personally think the ACER monitors have a much better picture than LG. This is a good one but is a little more pricey
Running dual monitor. One is locked at 60FPS since it doesn't have display port which is what my card uses. The other (My main monitor) is 144hz and its a
Literally just bought another Acer monitor similar to this a few hours ago on Amazon.
I can't find any major downside, besides no swivel, to cancelling the Amazon one and purchasing this instead. I'll end up saving about $50 with tax.
Can anyone confirm?
Yes it is, kinda why I recommend it. here is the American Amazon with a ton of reviews!
I found a similarly priced, similar spec monitor to the one you recommend @JustSaviorSelf, and it has GSYNC to work with my NVIDIA card. It's also got 4 stars on Amazon. Do you think this would be a good monitor?
Acer XFA240 bmjdpr 24" Gaming G-SYNC Compatible Monitor 1920 x 1080, 144hz Refresh Rate, 1ms Response Time
This is the monitor I have. It can do 120hz at 1080p or 60hz 1440p on the Xbox. It can also do 144hz on my PC. I get no screen tearing with this one. It used to be 169.99 when I bought it.
Here’s a really good monitor for your needs.
Acer XFA240 bmjdpr 24" Gaming G-SYNC Compatible Monitor 1920 x 1080, 144hz Refresh Rate, 1ms Response Time with Height, Pivot, Swivel & Tilt, Black https://www.amazon.com/dp/B06ZYHZ6R6/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_NHewFbS5B465V
Edit: It’s also G-SYNC Compatible, which is huge. Most good monitors at this price range are TN, however. I know what I said earlier, but that was just for the high end really. TN’s at lower prices are the beat bang for your buck.
Not really sure what you're looking for specifically but I always recommend the XFA240 on Amazon. For 200 dollars, you get 1080p and full tilt, swivel, and access to mounts, and it says it's gsync but I'm not entire sure about that. It's a pretty good deal I think. I would get some other suggestions from others before buying it. My friends and I have bought 5 of them and they've all successfully worked perfectly.
What's the specs of your system? This will determine what refresh rate is suitable.
This monitor from Acer isn't bad but 144 Hz may not be worth it depending on your system
If you're willing to spend around $200 this Acer 1080p 144hz monitor seems really good for the price. Plus it's G-Sync Compatible. I have an Asus VG248QE for $200, but for some reason I could only find it for $260 which isn't worth it in my opinion.
Acer XFA240 https://www.amazon.com/dp/B06ZYHZ6R6/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_i_gPNLDb8HZYF39
Hey there, im not really sure about the motherboard, but i looked at your parts list and i would definitely recommend a different monitor. With spending around 200$ you should look for a 144hz monitor that supports freesync, since nvidia graphics cards can now be enabled with freesync monitors. Id recommend something like this which is popular for around that price https://www.amazon.com/dp/B06ZYHZ6R6/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_DJeRDbD6B9AFT
Acer XFA240 bmjdpr 24" Gaming G-SYNC Compatible Monitor 1920 x 1080, 144hz Refresh Rate, 1ms Response Time with Height, Pivot, Swivel & Tilt https://www.amazon.com/dp/B06ZYHZ6R6/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_tai_f4xMDbTHTZF61
This was one of the monitors I considered purchasing before I decided to get a 240hz one. Your should do some of your own research to figure out what features you personally want, though. Also sign up for the Newegg.com email list, as they have almost daily deals on monitors and tech in general. r/buildapcsales also might be able to help.
Wait a second, ima find u a better one. (one with g-sync maybe, because Nvidia supports freesync but only if it goes through displayport and not hdmi)
Edit: for example this one, it has the 144hz 1ms AND it has g sync for your nvidia gpu. https://www.amazon.com/Acer-XFA240-bmjdpr-Response-Technology/dp/B06ZYHZ6R6/ref=mp_s_a_1_3?keywords=gsync+144hz+monitor&qid=1566119516&s=gateway&sprefix=G+sync+144&sr=8-3 Edit2: it are just suggestions, pls look into it yourself too before purchase
Personally I was use the Acer xfa240. So far it has worked great for me and it stays in the $200 price range! Link Acer Monitor 144 hz
PS4, and no. Here is what my friend recommended to me: Acer XFA240 bmjdpr 24" Gaming G-SYNC Compatible Monitor 1920 x 1080, 144hz Refresh Rate, 1ms Response Time with Height, Pivot, Swivel & Tilt https://www.amazon.com/dp/B06ZYHZ6R6/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_4mFlDbCKRRZEZ
144hz 1080p with very low input lag. Not quite as good as a crt or the most expensive BenQ monitors, but about 6ms making it one of, if not the, best price to input delay monitors at 144hz.
This may not matter for you, but if you play competitive games especially FPS games and are trying to play at a high level or are speedrunning games the extra frame or two faster between your input and the screen showing the result may matter. Especially if you are speedrunning games that you need to react to what’s going on not just execute memorized inputs.
Note, response time is not the same thing as input delay. Response time is how fast the pixels can go from white to black to white again. Input delay is the time from clicking your mouse to seeing the gun fire or hitting the space bar to seeing your character jump etc. many monitors advertise 1ms response time and they do have that. But few if any advertise their input delay. My info for this monitor is from independent reviewers who test this specifically
I got mine on sale for $180 recently, it’s back up to $200. But I’ve seen it on sale a couple times, so it probably will be again soon.
Since you'd be playing competitive games, 144hz is probably best for you. Seeing you have a 2060, go for 1080p. This monitor is my recommendation.
Didn’t realize he was in Canada. the monitor that I have I got it on sale for $180 USD couple months ago
Get this monitor as you would be able to hit the 144fps threshold in CSGO but may not be able to in other games.
Depends on how demanding the games you like to play are. For fast pacing gaming (like FPS) 144Hz monitors are a huge improvement with how fluid and responsive the game is and feels.
240Hz - eSports games like CSGO, Overwatch, Rocket League, Fortnite, etc. with low system demands can run 240fps on your system.
144Hz - for most new AAA games you won't hit that framerate and 120fps or 144fps will still be a very big improvement over 60fps. If you play more PUBG, Apex, Battlefield, WoW types games then just go with 144Hz. Hell even Diablo 3 looks incredible panning around so smoothly at 144fps.
In short, definitely get a 144Hz or higher monitor. Here is a popular one that's cheap and 1080p/144Hz with G-sync: https://www.amazon.com/Acer-XFA240-bmjdpr-Response-Technology/dp/B06ZYHZ6R6/
What do you think about this one? Acer XFA240 bmjdpr 24" Gaming G-SYNC Compatible Monitor 1920 x 1080, 144hz Refresh Rate, 1ms Response Time with Height, Pivot, Swivel & Tilt https://www.amazon.com/dp/B06ZYHZ6R6/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_LNgHCbFW1XXDE
He wants to get this monitor, Acer XFA240 bmjdpr 24" Gaming G-SYNC Compatible Monitor 1920 x 1080, 144hz Refresh Rate, 1ms Response Time with Height, Pivot, Swivel & Tilt https://www.amazon.com/dp/B06ZYHZ6R6/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_ngzBCbCEH4C4V , so 1920x1080 with 144 FPS
What would be your refresh rate preference? If it’s 144hz I’d recommend looking at used since they can get pricey, and so far I’ve seen no 144hz panels for around £100. I did see some 75hz though. Your Vega 56 needs something that can utilize it more. If you can, I’d open your budget up a little more to be able to afford a 144hz monitor. The Acer XFA240 is a good one, also has Freesync. Goes for ~£150.
This is in USD but is really all you need unless you are looking for strictly g-sync. Pm me if you need more details and I should be able to find something way under you’re budget
If you’re still looking for options, I recently bought the Acer XFA240. Unfortunately it’s a TN panel but with some color calibration, it looks really good IMO. Easy 1080p 144hz (and can be overclocked).
I bought it for just over $200.
Can I get your quick thought on this monitor?
Much better than samsung's defective monitors, it's actually the one I own and it's on sale for $170. Don't regret it one bit even though I bought it at full price months ago.
I recently bought this monitor for my first PC build. For the price the build quality is pretty solid and with some calibration the colors are pretty decent as well (for a TN panel). You can even get it refurb for $50 less, which is what I did and have had no issues so far. For $150 I would highly recommend it.
I wonder how it compares to this acer
y'all can @ me if you know. I want to know what you know.
Acer Gaming Monitor 24" XFA240 bmjdpr 1920 x 1080 144Hz Refresh Rate 1ms Response Time AMD FREESYNC Technology with Height, Pivot, Swivel & Tilt (Display Port, HDMI/MHL, DVI Port) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B06ZYHZ6R6/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_xwBvBbVJGHDFA
I would go with this one. As far as I can tell, it’s just the seller that makes it a $100 price difference. The details don’t specify anything different, the description is the exact same
I just finished putting together my first build, very excited, it's Ryzen 5 2600, 16gb ram, GTX 1060, mini atx and I had a couple simple questions.
I ordered an acer 1080p 144hz 1ms free-synch monitor- will my video card be able to hack it? Monitor
This is the first PC I've built, and I've only had laptops previously. Where can I learn about some more complex computer skills, in reference to maintenance, overclocking and basically getting the most out of my machine?
Ryzen 5 or Rzyen 7 (2nd or 1st generation) would be a good upgrade.
I would skip the 970 and get the 1060. Also be aware that there are 3gb and 6gb 1060 models with the 6gb models obviously being better.
I think Acer has a 144Hz 1080p monitor on Amazon for like $200: https://www.amazon.com/Acer-XFA240-bmjdpr-Response-Technology/dp/B06ZYHZ6R6?tag=monitorfan-20
Acer Gaming Monitor 24" XFA240 bmjdpr 1920 x 1080 144Hz Refresh Rate 1ms Response Time AMD FREESYNC Technology with Height, Pivot, Swivel & Tilt (Display Port, HDMI/MHL, & DVI Port) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B06ZYHZ6R6/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_qw53AbDR4V0AT I have this monitor and it’s everything I asked for and for only $210 right now Not to mention if you have an AMD card then you can take advantage of the free sync
It's the lowest end 144Hz monitor and has a lot of drawbacks as the other poster mentioned. Also the colours are below average for a 144Hz TN monitor. Only get it if you can buy it at a significant discount (less than $150 USD). Otherwise there are better monitors like the Acer XFA240 for $210.
Acer Gaming Monitor 24" XFA240 bmjdpr 1920 x 1080 144Hz Refresh Rate 1ms Response Time AMD FREESYNC Technology with Height, Pivot, Swivel & Tilt (Display Port, HDMI/MHL, & DVI Port) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B06ZYHZ6R6/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_MSq3Ab63WKB31
Then this is my second vote, although I really am a fan of G-Sync.
I have this monitor and while I have an Nvidia card and can't take advantage of the freesync everything else is great. It requires some color calibration out of the box but for the money you are getting an amazing deal.
this one offers some more ergonomic design at almost the same price, idk about you but i'm a tall person and i normally use the height adjustment on PC displays. personally i just went to a 144hz ViewSonic and 144hz is where it's at.
good luck with your upgrade.
I went with ACER XFA240. After initial color correction (it comes way out of whack), I've been pretty pleased with it:
I have this one and couldn't be happier with it. Fantastic deal for the price. Especially a good idea if you plan on getting a radeon card in the future because of the freesync capabilities it has!
Monitor link: Acer Gaming Monitor 24" XFA240 bmjdpr 1920 x 1080 144Hz Refresh Rate 1ms Response Time AMD FREESYNC Technology with Height, Pivot, Swivel & Tilt (Display Port, HDMI/MHL, & DVI Port) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B06ZYHZ6R6/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_YTyxAbKFEQQGZ
Acer Gaming Monitor 24" XFA240 bmjdpr 1920 x 1080 144Hz Refresh Rate 1ms Response Time AMD FREESYNC Technology with Height, Pivot, Swivel & Tilt (Display Port, HDMI/MHL, & DVI Port) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B06ZYHZ6R6/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_VbozAbSXWHCGC
This is an option, you may not notice that much of a difference between 60hz and 144hz if your only getting 100fps, but it’s better than nothing . You go always just go for a larger monitor. Do you plan on upgrading you GPU soon?
Currently using the Acer XFA240, which I bought two weeks ago for 22o dollars. It is 144hz, 1080p, and 24 inches. Well worth the money imo. As requested, here's the amazon link: https://www.amazon.com/Acer-XFA240-bmjdpr-Response-Technology/dp/B06ZYHZ6R6/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1513666965&sr=8-1&keywords=acer+xfa240
Pros and cons of curved monitors at this resolution? I've never looked into them before, but someone told me that curved is only good if it's an ultrawide monitor.
I've also been looking at this monitor, it's slightly more expensive but not curved.
Any advice for a newbie with monitors? I have an R9 290 if that means anything. I primarily play League, Overwatch, and Destiny 2.
Hey PC master race, I'm ready to finish my ascension completely with a 144hz monitor. I've had my eye set on this monitor, but I don't have an AMD graphics card. So I'm wondering if I should bite the bullet on this one, or wait one more week for black friday/cybermonday - the preview deals for 144hz have been in the same price range as this from what I've seen so far. I'm also completely open to any recommendations of monitors to keep an eye out on, thanks!
No definitely not that one. It's by far the worst 144Hz monitor since it lacks DisplayPort and an adjustable stand. It's not even that cheap.
This model is only $20 more with both those features https://www.amazon.com/Acer-XFA240-bmjdpr-FREESYNC-Technology/dp/B06ZYHZ6R6
I've been looking at that exact one, and this:
I know I can't use freesync, but I find it more aesthetically pleasing and the adjustable height is nice.
I've been looking at that exact one, and this:
I know I can't use freesync, but I find it more aesthetically pleasing and the adjustable height is nice.
That's not a good 144Hz monitor. It's only the cheapest monitor by $10-$20 but it comes at the cost of not having DisplayPort and a crappy stand. This newer model is $20 more and has DisplayPort, a better stand, and FreeSync (although FreeSync isn't relevant now it could be useful in a couple years if OP upgrades to an AMD GPU) https://www.amazon.com/Amazons-Choice-Monitor-FREESYNC-Technology/dp/B06ZYHZ6R6
Don't get that Acer. It's the worst 144Hz monitor and it's not even that cheap. The GN246HL has no DisplayPort and no adjustable stand. This Acer XFA240 is way better for only $20 more https://www.amazon.com/Amazons-Choice-Monitor-FREESYNC-Technology/dp/B06ZYHZ6R6
That Acer is the worst 144Hz on the market. It has no DisplayPort and no adjustable stand. The VG248QE is way better but it's a pretty old model. This Acer is cheaper and has FreeSync https://www.amazon.com/Amazons-Choice-Monitor-FREESYNC-Technology/dp/B06ZYHZ6R6
This thicc girl is proud of her bezels and flaunts them around however if you could spare another $50, her cuter sister has a higher refresh rate and smaller bezels. I am sorry you had to read that, thought I'd try to make you laugh however I made cringe.
The Acer XFA240 is one for $200
Here's what I ended up with! PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant
Note that the monitors I have on the parts list are ~$40 more expensive than the ones I actually got, which are the XFA240 from Amazon. I need a keyboard still, but I'm having fun browsing the different kinds and it'll take a bit of time before all my parts come in. Overall really excited to get started, thanks again for all the help!
With the money he'll save compared to the pricier builds he could buy a 144Hz monitor like this one when it comes into stock to get the most out of the PC:
Acer XFA240, Full HD 144Hz GSYNC Monitor ($184.99):https://www.amazon.com/Acer-XFA240-bmjdpr-Response-Technology/dp/B06ZYHZ6R6/ref=sr_1_2?dchild=1&keywords=acer+xf240h+bmjdpr+24&qid=1600071629&sr=8-2
im thinking to get the 165 hz sceptre in the first link you gave, but am also considering a 144hz one for $20 more with g-sync. Do you think the g-sync would be worth the extra cost? (for reference I am using my monitor primarily for fps games (i get like 160fps) but also for occasional shows)
What are your thoughts on this one?
My friend sent it to me and it seems like a decent value
This is the monitor I would recommend if you want to stay at 1080p.
It's G Sync compatible certified by NVIDIA https://www.nvidia.com/en-us/geforce/products/g-sync-monitors/specs/
Well here's a 144hz monitor for $200. it's nice I use it and I even stopped using my 4k monitor https://www.amazon.com/dp/B06ZYHZ6R6/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_MlMIBbEG85TQ5
https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B06ZYHZ6R6/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_image_o03_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1 and its connected to my computer via dp
can vouch for Acer XFA240, I got it on sale for $160 but it's 199
It looks like this one. Mine was a little cheaper than they seem to be now. I'm not sure that's a great price anymore.
i7 is overkill if you are just gaming, i5 will be great and won't be your bottleneck for at least 5 years.
I'd avoid Nvidia due to the cryptomining price gouging going on right now. It's affecting AMD too but not as much.
AMD also has Freesync, which is absolutely game changing. Nvidia has G-sync which is the same end result (dynamic monitor frame rate switching) but it requires an extra board installed in the monitor by the manufacturer so it's adding a $180 premium on even 24" monitors.
G-sync Budget pick from Monitor Nerds - AOC2460PG 24" 1080 TN panel on Amazon
Freesync Budget pick from Monitor Nerds - Acer XFA240 24" 1080 TN panel on Amazon
Premium goes up as the monitors grow.
If I were you, I'd go for an ~~i5-8600K~~ i3-8100, an AMD RX580, 16gb DDR4, M2 NVMe SSD, a 1440p monitor or dual 1080p. I build a system on newegg/Amazon for around $1400 for the whole shebang, case, PSU, monitor(s), everything.
My PC for reference:
Edit: i3-8100 makes huge power at a very low cost (out runs my 3570k), great cheaper option. $130 compared to $260 for the i5-8600k.
Also, DO NOT SPEND $500 on a RX580. I got my Sapphire Nitro+ RX580 for $286 on Newegg when the came out, yes you read that right. Wait for a manufacturer to release a new card and buy one on pre-order. It sucks but it's the only way to do it.
Thank you for the additional input, I’ll take the advice on the cooler and monitor!
I’ve looked at these two monitors on amazon. Would you tell me what you think of them? The lower priced Acer advertises AMD freesync to eliminate screen tearing. Would that be better than using regular in game VSync?
The Asus boasts thing such as overlays or timers, which I am not interested in.
$209 Acer: Acer Gaming Monitor 24" XFA240 bmjdpr 1920 x 1080 144Hz Refresh Rate 1ms Response Time AMD FREESYNC Technology with Height, Pivot, Swivel & Tilt (Display Port, HDMI/MHL, & DVI Port) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B06ZYHZ6R6/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_oP9WAbKGQBKXB
$264 Asus: ASUS VG248QE 24" Full HD 1920x1080 144Hz 1ms HDMI Gaming Monitor https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00B2HH7G0/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_RT9WAbN1AJYEG
$210 on Amazon
$191 on Amazon
The AOC is literally $3 cheaper than the GN246HL and is superior in every way.
Don't get the GN246HL. It doesn't have DisplayPort which is a big problem on a 144Hz monitor. You can get the much newer Acer XFA240 for $200 on Amazon
Here's the monitor on Amazon. As far as I know there's no difference between this and the XF240H OP linked, but maybe someone else will spot the difference.
Amazon link of the product (not recertified) for those wanting to read more reviews on it
THIS looks like the same monitor on Amazon and they are saying it is 144hz and G-Sync. I am wary to pull the trigger though.
Well for me, nice means 144Hz 24" 1080p.. For that, you could do any of the following:
Those are as cheap as 1080p 144Hz gets unless you wait for one to pop up on sale. I once got the ASUS VG248QE for $87 from Microcenter but that was almost 2 years ago. That's the one currently available for $249 at Amazon.
I'd probably try to find a refurbished model of one of those above.
Currently $179.99 on Amazon: Acer XFA240 bmjdpr 24" Gaming G-SYNC Compatible Monitor 1920 x 1080, 144hz Refresh Rate, 1ms Response Time with Height, Pivot, Swivel & Tilt https://www.amazon.com/dp/B06ZYHZ6R6/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_i_.oNQCb096D8ES
Yes, you'll be better off using the displayport.
This is the monitor I use for my Y740. It's one of the cheapest 144hz monitors on Amazon and has worked great for me https://www.amazon.com/dp/B06ZYHZ6R6/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_i_Gq-eDb1XHZGHE
I have been wanting multiple monitors for awhile. I don't know why I put it off so long. I bought a gaming PC for 2 main reasons. Blu-rays and games. I can now play a game on 1 monitor while watching my blu-rays on the other. It's SO nice. When the monitors arrived, ordered from Amazon, I freaked out because it said free-sync instead of g-sync. I checked the model number with my order, and it was right. I realized the monitor is listed as g-sync compatible. Oh well. It works.
As for the upgrade to 144 Hz, you guys are right. It is so much smoother. I set 1 monitor to 144 Hz and left the other to 60 Hz. Even moving around the mouse cursor is so different. I feel like my GTX 1070 wasn't able to show it's true potential until now.
By the way, if any of you upgrade to a better monitor and wonder why it's not showing more than 60 Hz, this post helped me. I never want to go back to just 1 monitor or just 60 Hz again.
Good choice if it was me I'd try to get I few more inches on it mabye even curved. Heres what I got for my brother
I have heard this one is solid but I recommend you do some research
Cheapest I've seen is this
I found this one: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B06ZYHZ6R6/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_fab_8VRBFbSWZMTMJ
If you're only going to use one monitor for the games you could pair this with 1 or 2 less expensive ones.
The IPS is 75Hz cause you’ll only use it for games with maxed out settings (I.e. low FPS) or Netflix or some show which runs at 24 FPS. The Acer I linked above is 144Hz and that would be used for gaming in competitive games where you want those extra frames.
Acer 144Hz: https://www.amazon.com/Acer-XFA240-bmjdpr-Response-Technology/dp/B06ZYHZ6R6
ASUS 75Hz IPS: https://www.newegg.com/asus-pa248qv-24-1-wuxga/p/N82E16824281061
My landscape one is https://www.newegg.com/black-acer-nitro-vg240y-bmiix-um-qv0aa-002-23-8/p/N82E16824011232 and my portrait one is https://www.amazon.com/Acer-XFA240-bmjdpr-Response-Technology/dp/B06ZYHZ6R6
If you are set on having one most similar to the screen you have there are these 2 I found that seem to have pretty similar specs.
Found a third
At the end of the day you don't need the second monitor to be the exact same. Some people find it distracting or otherwise bothers them if they are different. I run a 1080p and a 1440p monitor side by side and that works for me.
I'd suggest if you are okay with having a different and most likely better monitor, I'd look through the almost daily threads here on 1440p monitors and review each one until you find one you like.
yes a good budget 144hz gsync would be this acer monitor https://www.amazon.com/dp/B06ZYHZ6R6/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_QyniFbB0W41H4 but if your willing to spend more and keep it for longer i’d go with this https://www.amazon.com/dp/B087N4LQPN/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_aCniFbB4CD5G5
I would pick up an Acer.
Here's a good one on Amazon:
It's a TN panel so fast response times, 144hz, 1080p is just fine for 24 inches and a good price.
If you want an IPS, here's a pretty cheap one from Pixio
if you are cool with refurbished and want to potentially snag a good deal on a higher end monitor: Acer has their own factory refurbished website and the deals are great.
Here’s a build list from amazon(though prices are pretty bad rn):
And here is a monitor I recommend you by:
If you want something different make sure it is gsync compatible as that’ll give you the best value experience
Nvidia graphic card and I think I’m going to get https://www.amazon.com/Acer-XFA240-bmjdpr-Response-Technology/dp/B06ZYHZ6R6/ref=mp_s_a_1_3?keywords=144hz+gaming+monitor&qid=1573133852&sprefix=144&sr=8-3
Acer XFA240 bmjdpr 24" Gaming G-SYNC Compatible Monitor 1920 x 1080, 144hz Refresh Rate, 1ms Response Time with Height, Pivot, Swivel & Tilt https://www.amazon.com/dp/B06ZYHZ6R6/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_WZFUDbE2GSRKT
Here you go enjoy
https://www.amazon.com/Acer-XFA240-bmjdpr-Response-Technology/dp/B06ZYHZ6R6/ref=sr_1_3?keywords=acer+monitor+24&qid=1571704798&sr=8-3 this one a pretty decent budget for 200$ with 144 refresh, this the one im using for my vertical and my mounted one that like twice as much is this one https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B01N4ENDXR/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o02_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
Acer Gaming Monitor 24" XFA240... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B06ZYHZ6R6?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share And a dell ultrasharp 1080p
Freesync is compatible with your GPU. https://www.pcworld.com/article/3333637/nvidia-driver-freesync-monitor-support-geforce-graphics-cards.html
The monitor you picked is great, it is 1080p 144hz and has freesync. It's also curved if you like that. I have no experience using a curved monitor.
These are all the monitors I found on amazon under $300 with freesync and 144hz:
and the one you posted. I would get whatever has better reviews.
There are three monitors I was looking at-
Asus ROG strix xg258q https://www.pbtech.co.nz/product/MONAS67449/ASUS-ROG-Strix-XG258Q-25-Gaming-Monitor--1920x1080
I use a variant of this monitor (XF240H) and have had good results after following a color settings guide. https://www.amazon.com/Acer-XFA240-bmjdpr-Response-Technology/dp/B06ZYHZ6R6
There are cheaper options at about $200 with g-sync
I got the Acer XFA240 a few months ago and have been really happy with it.
I have this monitor. Has served me well. It's currently $180 on amazon.
Edit I can't seem to find anything for sure some videos show 150 and some 300 on ultra but if just had to work with my experience with the performance of Vega in other games I'd say (Well first of all it should be 200 on ultra... 200-250 on high And up to 350-400 on a low-medium with full resolution To clarify a bit more on that)
As for the monitor This is a 1080p 24 inch 144 hz monitor at 200$
And this one is 1440p 27inch ultrawidd at 144 hz at 300$
Both 1 MS response time so no ghosting and relatively cheap for their quality
And sorry for not including them originally I forgot about it
This is one of the monitors I use and it's decent. I'd recommend it to you.
Also, if you went with this monitor, you could get the $50 back.
This monitor is $200 and has both G sync and freesync
Acer XFA240 bmjdpr 24" Gaming G-SYNC Compatible Monitor 1920 x 1080, 144hz Refresh Rate, 1ms Response Time with Height, Pivot, Swivel & Tilt https://www.amazon.com/dp/B06ZYHZ6R6/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_JYl1CbK1FFX3Q
is this one good or can I get a cheaper option?
you are in luck because this is on sale right now.
I have the ViewSonic XG2401. The acer above is G-Sync certified compatible.
In any case you want to get a 1080p 144hz (or higher) g-sync compatible monitor.
Your GPU should be able to push higher than 144 frames in most games on low settings, so it wouldn't be a bad idea to go for a higher hz monitor if you don't mind spending more.
Actually yes! Acer XFA240 bmjdpr 24" Gaming G-SYNC Compatible Monitor 1920 x 1080, 144hz Refresh Rate, 1ms Response Time with Height, Pivot, Swivel & Tilt https://www.amazon.com/dp/B06ZYHZ6R6/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_v7wPCbWVH7MDK
After countless hours of browsing and searching reddit posts i have found this monitor. Opinions? https://www.amazon.com/Acer-XF250Q-Cbmiiprx-FREESYNC-Technology/dp/B06ZYHZ6R6?th=1
G-sync compadable free sync tn panel. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B06ZYHZ6R6/ref=as_li_ss_tl?ie=UTF8&linkCode=sl1&tag=vergehowto-20&linkId=14be7a16c5384cfefbf9b1da727630e9&language=en_US
And a list of Va 144hz Va panels I can't speak to the quality of any of these but I'm quite happy with my 3000:1 native contrast 1440p 144Hz Va panel. https://uk.pcpartpicker.com/products/monitor/#r=192001080&P=4&D=120000,240000&qq=1&sort=price&page=1
I hope you remembered to factor in tax. The XG2402 was, for example, $229 to Maryland after taxes.
$180 XFA240 is a lower cost alternative to the XG2402
You won't need an aftermarket CPU cooler at all with Ryzen products.
Your build only needs 550W or less. If you can find a 550W power supply for cheaper, go for that instead.
Your motherboard is unnecessarily strong. It'll overclock well but at this budget you might want to spend your budget elsewhere. Just pickup a good B450 board like the Msi Tomahawk.
Windows can be installed and used for free, you just won't be able to change your background. All you'll need is a flash drive and a computer to load the install onto the flash drive.
With the extra budget, you can pick up a GTX 1660 TI or maybe even reach for a RTX 2060.
Forget that other monitor https://www.amazon.com/Acer-XFA240-bmjdpr-Response-Technology/dp/B06ZYHZ6R6/?tag=wpcentralb-20&ascsubtag=UUwpUdUnU61508YYwYg this is far better
That's a pretty good point. I hadn't looked at it that way. Is 75 Hz vs 144 Hz a bigger impact compared to TN vs. IPS? I.e. would it be a benefit to pay a bit more for a 144 Hz monitor on a TN panel? Like this one: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B06ZYHZ6R6/ref=psdc_1292115011_t1_B07D377Q6D
I have one other monitor I am considering as well.
It's a few bucks more but has G-Sync. You think it's worth it or should I stick with the AOC one?
G-Sync one (For Nvidia cards)-Acer XFA240 bmjdpr 24" Gaming G-SYNC Compatible Monitor 1920 x 1080, 144hz Refresh Rate, 1ms Response Time with Height, Pivot, Swivel & Tilt https://www.amazon.com/dp/B06ZYHZ6R6/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_i_0M8JCb90T1CJH
AMD Free-Sync-Sceptre C248B-144R 24-Inch Curved 144Hz Gaming Monitor AMD FreeSyncTM HDMI DisplayPort DVI, Metal Black 2018 https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07GG8RVXP/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_i_zQ8JCbDCD9NJE
This is what I've been using for a year now. With Nvidia now supporting Freesync, I'm able to run G-Sync on this monitor due to the compatibility. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B06ZYHZ6R6/ref=sr_1_1?keywords=acer+144hz+monitor&qid=1551334507&s=gateway&sr=8-1
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> Looking at buying someone's 4670k/ 16GB DDR3 build to use as a streaming PC. He's taking the storage, GPU, and PSU to use in his new build, and I was planning on throwing something like a 1050Ti or a 1060 in it to handle encoding, jury's still out on a capture card. You guys think the old one can handle streaming, and how much would you pay for it?
> Anyone have recommendations for typing speed / accuracy tools or programs? Looking for something for a work project and figured I'd pick your brains.
> My microphone keeps switching back to "Telephone Quality" in the sounds section. How do I get it to stick on "DVD Quality"?
> I want to make an external power switch for my PC, something like this but drilling it into my desk to hide the wires. Im just wondering how worried I need to be about ESD. with the spades and wires under my desk. Obviously im gonna insulate the wires, I just need to know how much I need to insulate them,
> Hi. I recently built myself a new pc. it's working great and I have had no problems with it so far. I just have one question; my PSU (Corsair rm850x white) came with some cable combs for the cables. I am now using the one for the 24 pin motherboard connector, but I had a hard time installing the combs on my GPU cables. They are 2x 6+2 pin so I used the 8 "slot" cable combs, but when I tried to install them I just could not press the cable into them. The cable just kinda got a little bend. It does not look all that bad right now, but I think it would look much better with these on. Any tips on how I can install them easier? > > ​ > > Thanks!
> anyone else get a PM about joining to mine whatever the hell XMV is? > > I don't mine or never have mined anything
> CPUID HWMonitor > > When I'm looking at the CPU temp, why are there 3 different temperature readings labeled as TMPIN0/1/2?
> I was looking into buying a gaming PC on eBay. I found one for a great price, and the person is in my general area. It will be express shipping. Everything brand new would cost about $870 USD, but it’s being sold for $490 USD. It also has thermal cooling and a GTX 970. The seller has over an 300 point score and has 100% positive feedback. They also told me that there is no warranty but they’d be happy to help me if there were any issues. Should I go for it? I’ve bought more expensive things on eBay before but something about buying computers makes me nervous, but I know I’m not gonna get a better deal anywhere else. Is there anything else I should check? Cheers.
> Hello! I built a new pc recently and everything is working well except I am having an issue with my RAM. I have 16 gb of RAM in the form of 2 8 gb Corsair sticks. However, I am only able to use 7.9 gb of this Ram because 8.1 gb is "Hardware Reserved". I have looked up the issue and tried to fix it many times in the form of changing my memory settings, resetting bios etc... to no avail. If anyone could shed any light on how I might fix this that would be fantastic. The RAM is two sticks of Corsair Vengeance LPX and in BIOs it lists that all 16 gb is accessible so I don't think a stick is broken. I have a X470 Aorus Ultra Gaming motherboard. Any help would be much appreciated! Thank you.
> My ethernet is not working at all, I've tried troubleshooting and reinstalling the drivers. I am connected to the router and it won't connect to the internet. Apparently it has an invalid IP?
> My monitor has this vertical line in the exact center of the screen, with one side slightly few pixels higher on the right side it seems. > > Did I get a faulty monitor? I'm not sure if it was always like this... it only took me recently to notice. > > Is there a fix to do in the display setttings? > > It's an HP Omen 27 inch with 144hz g-sync.
> Having a problem with RAM's 32GB shenanigan for more than a year now. > > > I am truly at my wit's end so any help would be appreciated. I used to be able to bear with 16GB but new work pretty much require 32GB now or it will keep crashing my chrome and even OS sometime. > > I have 2 sets of 4x8GB (Kingston HyperX 2400 C15/Corsair Vengeance 2666 C16). 32 GB is the goal > > Neither of them would work fully with R5 1600 on Gigabyte AB350 Gaming 3. > > 2x8GB of Hyper X gives 2400 Mhz max > > 2x8GB of Corsair gives 2133 Mhz max. Further than that system would not post. Automatically set to 2133 later. > > 4x8GB of Hyper X must be at 1833 Mhz max. Further than that it will set to 16GB 2400 Mhz (with another 16 in hardware reserve) > > 4x8GB of Corsair will go triple beeps multiple times then it settles with 16 GB 2133 Mhz (with another 16 in hardware reserve) > > > Full spec > > R5 1600 > > Whatever ram it work > > Gigabyte AB350 Gaming 3 @bios F25 > > Gigabyte gtx 1080 > > Corsair RMx 650 > > Hyper X userbench https://www.userbenchmark.com/UserRun/11698268 > > Corsair userbench > https://www.userbenchmark.com/UserRun/14342851 > > Edit: Corsair's ram is actually on motherboard QVL up to 4 slot so it's strange it won't work properly too.
> I am trying to transfer all my GoPro footage on my external hard drive to PC. Currently, my hard drive is formatted to Mac. How can I transfer the files from Mac to PC? I have an unformatted hard drive spare but if I plug it into either Mac or PC it’s then formatted to that right?
> I'm looking for a new Monitor and I narrowed it down to either the the Acer XF240H or Asus MG248QR both are 24" TN Panels with 144hz and Freesync. I know that IPS looks better but I want a TN because of the price and the 1ms response time. Also both claim to reduce eyestrain with low blue light and no flickering. I want to try that because I have sensitive eyes. Which one of these would you recommend regardless of the price difference and why?
> What do you prefer a i5-6400 or i5-7400 ? > > Note: using a gigabyte h110m-h mobo
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Are you in the US? This one has good reviews for $200 and has Freesync (G-Sync compatible). This Sceptre monitor also has good reviews for $180, is 144Hz, and is even curved, but some customers have said that they come with a few dead pixels. Amazon's return policy is pretty good, so you might want to try your luck. Here are a few others that you might also want to consider: Dell D2719HGF,Asus VG278Q, AOC G2590FX, and Acer ED273.
EDIT: These are all 1080p.
I've been browsing amazon (where I would prefer to buy them, as their customer support is astounding and I have prime) and am thinking of this combo:
for a cool $450.
edit: oops
They are 144hz 24” Acer XFA240 the monitors I have
Brand new on Amazon Prime for $199: https://www.amazon.com/Acer-XFA240-bmjdpr-Response-Technology/dp/B06ZYHZ6R6
EDIT: WHOOPS, wrong post! This was supposed to be in the refurb Acer monitor thread. This link is for the 24" 1080p version.
This (https://www.amazon.com/dp/B06ZYHZ6R6/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_YjB9BbR1QG0BP) is the one I use, love it so far. It’s $209 though, $9 above budget :P
Monitor model number just in case the Link doesn’t work: Acer XFA240 on Amazon Us
Here is my primary monitor with my second one just being a cheap 21"
Hey brother I would advice to get this monitor https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B06ZYHZ6R6/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o05_s01?ie=UTF8&psc=1
Same thing what youre going to get but cheaper honestly that will save you some money i currently use this monitor and have no complaints although i wish i would have went with a 1440P monitor but i cheaped out a lot, with my pc including watercooling pc fans and especially an ugly case. so take my advice especially with the case make your pc look good trust me you will regret it if you dont. you can get a nice cheap nzxt case for the same price or maybe 10 dollars more than what you're getting
1080p would do you fine, just make sure it's 144hz. http://www.tomshardware.com/forum/id-3202580/benefits-144-monitor.html If you really need it then atleast make it (one) widescreen (they're expensive). I would suggest something from LG or Samsung. Like: If not, then at least 2-3 of this: https://www.amazon.com/Acer-XFA240-bmjdpr-Response-Technology/dp/B06ZYHZ6R6/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1536714982&sr=8-2&keywords=acer+144hz would do you the best, and with that budget i'd go with a 1070-1080 to run those monitors. I use one and a cheaper "Spectre Monitor" (brand)
Cheapest 1080p 144Hz monitor that is decent
I believe I'm buying this same monitor as I remembered looking on Amazon earlier. It does seem to be high quality. I've decided to leave out the IPS want. It's difficult finding a good IPS monitor because so many are TN, or even VA.
Supposedly, this one is also good.
I almost bought a Samsung panel because I thought about overclocking the 60Hz on it. I didn't like the curve design though. I thought it would affect my reading of content. Flat is best for me.
$16 over, but it delivers great power. I couldn't understand if you wanted a monitor suggestion with the price of the computer, so I didn't put it in there, but here is a 144hz 1ms monitor for around $200:
and a displayport cable ($6):
[PCPartPicker part list](https://pcpartpicker.com/list/mtzc4q) / [Price breakdown by merchant](https://pcpartpicker.com/list/mtzc4q/by_merchant/)
**CPU** | [AMD - Threadripper 1920X 3.5GHz 12-Core Processor](https://pcpartpicker.com/product/cRDzK8/amd-threadripper-1920x-35ghz-12-core-processor-yd192xa8aewof) | $620.01 @ Amazon
**CPU Cooler** | [Corsair - H100i v2 70.7 CFM Liquid CPU Cooler](https://pcpartpicker.com/product/CrDzK8/corsair-cpu-cooler-cw9060025ww) | $94.99 @ Newegg
**Motherboard** | [MSI - X399 SLI PLUS ATX TR4 Motherboard](https://pcpartpicker.com/product/Qskj4D/msi-x399-sli-plus-atx-tr4-motherboard-x399-sli-plus) | $279.99 @ B&H
**Memory** | [G.Skill - Flare X 32GB (2 x 16GB) DDR4-2400 Memory](https://pcpartpicker.com/product/79Z2FT/gskill-flare-x-series-32gb-2-x-16gb-ddr4-2400-memory-f4-2400c15d-32gfxr) | $292.98 @ Newegg
**Storage** | [Crucial - MX500 1TB 2.5" Solid State Drive](https://pcpartpicker.com/product/h3tQzy/crucial-mx500-1tb-25-solid-state-drive-ct1000mx500ssd1) | $169.99 @ Amazon
**Storage** | [Seagate - Barracuda 3TB 3.5" 7200RPM Internal Hard Drive](https://pcpartpicker.com/product/gwBv6h/seagate-internal-hard-drive-st3000dm001) | $66.09 @ Newegg Marketplace
**Video Card** | [NVIDIA - Titan Xp 12GB Video Card](https://pcpartpicker.com/product/TQQRsY/nvidia-titan-xp-12gb-video-card-900-1g611-2530-000) | $1367.58 @ Amazon
**Case** | [Cooler Master - MasterBox Lite 5 ATX Mid Tower Case](https://pcpartpicker.com/product/CkM323/cooler-master-masterbox-lite-5-atx-mid-tower-case-mcw-l5s3-kann-01) | $44.51 @ Newegg
**Power Supply** | [EVGA - SuperNOVA G3 850W 80+ Gold Certified Fully-Modular ATX Power Supply](https://pcpartpicker.com/product/PvDzK8/evga-supernova-g3-850w-80-gold-certified-fully-modular-atx-power-supply-220-g3-0850) | $79.99 @ B&H
| *Prices include shipping, taxes, rebates, and discounts* |
| Total (before mail-in rebates) | $3086.13
| Mail-in rebates | -$70.00
| **Total** | **$3016.13**
| Generated by [PCPartPicker](https://pcpartpicker.com) 2018-07-23 10:24 EDT-0400 |
Well monitors can last a few system upgrades so it's always a okay investment in getting a decent monitor but ya i would recommend getting a 1080p 144hz 1ms monitor its nice for FPS games like fortnite/csgo here is some good monitors you can chose from Acer Asus Viotek note i have the Acer one that i like though i heard good things about the Asus one and im not to sure about the Viotek one but it uses a VA panel which gives better color so it will look better but i haven't heard of that company before so maybe read some reviews though it has 4 stars with 450ish reviews so it seems to be pretty good but either way these are just some suggestions to start your hunt for a good monitor
Of course. I will be explaining a lot so if you want a 144HZ experience here is the short answer. Later into this I'm gonna explain a lot more, so beware lol.
So short answer I would buy this monitor: https://www.amazon.com/Acer-XFA240-bmjdpr-Response-Technology/dp/B06ZYHZ6R6/ref=sr_1_3?s=pc&ie=UTF8&qid=1529805114&sr=1-3&keywords=144hz+monitor&dpID=51geOOpItVL&preST=_SX300_QL70_&dpSrc=srch
Currently you save $20 if you buy it by the time the deal is still on.
HOWEVER, monitors can run 144hz but like everything they are not created equally. Since you have an Nvidia GPU the monitor to have THE BEST AMAZING experience would be a g sync monitor. This means that the monitor has a chip inside that can match to your GPU for no screen tearing and a smooth experience. I can not talk with personal experience because I have never had one even though I have an Nvidia GPU. Most if not all either have free sync of g sync technology. Freesync is for all GPUS except Nvidia ones. YOU CAN STILL PLAY WITH A FREESYNC MONITOR. Everything will be fine there will be 0 incompatibilities. However, g sync is made just for nvidia GPUs to have the best experience and currently G Sync monitors go for around ~330+. (Yes Nvidia is lucky AMD has shit GPUs because currently Nvidia rules with the best gamer GPUs). So basically if you want the 100% Nvidia experience you would want to go for a Gync monitor. But you can still game on a free sync monitor with no problem. A lot of this info is from /r/Monitors. There are people that find this topic relative because some say there is a big difference between Gsync and FreeSync. But... you haven't tried either so I don't think it would matter. 144Hz is 144hz and it's gonna be smooth and you're gonna feel the smoothness with the monitor I linked. So don't worry about it, you're gonna push amazing frames with your GPU.
I just wanted to explain all the differences so can be educated and no one tries to finesse you or something. The monitor you're gonna get is perfectly fine. In my personal opinion, getting G Sync on a tight budget for monitors isn't worth it. You'll be perfectly fine with the monitor I linked. Goodluck! :D
not much. but this is a better choice:
There are a lot of options out there, but I think this is the best option for you according to your needs Acer XFA240 bmjdpr
One of the best cheap 144Hz monitors https://www.amazon.com/Acer-XFA240-bmjdpr-Response-Technology/dp/B06ZYHZ6R6
If the main problem is just price, then go for a 144hz 1080p monitor. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B06ZYHZ6R6/ref=psdc_1292115011_t1_B00KO4518I This is a good one.
FreeSync doesn’t affect Nvidia cards, it just doesn’t work with them. You’ll get the same framerates on a FreeSync monitor as with no sync monitor, you just can’t enable the FreeSync feature for use, the monitor will just work as a regular monitor. G-Sync is a nice feature but it usually adds $50-100 to the price tag so be cautious. Tearing can occur regardless of monitor depending on your framerates and the game, but with 144hz you should be relatively fine unless you’re playing at 160+ FPS.
That ASUS is overpriced for a TN monitor, if you don’t mind TN go for the Acer XFA240 which does have FS. But with your 1070Ti you may want to consider 1440p, especially since you were considering a $350 ASUS, you can get the Dell S2417DG which isn’t much more, has G-Sync and is the best value 1440p 144hz on the market currently. A 1070Ti will play most games in 1440p admirably and it will be great for a long time. I know neither is 27” but you’re gonna have to compromise somewhere, and 24” is still a great size.
I mainly play Pub-G. I realize my build won't be capable of playing it at 244 fps. Wondering if worth the money? Amazon has these two monitors.
Don't Use That Link! Use This Link HERE.
Price: $229.99
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This one is better https://www.amazon.com/Acer-XFA240-bmjdpr-Response-Technology/dp/B06ZYHZ6R6/
That Asus is a really old model with worse than average colours for a 144Hz TN monitor. The one I posted is much newer and has FreeSync.
I've been using this monitor for a few months now and it's great I don't have a freesync capable graphics card but it's nice and has good image quality. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B06ZYHZ6R6/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_HPYlAbTJ2F8JK
Looking at this monitor for my first 144hz monitor (https://www.amazon.com/Acer-XFA240-bmjdpr-Response-Technology/dp/B06ZYHZ6R6/ref=cm_cr_arp_d_product_top?ie=UTF8) and a review says that it doesn't support borderless windowed mode for games. Is that even a thing? Sounds unusual since the aspect ratio seems to be a standard 16:9.
Or would I be better off spending the extra few dollars and getting this on instead? (https://www.amazon.com/VG248QE-1920x1080-144Hz-Gaming-Monitor/dp/B00B2HH7G0/ref=cm_cr_arp_d_product_top?ie=UTF8).
Guess I just wanna know if that person is right about the possible lack of borderless windowed and which monitor will truly be the better one.
Which of these 144hz monitors? Brand preference?
Acer https://www.amazon.com/Acer-XFA240-bmjdpr-FREESYNC-Technology/dp/B06ZYHZ6R6
AOC https://www.amazon.com/AOC-G2460PF-24-Inch-Professional-Monitor/dp/B01BV1XBEI
Not that great of a deal for refurb. This is $210 new from Amazon https://www.amazon.com/Acer-XFA240-bmjdpr-FREESYNC-Technology/dp/B06ZYHZ6R6/
not the thinnest bezel ever but this is a good one
Amazon has it for $210 new https://www.amazon.com/Amazons-Choice-Monitor-FREESYNC-Technology/dp/B06ZYHZ6R6 so I wouldn't chance it for $20
Decent monitor, but it is outdated at this point, you are better off with either a XG2401( considered on r/monitors to be one of the best 1080p 144hz, good colors, good input lag) or the cheaper XFA240. https://www.amazon.com/Acer-XFA240-bmjdpr-FREESYNC-Technology/dp/B06ZYHZ6R6/ref=sr_1_1?s=electronics&ie=UTF8&qid=1505516590&sr=1-1&keywords=acer+xf240h
This one seems to be pretty decent: Acer XFA240 https://www.amazon.com/Acer-XFA240-bmjdpr-FREESYNC-Technology/dp/B06ZYHZ6R6/ref=sr_1_2?s=electronics&ie=UTF8&qid=1503543812&sr=1-2&keywords=acer+144hz
Acer XFA240 bmjdpr, its cheap and its been geting decent reviews, probably its not the best in colors, but it should be alright looking in front.
Bet. I was looking into that monitor or the Acer XFA240 (https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B06ZYHZ6R6/ref=ox_sc_act_title_1?smid=ATVPDKIKX0DER&psc=1), but yeah...you are right that adapter is way too expensive.
9600K and 1660Ti is a good combo, but for a CPU that fast you will be often GPU limited. I'd say save for an RTX 2060 or 2070 if possible. Definitely go with a 144Hz monitor, you hit 144fps in those games and pretty close if you play FPS like PUBG, Apex, Battlefield, etc. Something like this 1080p/144Hz/G-sync:
Also the Evo 970 Plus is VERY overpriced for what you get. Check out the the SX8200 Pro, I have it and performance is similar to the 970, but actually better where it matters most in QD1-4 performance:
Edit: This has decent colors but it is TN compared to VA/IPS. There are tons of reviews on this panel on youtube.
If you have an AMD card, I can recommend this monitor, I use it and it works perfectly.
This is probably going to be your best bet. Great performance, good looks, quiet, and I even managed to fit in a copy of Windows 10, but you can get it for free just with no watermark. You can easily get 144fps and even 240fps in most AAA games with this pc. If I were you, I would upgrade the monitor. Something like this monitor would work at a lower price point for 144fps, and something like this monitor at a higher price point, for 240fps. Let me know if you have any questions.
Budget 144hz monitor - https://www.amazon.com/Acer-XFA240-bmjdpr-Compatible-Response/dp/B06ZYHZ6R6?tag=consumerexper-20
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Used monitors even if they seem fine are not a good idea unless you need a crappy monitor as a 2nd monitor. Personally, I would buy a NEW monitor if you want to use it as your main monitor. https://www.amazon.com/Acer-XFA240-bmjdpr-Response-Technology/dp/B06ZYHZ6R6/ref=mp_s_a_1_4?ie=UTF8&qid=1543583466&sr=8-4&pi=AC_SX236_SY340_QL65&keywords=144+hz+gaming+monitor+1ms&dpPl=1&dpID=51geOOpItVL&ref=plSrch : this is a great monitor for the money and is also 144hz with 1ms response time so its great for gaming.