For about the same price you can get an actual LED grow light from amazon. I use some and they works great.
I run them on a timer for 8 hours when I'm not home.
I use another LED floodlight, just a little 10w one, for accent lighting. Its dim enough that it doesnt cause any algae growth or anything, and it looks like the moon shining in a little pond. I run that one for about 12 hours overnight after the grow lights turn off.
ACKE LED Grow Lights Full Spectrum,Plant Lights,Growing Lamps 12W for Indoor Plants,Hydropoincs This is the light I currently run on my fuge and it’s amazing for chaeto growth for me
I used the Intank media basket and for the fuge light I used this:
ACKE LED Grow Lights Full Spectrum,Plant Lights,Growing Lamps 12W for Indoor Plants,Hydropoincs
Grows my chaeto like crazy. I used a small piece of wood behind the tank to prop it up and angled it to give a full light. I also put it on a smart plug and set it to come on and turn off at the times I want. 100% recommend.
This cheapo Amazon grow light that grows chaeto like a champ.
They LOVE light. I bought this light to supplement my succulents and seedlings during the winter time and all my plants are thriving! I keep it about 4-6" above the succulents and they grow nice and full, without much stretching at all. I keep the soil moist when they are plantlets, and once they start making their own baby plants I let the soil dry out completely for a day or two before watering again.
ACKE LED Grow Lights Full...
This works great in my sump and it’s cheap.
I bought this light off amazon and applied with adhesive velcro like this. Works perfect
I did not put an intank in chamber 2. There's a ledge at the bottom of chamber 2 that I cut a sponge to fit over, then stuffed the Chaeto on top of it, then used this light velcroed to the outside. The light covers the chamber almost perfect. I have not scraped the honeycomb off.
While I hate purple/pink lights, my plants LOVE these
ACKE LED Grow Lights Full Spectrum,Plant Lights,Growing Lamps 12W for Indoor Plants,Hydropoincs
ACKE LED Grow Lights Full Spectrum,Plant Lights,Growing Lamps 12W for Indoor Plants,Hydropoincs
Works great!
Actually is this could be better what do you think
I bought this light off amazon and applied with adhesive velcro (like this)[]. Works perfect
ACKE LED Grow Lights Full Spectrum,Plant Lights,Growing Lamps 12W for Indoor Plants,Hydropoincs
Its that one